r/SneerClub archives

It’s official: MarxBro has turned Scott A. communist. He won the debate.

marxbro #19: I’m prepared right now to make one of the largest concessions that I’ve ever made to Marxism about anything. I think that right now, a command-and-control system like China’s would be preferable to what we have in the US.

Actual Karl Marx: I'm sorry, you're inferring *what* from Der Grundrisse?
Scott Aaronson has probably read more about Marxist history than I have, but as a leftist Marxist communist, it is clear as day to me how strange and problematic his ideas about Marxism are.
"command and control" is that a freudian slip?
He actually is a piece of mallware?
Yeah, and [they almost nailed it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174).
[Their recommendations have aged very well.](http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/recommendations.html)
Wow, they really have.

Scott is off the wagon again

Incidentally, if anyone ever wondered why I despise SneerClub and woke Twitter, in ways that might seem wildly out of proportion to their actual importance in the world … well, you now have your answer. The people who get called clueless techbros, asshats, and a thousand other names on those forums were overwhelmingly represented among the people who turned out to be the clearest and rightest about the coronavirus from the beginning. And this is so directly consequential that, even if the rationalist techbro asshats were wrong about everything else in their entire lives (which I don’t think they were), being right this one time would more than cancel it out. Furthermore, the very qualities that the techbros get attacked for—e.g., arrogant reliance on their own reason and math abilities, refusal to defer to the authorities in other fields—were precisely the qualities that caused them to be unpopularly right this time. I might someday forgive the sneerers for targeting me personally, but I can never forgive them for so directly targeting our civilization’s error-correcting machinery, at what might end up being a huge cost in lives.

