r/SneerClub archives
"Why Are Lockdowns So Popular? Don't the Old People & Poors Know That If They Don't Work My Portfolio Might Be At Risk?" (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/fo3q5e/coronavirus_quarantine_thread_week_three/flf47eg/)

Every popular subreddit is a hivemind of carefully curated ideological psychosis, and the most hivemind-approved obsessive bonkers craziness rises to the top. I don’t think you can judge the larger society’s attitude towards lockdowns based on that.

Top selfawarewolves material.

By qualiaofmercy of course

>One thing about this infection is that it's brought out the smart idiots in force.
This is why rationalists amaze me. These people have spent so long meditating on non existent problems such as the great replacement, that when it comes to actual existential crises, such as climate change, the financial crisis and this you get the absolute stupidest takes. I genuinely believe some of them are smart people but the whole place just feels like such a huge landfill of brainpower.
Only problems that can be "solved" by sitting around and jerking about Skynet are real problems.
As you say. Maximum selfawarewolves is being attained right now. History may remember this as the great golden age of irony.

Well, guess it’s time to #Die4WallStreet.

It would be terrible if US GDP per capita temporarily fell from being 3x greater than Czech Republic, to only being 1.5x. Just imagine what that could do to life expectancy, which is slightly higher in the above-mentioned Czech Republic than in the US. Millions would die! This was foretold by the rationalist's favourite movie, Idiocracy. That bit where they stop watering the crops with Brawndo, and that causes horrible economic consequences. edit: in all seriousness though, there are diminishing returns when it comes to wealth and life expectancy. This shifts the optimal trade-off in the US heavily towards a longer, more severe lockdown, comparing to poorer countries.
Yeah, a lot of posters there seem to have serious problems factoring humanity into their calculations.
But no, they're the only truly compassionate ones - they are thinking of the poor who are losing their jobs! Never fucking mind that the mean hospital bill (a fat tailed distribution, you see) for this shit is somewhere around poor people's yearly wages. Even from the purely money perspective this disease is very directly ruinous. It is going to wipe out people's inheritances, for example, put people on the streets simply due to the hospital bills.


> Sure. > > > > WW II. > > > > I realize the shortness of my post sounds like a flippant instance of Godwin's law, but I truly don't mean it to be that way. > > > > In this case severe widespread economic suffering in a country of 70 million led to 75 million dead. *Because of reactionary ideology* dear God how can you be this unself-aware?
Come on we all know the real reason for ww2 was the commies, all the deaths should be on them.
WW2 was socialist infighting.
Nat soc vs stalins soc vs new deal soc, checks out. (Ignoring asia, as all good armchair ww2 experts do)
Unrest and uncertainty in general tends to make people more likely to favor authoritarian rule. I don't think you can draw a stray line from depression to Hitler as a person, but it has happened. Afghanistan with the Taliban and later Iraq and Daesh. The Russians and Putin. Germany and Hitler. Even Trump rode a wave of flyover despair to power in the USA (he's not technically an autocrat, but he has the same autocratic tendencies). I don't think that's a good reason to lift the SIP orders in the US until we reach a much lower R^0 but I also don't think the concerns are invalid. If people can't buy food or pay for shelter, they'll look for a strong man to make it all better.

3,000 years ago this user would’ve made blood sacrifices to the gods of prosperity and wealth.

If we had just thrown Epstein in the volcano none of this would have happened.

What the fuck is wrong with this miserable piece of shit, absolute trash bag of a human being? Normally I’d have a joke or something, but I am fucking done. People like this are poisonous to the concept of community – the one fucking thing we need to get through this crisis – and I fucking hate them.

These people would let half the world die to Make Line Go Up.

Fuck these people. Fuck capitalism. Sorry to go full commie mode, but we should get rid of the stock market and end the profit motive. Not one human life should be sacrificed for the sake of money or the stock market.


It’s not really got anything to do with just the stock market or make line go up. The title is kinda misleading. The main thing is “what dumb trade-off can I invent for the economy as a whole, and then get hysterical about it”. Terrible fucking subreddit.
It's one of the central dumb intellectual obsessions of the last couple of centuries: the idea that everything interesting or important is always a question of optimizing a trade-off.
They don’t care on that level, it’s about social contrarianism. They actively benefit from their ideas not being implemented or mainstreamed, because then they would have to go back on themselves.
Gotta agree. The amount of contrarianism in that sub is ridiculous, to the point where you can pretty much guarantee whatever idea is even marginally popular in the mainstream, and especially with "liberals," will be shot down.
> Sorry to go full commie mode, Comrade, *never* Edit: >It's sad how quickly we reached the "what we need is 50 Stalins" phase of enforced political orthodoxy.

Let’s say we a similar crash in the united states has only a 10% chance of a racist populist militarist demagogue taking over….

*Looks at current occupant of White House

“Nah, it’s a pretty small chance.”

Anyone who uses “updating my priors”, aside from PhD students in statistics specializing in Bayesian methods, are insufferable twats.

> Just say “changed my beliefs” or something, like a normal person. Yes, exactly. It's a meaningless signal that you have read lesswrong.
What if you're the rationalist version of the nameless one in a very bad planescape: torment mod?


I'm sure the economy will hum along just great when 1 in 10 people are hospitalised and 1 in a hundred people drop dead. This seems like a recipe for prosperity
https://t.co/Q2688mfosg?amp=1 Ironically.
Pretty incredible, isn't it?

This also goes to show just how far themotte rationalism has drifted from lesswrong transhumanism rationalism, which always had as a secondary goal that everybody gets to live forever (perhaps inside the godai).


There's some fault in human brains. Look at how many cultures did ritual sacrifices of some kind. A deep seated belief that someone's suffering must be someone else's good, that a loss must have a gain. The rationalization club is, of course, busy rationalizing any such innate stupidity as rational.

Idiocy, hmmm, suitable username.