I think it is.
And, baring in mind I'm probably something of a Dawkins apologist, it was meant to be an anti-eugenics tweet.
But Dawkins gonna Dawkins.
I honestly just can’t keep up, things are moving so far so fast it’s almost pointless to write about it so I end up just linking to my previous pieces and implicitly just saying “see what I mean?”
Pretty much you’ll be able to just take a photo of anything and caption it literally “no actually it’s pop tart” and people would know what you meant and agree.
To me the more notable thing here is that Cummings is very obviously
trying to hire people in as contractors to avoid the usual scrutiny and
procedures which would weed out exactly this sort of guy, who is very
clearly a mark for terrible arguments he’s read in the Internet.
It’s also very very funny that he’s just gone out and hired a little
clone of himself from a conservative think tank, down to the guy having
an oxbridge humanities degree, rather than one of the weirdos he said he
was after in that absurd advert.
It’s one of those political systems where everything sounds like a grungy 90s comic book superhero.
You have people with names like **Lord Falconer, Shadow Minister of Justice**, and you just immediately imagine a motorcycle riding chain wielding trench coated badass with like a giant falcon riding on his shoulder patrolling the mean streets of London and fighting debased mutant baddies.
And instead it's not even super dark and edgy shit, it's just depressing and grinding dull shit, where everyone's a bit embarrassed except for the people who should be.
We needed organized pushback against ‘rationalism’ and transhumanist
genetic reductionism and all of that garbage years ago. This shit will
cause a lot of trouble and suffering before we contain it,
Is this why Dawkins tweeted about Eugenics?
The rationalist takeover of the UK government going exactly as well as everyone predicted.
Fyi, Godwin said calling nazi shit, nazi shit, doesnt count as Godwins law. Just saying.
(God this is depressing).
when your proposed policy is so bad it retroactively justifies the anti-vaxx movement
BBC headline tomorrow: Paperclip maximization found to be greatest threat to UK according to government report.
Very cool and normal rationality, thanks boris.
To me the more notable thing here is that Cummings is very obviously trying to hire people in as contractors to avoid the usual scrutiny and procedures which would weed out exactly this sort of guy, who is very clearly a mark for terrible arguments he’s read in the Internet.
It’s also very very funny that he’s just gone out and hired a little clone of himself from a conservative think tank, down to the guy having an oxbridge humanities degree, rather than one of the weirdos he said he was after in that absurd advert.
TIL that the UK literally has a formal office named the Shadow Cabinet
We needed organized pushback against ‘rationalism’ and transhumanist genetic reductionism and all of that garbage years ago. This shit will cause a lot of trouble and suffering before we contain it, unfortunately.
Why are you guys targeting Dawkins. Sneer clubs have evolved around nearly every subject and level of intelligence and engagement.