> I might someday forgive the sneerers for targeting me personally, but I can never forgive them for so directly targeting our civilization’s error-correcting machinery, at what might end up being a huge cost in lives. We did it sneerclub! We destroyed Western Civilization from the inside. The plan worked. Mission accomplished. 🥳🥳🥳
Luxury gay furry space communism for everybody! Drinks are on the billionaires! Wheeee!!!!
A subforum of 3000 people (tiny!) only creates this much hate because it rubs these bros precisely in the wrong way.
The real Frankfurt School was the sneers we made along the way.
> the people who turned out to be the clearest and rightest about the coronavirus from the beginning. See also, 'we could immunize people from the corona virus by eating ass' thread, the 'we should just let people die' threads, the 'it is the italian genetics!' thread(*), and the general rationalist 'we have no idea what is going on here is just a list of things I found, I have no idea what is true or not' thread (which makes it very easy to be 'the rightest', just list all the options). > directly targeting our civilization’s error-correcting machinery What if, sneerclub is actually our civilization’s error-correcting machinery. Anyway, as I said before, Scott, stop reading things that upset you online. Block them, have somebody else block them if you cant help yourself, and get some therapy for all this, this rage isn't healthy. It is even stranger, because if he had asked me, as a sneerclubber(**), on feb 4, I would have told people to also be careful, and make sure you have at least a 14 day supply of food in the house, and ideally vital meds for a few months, if you have medical issues. No need for heavy prepping (which is a totally different type of target to sneer at). Fucking hell, when visiting the hospital around the 4th of feb, I was rigorously washing my hands already (and there were hand washing stations installed). I'm always against panic however, that never helps. > Of course, I would never have sent such an email, and not only because of the bold and all-caps. My whole personality stands against every sentence. I wouldn't send such an email, I would put it as a hypothetical in a blog however. Such passive aggressive cowardice. *: yes, these threads are more aimed at themotte type rationalist than others, but still, what you consider part of these groups or not is all a big 'no true scottsman/motte/bailey' weirdness anyway. **: of course opinions vary, and I certainly am not speaking for all clubbers, our reaction to the coronavirus isn't something central to the sc experience.
"SneerClub" in this post should be read as "Aaronsen's internal emotional biases." Aaronsen, for whatever reason, has internalized a *lot* of self-hatred over the years and now self-identitifies with slatestarcodex and the like. Therefore, SneerClub means "anyone who makes fun of anyone I like" but what it *really* means is the voice in Aaronsen's head that is pre-emptively making fun of himself because he has internalized so much disdain for himself. There is some weird thing going on where he emotionally accepts the "SneerClub" position as true, regardless of his stated position, and the "SneerClub" position is always whichever one that is most critical of Aaronsen and his friends. Honestly, I feel bad for him. But that doesn't make me think his blog is any better of an idea.
I genuinely pity the Scotts. How utterly sad do you have to be to form parasocial relations with actual Nazis who want to put you into an oven because they're superficially polite to you online?
>I genuinely pity the Scotts. I have a soft spot for Aaronson. He's a mess, but he seems like a decent enough fellow, just with a weird victim complex. Alexander, by contrast, I have very little sympathy for him. The latter is waaaay too comfortable with fash.
Our main engagement with the issue has been wrecking Dominic Cummings for his murderous "herd immunity" plan, no? I literally can't remember a single post where people were skeptical about the existence of exponential growth curves or whatever.
I (somewhat mistakenly) defended the herd immunity thing on the grounds that “herd immunity” was a mischaracterisation of the basis of the policy but that’s literally all I can think of, and I got called out for it *hard*
Isnt it technically a quadratic and not exponential growth curve? (Not that this pedantry matters for the whole concern behind the exp growth curve btw, both are very bad).
I think the simplest model results in a [logistic growth curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_function), which is approximately exponential until the infection starts to saturate the population. The empirical growth curves [tend to form pretty nice lines on a y-axis log plot](https://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/), which is characteristic of exponential growth.
Nice! My understanding is that unchecked viral spread is usually exponential until the proportion of susceptible people in the population drops a lot. There is an argument that the coronavirus outbreak dropped to polynomial instead of exponential growth due to control measures in late January. https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.03638
> The claim that /r/SneerClub has been pushing a coronavirus quietism agenda is probably the one I most struggle to work out I think the correct description of this claim is "odious lying bullshit that Aaronson doubled down on when called on"
Very good call
Yeah, I think yemwez is right on this one: > He’s also referring to general sneerers and sneerclub as defined in the sidebar of this subreddit. Or in other words anyone who has ever made fun of him, real or imagined.
We've never been quietist at all, and *neither have the actual fucking epidemiologists*. We have been consistently mocking people (like, say, cummings) who say we shouldn't do anything, that we should let everyone be infected, that we should deliberately infect people, etc. every epidemiologist i follow has been taking this extremely serious, using domain specific knowledge to outline just how uncertain things are, which is infinitely better than random fucking nitwits making medium posts.
> What if, sneerclub is actually our civilization’s error-correcting machinery. Or, we're the error-correctors of the error-correctors (rationalists)! Seriously, our non-motte sneers have been directed at [1] [Cummings/Hanson herd immunity](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/fi9ulx/robin_hanson_endorses_the_herd_immunity_mass/) approaches to the pandemic (now abandoned), [2] [Epstein-type approaches](https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/the-contrarian-coronavirus-theory-that-informed-the-trump-administration) to opening up the economy asap (abandoned for the moment), and [3] Popular [tech-bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/fn0trw/you_dont_need_a_special_degree_to_understand_what/) or [pundit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/fjdujz/politics_is_the_mind_killer_the_cognitive_bias/) analyses that tell us we're over-reacting. If we actually had the kind of influence Scott seems to think we have (we don't), he should forgive us for bullying/existing because he wants us to do the same: "even if the rationalist techbro asshats were wrong about everything else in their entire lives (which I don’t think they were), being right this one time would more than cancel it out."
Incredibly scientific analysis from apparently actual racialist Doctor Scott here
lol what example is there of a "techbro" being right. All I've seen is them looking like even bigger idiots than usual
>The people who get called clueless techbros, asshats, and a thousand other names on those forums were overwhelmingly represented among the people who turned out to be the clearest and rightest about the coronavirus from the beginning. I'm a little confused. The techbros being correct about the cornoavirus can't be the the *reason* Aaronson doesn't like SneerClub because he didn't like SneerClub *before* the coronavirus was a thing (unless he thinks causes propagate backward in time?)


