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[nsfw] There are real people who have their brains fucked by IDW shit (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/f7dq9p/nsfw_there_are_real_people_who_have_their_brains/)

Lately i have been talking with a fellow who is a son of a friend of mine. We happen to be in the same place, so I am having some intriguing and disturbing discussions with him.

To my horror, he is a new atheist, full on believer that science can provide a moral theory, Islamophobe, free will rejecter, doubled down utilitarian, AI accelerationist, and Dark Enlightenment fascist.

So if you didn’t think these people exist outside of online, you should know that there actually are real people like this walking around out there.

A few highlights.

I asked him “if science told you that it would make you happier if you shot your best friend, would you do it?”

He answered with a confident yes.

In another discussion we talked about the ecological crisis and whether people should revolt and intervene. Oddly we ended up at a discussion about whether the human race should be saved at all.

“don’t you think it would be a good thing for the human race to continue to live?”

“No, I think AI is the future.”

“But AI isn’t conscious. It’s just an optimization algorithm.”

“What’s the value of consciousness?”


“Anyway AI is conscious, and probably in ways that you can’t imagine.”

“Okay then…” I had to say.

He also believes that dogs and other animals are simply not conscious, that they are biological automatons. He also rejects free will, but also believes in right and wrong, but with a biological pleasure-principle basis, but also rejects ethics altogether as a relative social construction. He also is a jordan peterson fan.

I really feel for the guy and would like to help him but he is very sure of his views. What I do not understand is how his young wife hears the things that he says and is not appalled by them.

Sorry if this is off board topic a bit. I just posted this because…. I have never met anyone like this in real life and it is quite shocking to see the amount of harm that bad philosophy can actually cause to a human life.


27 ish
Whoa, I felt so dumb when I stopped believing that shit at an earlier age.
And rather than kill his wife i now have an ethical dilemma about whether I should try to convince her to divorce him bwfore she ends up in a neglected or abusive situation

Is he in the UK? If so, the Prime Minister’s office would probably have a job for him as an advisor.

Your young friend has fallen into the trap of scientism. There are a number of decent correctives out there – I enjoyed The Folly of Scientism by biology professor Austin Hughes from the University of South Carolina.

> larping as the ubermensch Funny enough Nietzsche was a critic of the scientism of his time. These morons would know that if they spent more time actually reading philosophy instead of LessWrong or SSC or whatever
But philosophy makes me *question* my intuitions and leaves me full of doubt with no clear-cut solutions to anything! And I hate that!
I think there are some people where it's the former rather than the latter; you can tell the two apart because the former will usually admit that they dislike or are uncomfortable with the possible moral implications of some of the things they believe. (Though the person OP is talking about is definitely one of the latter.)
Might just force him to watch cuck philosophy's vid on sam harris

I encountered a person like this at a previous stage in my life.

He was in his mid-20s. He casually held bizarre, far-right views that made no practical sense to his life (I now recognize these views as coming directly from 4chan), but he didn’t seem to have any conviction about them, nor any knowledge about the issues related to those views. To me, this lends a lot of credence to the Innuendo Studios theories about young people “trying on” edgy politics to see what sticks, couching them in irony and jokes.

This was pre-IDW, during the explosion of new atheist literature, but before the schism where everyone noticed how mysoginistic and racist much of the new atheist movement turned out to be. So god knows where this person ended up.

I never engaged or challenged him on that stuff and just kind of pretended it wasn’t happening. Partly I gave him a pass because he was otherwise so much like me, and partly I was weak and mired in my own struggles. I sincerely regret that.

He also opened up to me about genuinely believing himself to be a psychopath. I’m no psychologist, but based on his behaviour, I’d say that’s extremely unlikely. I think that’s just how he characterized his inner struggle between being a young, privileged guy with an angry, social-darwinian, just-world worldview, witnessing a reality around him that very clearly disproved his beliefs. I believe this to be an inner struggle common to young, privileged men, and the cause of a lot of the hatred we see them spewing onto the internet.

Everyone read this post
If this resonated with you, then I'm glad to have added to the discussion. And if someone reads this and recognizes someone they know, I hope that they try to reach that person any way they can.

Perhaps I’m not adequately Enlightened(tm), but am I wrong in perceiving a pile of contradictions here? “It’s ideology and relativism (and therefore should be rejected) when other people do value-judgements; when I do them it’s the essence of Reason and it’s logically inevitable”.

I really feel for the guy and would like to help him but he is very sure of his views. What I do not understand is how his young wife hears the things that he says and is not appalled by them.

She might think the same as him, or she might not take the stuff he says as seriously. Does he talk about his beliefs a lot or only when prompted / when talking to someone who seems to show interest?

I suspect that people like this are not necessarily common but more numerous than you think. They just don’t announce it as much.


The one you linked is much less well-written. He calls the person a "maoist" and his girlfriend calls him a "fascist". These are completely opposite political ideologies, which makes me that they don't really have a good handle on properly analysing political positions.
ackshually socialism is fascism sweaty
Look, if you decouple correctly, the only difference in capitalism, socialism and fascism, is in who they care for. So, they are in fact on the meta level totally the same. But the fascists are nicer to me than the maoists (being nice to me is the only thing that matters, as rationally, only I can think and am a real person), so clearly the fascies are better. QED. /s (Yes, for a true rationalist parody, this post should be 10x as long).
remove that /s you coward
Coward? I think you mean 'person unable to decouple fear from their actions' there.
MDA, the only way to clean your room.