r/SneerClub archives
Charles Murray Returns, Nodding to Caution but Still Courting Controversy: Parul Sehgal puts the caliper to Murray's latest book (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/12/books/review-human-diversity-charles-murray.html)

Nathan Robinson still has the best Murray sneer of all time

but also don’t miss this 1994 profile by Jason DeParle, which is, as Sehgal says, “one for the ages”

Both of those were fantastic! Nathan Robinson never fails to disappoint. As an aside, this one particular line from DeParle's profile jumped out at me: >Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich may have more power than Murray, and Rush Limbaugh and Pat Buchanan may have more direct influence. I'm pretty sure I get what he's trying to say ("[political] power" and "direct [social] influence"), but if I were to read a contemporary article that didn't make that distinction explicit, I would definitely wonder if the author thought that "power" and "direct influence" were somehow different things.
Much more dry, but don't forget [this sneer](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/147470490400200111).
If all you can do to his work is "sneer" him then that's just proof that he's right and you know it. So good job proving your own views wrong.
Not really how logic or indeed life works my love

God the analysis in Murray’s new book is so bad but you’d have no clue unless you were actually a researcher in the field

How much different could it possibly be from the old ones (except for some shinier molecular genetics findings)?
Based on the review, it sounds like he's added still more caveats - to the point of contradicting himself - that will make it even easier for him to claim even-handedness in the face of obvious criticism.
The first few sections on race does a decent job explaining some older work and then suddenly concludes things much too strong for the description Murray gives. It’s almost funny
[Apparently](https://twitter.com/123456789blaaa/status/1228510552084942848) he's finally stopped citing certain "leading scolar[s] of racial and ethnic difference", and [promised](https://twitter.com/itsbirdemic/status/1228351121606885376) all of his pre-reviewers that he wouldn't mention their names. One step forward, one step back.
To his credit he didn't consult Rusthon.... (Cuz he's dead.)
Using 10 year old genomic data to make meaningless scatter plots and tables of GWAS SNP frequency differences between populations bad
is there even such a thing as GWAS SNP frequency differences between populations? like, isn't the existence of "populations" in this sense exactly the bugaboo that ruins a GWAS? (for the laypeople: IIRC from grad school, genetic association studies usually require the subjects to have homogenous ethnic ancestry, which is why their results often don't translate from one population to another and certainly don't make sense to compare whole populations)
Yeah there’s about 1,000,000 ways for any differences in those SNPs to be at different frequency purely by artifact of the methodology and produce no actual difference between the two populations. That’s why actual researchers use different methods to try and compare groups