I am aware I’m going too easy on the CDC here before some people get the pitchforks out, but some things are structural and systematic to broader issues than just management
I still remember the CDC as the lone voice in the federal government fighting AIDS. But I guess that was a long time ago.
Before my time, but still in the cultural memory of some of us who had older lovers and friends who were around back then
> God the Fuck in Heaven what is going on with Scott Aaronson. Same pattern as on TV: Trump was downplaying the virus then later claimed he knew it was pandemic before anyone else did. But more neurotic. Aaronson downplayed it in that email he's posting. That person who was asking him was more correct before getting his reply than after. He knows that perfectly well. But now, he knew all along it was serious but was bullied by us or something into conventionality. Also actual experts running simulations for this and warning about this scenario for decades, that didn't happen. Because he and some AI bullshit grifters are the error correcting machinery of the society, not experts. Speaking of which, his blogging buddy Robin Hanson altogether proposed to accelerate the spread. That's error correcting, eh? edit: and it is not about deceiving us, we never would have known he even downplayed it in the first place, it's about deceiving himself.
I like the world-weary flatness of affect in this one, you should write for the theatre
My outrage is burned out by the pandemic... now if someone pretends they knew about it all along, I'm like, well, if they can only change their views by pretending those were their views all along, that's better than the alternative. At least he's not proposing to deliberately infect people. Can't believe the bar has been set so low. edit: clearer.
> It’s such a pot-pourri of genuinely unhinged mouth-breathing nonsense I can’t separate any of it out in order to see what point he’s making. Yeah, couldn't myself, either. Toward the end of it, it says it's a apology to the person they responded to back on Feb. 2nd but it more looks like mental gymnastics over guilt and blame-assignment, simultaneously expressing "sorry not sorry," genuine remorse, and blame.
I was so furious that for the first and hopefully only time I went into the replies to (as politely as possible) tell him he should really be ashamed. It’s not just the guilt and blame-assignment. It’s manufacturing completely ridiculous claims about how public health works (and for very personal reasons I give a big shit about that) on the basis of that completely selfish and deeply undermining impulse.
The absolute smarm of the replies you got there is breathtaking.
Also the complains over Christakis is odd given that he is actually an epidemiologist?
> How is Vox magazine or The Washington Post either an ally of /r/SneerClub This is the least objectionable part for me. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I love The Washington Post and Vox!
Cool. Now do all the ways homosexuality is dissimilar from toxoplasmosis.
Anyway your stubborn insistence that less-than-half-thought-through extemporisation from non-biologists is more valuable than the rightly vicious response to Cochran biologists earns you a ban. Don’t pretend it’s for wrongthink, please. You’re just over-egging this bit and it’s annoying.
There must also be a pathogen for jacking off to cartoons because I've definitely got that one
> according to mainstream biology, sexual orientation likely results from complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences There, wikipedia'd it for you. > Calling it brain "damage" is debatable, I guess - from an evolutionary perspective, it absolutely is. Stop using an evolutionary perspective because just don't.
On the other hand, I’m pretty sure believing that homosexuality could be a germ *is* a form of brain damage.
> from an evolutionary perspective, it absolutely is. Well, that really solves it: you *also* don't know basic biology and evolution.
> Calling it brain "damage" is debatable, I guess - from an evolutionary perspective, it absolutely is. Wait, even rationalists whose biology education ended in middle school are supposed to know the super-uncle hypothesis. Any ideas as to what's going on here?
Perhaps the quality of the education system varies more than you'd think. If it's systematic, then an analysis by state might turn something up.
To be clear, this was mostly in jest, but the real issue is that anybody whose first objection is "but toxoplasmosis" has clearly read enough pop ev-psych to be aware of other theories. If somebody is willing to listen to the narrative that, because certain parasites can influence hormone production in rats, gay people all have a brainworm with no adverse health effects which is also completely undetectable, I find it exceedingly hard to believe that they've never taken ten seconds to listen to an ev-psych explanation of altruism, not even from Richard Dawkins.
>I find it exceedingly hard to believe that they've never taken ten seconds to listen to an ev-psych explanation of altruism Fair. I brought it up because I didn't remember learning about stuff like "kin selection" in school, just browsing the internet. (And because I'm an optimist, I wondered if there are states that are worse at teaching, and thus fixing that could lead to an improvement in online discussions somewhere down the line, with the caveat that I wouldn't necessarily expect that to work if ignorance tends to cluster by state.)
> Calling it brain "damage" is debatable, I guess - from an evolutionary perspective, it absolutely is. That's a ban.
I actually missed that bit of the comment, would have instantly banned otherwise. Probably just spent too much time blanking that kind of thing out at this point on reddit. God help us.
Years of modding have left me hypersensitised to behaviour of bigots, assholes, and trolls; yet simultaneously desensitised to almost everything these people actually *say*. Sometimes I forget that in the world at large it's not normal to be told to kill yourself every week, though it happens to far more people than it should.
Very good way of putting it, I’ve had the same experience
This whole thing was a weird reason for someone whose past year of reddit doesn't include sneerclub to jump in.
Everybody’s anxious and wants to jump in on the hot topic I suppose
**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 5 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| ^[Information](https://redd.it/exwvd4)
Maybe the real basilisk all along was the bot telling us not to say fuck.
This is the worst fucking bot I've ever seen, what the fuck.
And I am fucking cool you presumptuous mechanical fuck
Go away Fascist.
who the fuck unleashed this fucking thing. I will stop swearing when someone can convince me having provided a definition for swear words that isn't fucking circular
bad bot

