r/SneerClub archives

As everyone knows, medical supplies follow the laws of reverse supply and demand

Having read that blog, I can almost assure you that Nobdy is being sarcastic.

yeah the oof is the shade at the end
It's a blog I read all the time; the comment is definitely sarcastic. And Lemieux's reply is just the cherry on top.
You don't even need to do that much. Linking the bolded sentence with the comment should be enough.
Aww that’s a shame
I read this as 'nobody' as in none of the replies are being sarcastic, then I realized the person's name is Nobody lol

Of course, the government could gift the surplus to third world states - or, hell, give them to allies bundled up with F-35s and maybe try to soften the whole enemy of humanity reputation somewhat. But I guess the US didn’t get where it is by planning ahead more than a fiscal quarter, or indeed being more than vaguely aware other people exist on Earth.

“If X then people will Y” is my favourite shibboleth in economics discourse

Like it’s so prevalent in some circles, including amongst people who really should know better, that you can spot it a mile away and be the only person in the room who did

It’s gorgeous to have such a straightforward way of knowing you’re speaking to someone who spent exactly a second of thought on what they just said

In .NL we are worried the US will just confiscate an order of ventilators which are being made for our country, under some sort of ‘it is wartime now’ law.

So this is all another bit of irony on top of everything. Can’t have the Dutch go outside now.

Good God you were Dutch this whole time and didn’t tell me? Come on dude that isn’t cool. You should at least give a warning now and again.

Ventilators are the new black apparently.


What blog is this from?

https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2020/03/republican-governance-is-a-catastrophe I don't even know what the blog is normally about but someone drew that last comment to my attention
Given the title, I have to assume it's about claiming you bang waitresses all the time and then begging whoever's listening to bail you out of the bad consequences of your actions.
LGM is a left-liberal blog. I suspect that this comment is from a right-wing troll.
I think it's just sarcasm
Man I haven’t read that blog in ages
The one where Scott Lemiuex is making fun of Tyler Cowen?

What’s the deal with GMU? Just curious