r/SneerClub archives
People here make fun of SSC, but what they don't realize is that Scott is cited in sources as highbrow and well-regarded as the incels wiki (https://incels.wiki/w/Women_don%27t_owe_you_anything)

Moreover, this is essentially hypocritical because most feminists will insist that society provide for any want or need that women have. Some examples include free housing, food, undeserved hiring and promotion, protection when walking around at 2 A.M., and so on.


protection when walking around at 2 A.M.

There’s that weirdly casual way of stating precisely the sort of thing which demonstrates the massive disconnect in the given analogy. Any want or need that women have, such as, you know, being able to navigate openly in the world at any given hour without the real fear of rape. It’s that sort of ‘other side of coin’ of Poe’s law: a sincere expression of an extreme view that’s indistinguishable from parody.

shoutout to 2 am, the hour recognized around the world as a time when it's okay to do rape to people also i initially thought housing and food were human rights that should be given to everybody but i'll bow to the incel wiki's superior academic credibility and accept that the only universal human right is coochie
Daylight savings time was the original Take Back The Night.

I’m so irrational I think society actually does owe everyone a decent job, and yet I still don’t think every woman owes every man sex. I must be a craAaAaAaAzy SJW


When accelerationism isn’t an obscure enough political term to use, make up new and even weirder ones to justify your bad behaviours.

90% of incel time is spent making up insipid neologisms and portmanteus
And they wonder why nobody wants to date them.
They know the answer to that: the foids hate them for their inferior skulls.
Which is funny in a way, I have a vastly inferior skull, and I still have had sex (once, long time ago before the internet, but after the dinosaurs), which I always find weird in a way, I look at the lists of 'you need to have all these qualities to have had sex', and I think I have none of those qualities, and neither do a lot of other sex havers I know. Such a strange echo chamber.

Pretty sure those dang feminists would be more than happy if incels would cultivate the sort of personality that might actually get them laid.

I have no idea if it would help them get laid, but having a personality would certainly make them less boring. They're all the same asshole

social justice [warrior] movement

Flair pls

Wait where does it mention SSC?

Under the heading "SlateStarCodex response to this phrase" in the article I linked
Ohh my bad I didn’t see that it was a link. I thought it just was a screen shot at first.
's cool

jesus fuck. why did you have to make me read the first sentence of this

TL;DR: Smear Club can’t make even a decent point.