The irony here is that the person with the most rationalist ties that had actual power, Dominic Cummings, was the idiot who kept pushing the insane “herd immunity” plan of getting as many people infected as possible.

You see, Graham is an expert at fitting exponential curves to everything. That is basically the same as being an expert in epidemiology, and thus we should respect him for his valued intellectual contributions to society.

Sure, many people can fit exponential curves, but these people I listed are my favorites which is why I use my platform to specifically praise and legitimize them over others.

This is why we should listen to tech bros over epidemiologists, because noone ever told them you can fit exponential curves. They are making a valuable contribution here!

Oh my. So this is how Aaronson is deciding to handle quarantine stress. I guess it could be worse.

Didn’t this dude say he’d stop coming to SneerClub

They don't read it, they just have opinions on what is said where without reading it or talking to any clubbers(*). (Not that it matters if they tried I'm afraid, because this whole reaction is so fucking over the top that he is already severely mindkilled (TM Yud ;) ) about sneerclub). *: If he did, he would have at least seen I tell him every fucking time to stop reading this place and to just block it and forget about it. Also, stop mentioning sneerclub, that just gets weird reactions. It is like a prepper talking about the current pandemic suddenly going on about the new world order and population control.
He’s also referring to general sneerers and sneerclubs as defined in the sidebar of this subreddit. Or in other words anyone who has ever made fun of him, real or imagined.

The Gregory Cochran endorsement is so beyond the absolute fucking pale I’m genuinely surprised he went that far

And then doubled down on it! >One last thing: I think it’s incredible that biology hasn’t yet explained the origin of homosexuality. For such a staggering open problem, it seems good to me to put all speculations on the table, including even far-out ones like the pathogen hypothesis. Why does he care so much that he needs to elevate harmful speculation? Scott, just stick to the two principles you proposed, and let actual experts discuss the work.
Jesus Christ seriously? Who could take that fucking idiot seriously
I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise
He would hardly be unique there

SneerClub exists solely to attack people—it’s right there in the name! It has no constructive purpose beyond that: not even refuting bad rationalist ideas, which is regularly done on the rationalist forums themselves. Yes, you “blow off steam” together, in much the same way that high-school bullies might blow off steam by knocking a nerdy kid to the ground and grabbing his stuff, ideally in front of as many laughing onlookers as possible.

Which is why we’re… in a separate subreddit, that you wouldn’t know about if it weren’t for other nerds complaining about it?


This is what they actually believe.

Also check the other discussions tab for the glorious opinions of ssc on how this place is the most evil, and the reason billions will die from coronacommunism.

Here is the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/duplicates/fs5vpg/basically_the_more_sneerclub_would_sneer_at_a/

And this is so directly consequential that, even if the rationalist techbro asshats were wrong about everything else in their entire lives (which I don’t think they were), being right this one time would more than cancel it out. Furthermore, the very qualities that the techbros get attacked for—e.g., arrogant reliance on their own reason and math abilities, refusal to defer to the authorities in other fields—were precisely the qualities that caused them to be unpopularly right this time. I might someday forgive the sneerers for targeting me personally, but I can never forgive them for so directly targeting our civilization’s error-correcting machinery, at what might end up being a huge cost in lives.

Since when did anyone in SneerClub convince you to be dismissive of your friend’s fears? That was 100% you, Scott Aaronson.

Oh hi there! Quaranlife's gotten you bored enough to start posting again?
I have been busying myself making hand sanitizer for the elderly and homeless, so I haven't gotten to the breadmaking stage yet. I got a nasty hangover from the fumes Saturday and am regretting my bright idea, but a couple orgs need it and I can't really stop now.
>I have been busying myself making hand sanitizer for the elderly and homeless Good! My own career volunteering FINALLY starts tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
Good luck! I hope you're already immune to covid.
So far as anyone can tell. I’ve spent two weeks in quarantine since my dad and my brother got the fucker. But me, I guess I’m invincible as usual, which is boring but an effective way to be. Like I had a cough on a couple of independent days. That turned out to be just smoking too many cigarettes. Starting to wonder what kind of disease that’ll eventually cut me down, and it’ll probably be something weird like pancreatic cancer.
There's some preliminary study that shows nicotine downregulates the receptors that covid uses to sneak into your lung cells, so I'm hoping my vaping keeps me alive. > Starting to wonder what kind of disease that’ll eventually cut me down, and it’ll probably be something weird like pancreatic cancer. Dream of a more fantastical, badass death for yourself, dude.

BTW, Balaji S. Srinivasan cites the CDC and WHO in his pinned tweet.

and he's a bitcoin scammer, so

There is so much to comment on here that I missed it at first, but apparently Scott’s reaction to a pandemic during which people are hoarding essentials causing shortages is wishing he could have recommended his friend to


The appropriate response to “people will start hoarding in a couple weeks” to not “me and my loved ones should start hoarding right now”. Jeez, it’s no zombie apocalypse. Supply chain failure is not the problem, people hoarding is.

Actual gov suggestion (years ago, this is a default gov stance in .nl) 'make sure you have a supply of food/medical supplies/etc in an emergency package for yourself'. I don't get where this weird anti gov stance comes from, it is even a default [piece of advice in the USA](https://www.ready.gov/plan). This is such a weird windmill to try and slay. Such a weird libertarian (im assuming Scott is a tech libertarian) take, to blame the gov for not doing an authoritarian (force everybody to have food supplies or get fined) of socialist (give everybody a foodstockpile) thing.

I can’t get this out of my head, disregarding the whole sneerclub angle Scott is mad because he/we/whatever are putting to much trust in official organizations and listen to them. Which seems to be displaced because now there are high death rates etc.

Which has one huge epistemological problem. How do we know there are high death rates etc? Because the same untrustworthy institutions are reporting them.

There is such a basic epistemological failure here. (His update that he is worried about institutions not experts doesn’t help one bit, as they feed into each other. It is all related to each other.)

E: Otoh:

Sit-coms aside…

Good sneer. I eyerolled so hard I need new glasses after reading that Sheldon reference. (Why the fuck if you worry about nerd bullying would you ever refer to the big bang theory, the whole show is basically ‘lets laugh at nerds in such a way that the nerds are not getting that you are laughing at not with them’).

e2: And the reason I sneer is not to pick on nerds or something, it is because the rationalists community has gone ‘but what if the neo-nazis are right?’. They are nicer to the various strains of fascists (including Scott, ongoing private correspondence with Moldbug for fucks sake. He gets more steelmanning than the whole of sneerclub) than queer people and women, and that is just an object level issue to me. Also Scott, if you are reading this, stop attacking sneerclub, or sending people after sneerclub (stop pretending you are innocent here), and do something productive with your life. Crusader kings 2 is free to play for example (‘but that isn’t creative or productive’ yes, and not everybody wants to be creative and productive, and that you can’t see this is part of the problem, in fact this is a very common tech nerd problem (mea culpa) see Stallman’s opinions on giving birth for example).

eNaN: This has got to be the worst example of a rationalist not being self aware in a long time. ‘Sneerclub singles things out’ here are two singled out examples, including one not even about the post from Scott (but made to look like it was), but actually about Hansons weird post (and one line from a several paragraphs long post), and all just about tone, and nothing about actual content.

Even in your attempt to find common ground (which I appreciate), you still called me an “arrogant, dismissive bully” and other names. And people criticize me for a lack of self-awareness! 😀

(By the way, I think that criticism is surely justified. One of the reasons why I hesitate to attack people, is that I always wonder whether others would notice the same flaws in me. Have SneerClubbers ever been stopped by such reflections?

is it ironic that this comes across as a very irrational rant?

Wait, Scott Aaronson is like this? Why?

SneerClub has driven him to madness by not taking him seriously
If you look back at his post history, you’ll discover that the man had / has an off-the-charts anxiety complex: Being “like this” is but one manifestation of that. People here have begged him to just stop reading sneerclub, but it’s become the bogeyman he can’t look away from; the real-world manifestation of all the things that he obsessed over as a younger man. One should sympathise with him & whilst still pointing out the /massive/ blind spots in his worldview & apparent inability to notice his own privilege. (No, having a godawful experience as a teen / younger adult doesn’t negate the fact that you have enormous privilege in the here and now Scott, if you’re reading this, which you shouldn’t be. Please stop.)
The post title text is part of something he wishes he'd written, but he believes he was too cowed by wishfully thinking authority figures to do so.

I’ve always taken my cues from “mainstream, reasonable, balanced” authorities, in any subject where I’m not personally expert. That heuristic has generally been an excellent way to maximize expected rightness.

well, he’s certainly right-wing.

Let me try and be fair to Scott. Bill Gates has been harping “we are going to have a public health crisis” for a long time, so I’ll give him that one. But Eric Weinstein? Robin Hanson? The rest of them? They might have made a comment or two, but they’ve also made a lot of nonsensical comments. He also includes Christakis on the list; is he a sneer club target?

I don't think Bill Gates is specifically a sneer club target (apart from being a billionaire and most people here being variants of leftwingers who are not totally on board with billionaires existing). Bill doesn't seem a less wrong/EA rationalist, so just as with Peterson it isn't something for sneerclub, Bill isn't a real target here. No idea who Christakis is, so that should say enough I think. But as always, I'm speaking for me, and any green user name overrules everything.

That George H. guy writes well. Hang in there buddy <3

I’m pretty weird, and I actually like the Scotts (just not their fan clubs), and despite all of that, I think the Scotts are actually starting to radicalize me against weird people.

Just imagine thinking that computer science, hard science, math, etc are “weird”/outsider activities in 2020.
It's cause they don't like parties without board games. That's why they still feel like outsiders. Oh, also clubbing. Hating clubbing makes you a different species.
That explains why they call dgerard a jock. He is iirc a goth, which of course is super nerdy, but goths do go clubbing, so jock. Otoh, Vinn Diesel likes D & D so nerd. Also, why do so much Americans need therapy due to high school? 40 year old men still talking about jocks/nerds wtf.
While there's toxic masculinity everywhere, Americans buy into it in a way that I suspect makes it more painful for nerdy guys.
To be fair, I’m so fucking weird it’s beyond my own ability to comprehend what normal would like in my corporeal, all too human, form, and I’m great
Hear hear.
Yeah, I saw that. Overall, it's hard not to read it as an apology for Trump's mismanagement.