r/SneerClub archives
/r/themotte poster “drugs are bad mmkay” (https://reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/frkulx/_/fm9qtzq/?context=1)

I mean this sincerely: this person has the maturity of a 12-year-old.

yeah, it's honest to god yahoo answers tier posting
how is human biodiversity formed

It’s funny they’re bitching about rock’n’roll, because rock died like at least two decades ago, and this makes them sound really old, but I know it’s most likely this is some sheltered 30 something who knows fuck-all about pop culture.

people exhibiting ghetto behavior and stupidity and blaming others for their problems.

blows racism whistle

*hits racism gong*

he’s wrong actually, drugs are awesome

Drugs are portrayed as trendy and hip and this is what led to people exhibiting ghetto behavior and stupidity and blaming others for their problems

‘Ghetto behavior’, well that certainly is a red flag right there.

I never used alcohol to get high either and mostly did it to fit in. I’ve doctored beer with juice and soda to try to make it taste top shelf.

Mixed beer with soda… top shelf… [screaming starts]

His post history makes me think either troll or person with a massive amount of issues. E: yep 40 year old guys with a lot of issues, poor guy. Perhaps when you are 40kg you should eat more than 500kcal a day as that aint good for ya.

Also :

I take a caffeine and ephedrine stack


E: ok, what the hell, from the replies:

In conclusion: yes, there is a cynical ploy by foreign powers to weaken America with opiates. Yes, it plays on certain biological frailties unfortunately common in Americans who at other times were the backbone of the nation. Yes, many of these people have been rendered useless and aesthetically displeasing given changes in the labor market. And yes, it is possible to render them sober and useless instead of high and useless through vicious government intervention, and maybe that would even be a good idea.

The taste in alcohol may actually be worse than the racism.
Beer and juice? Dear god. Who the fuck are these people?
It's not that strange, we call them shandys or radlers in the US, and they can be delicious, especially if we're talking about sprucing up a watery domestic. I think people expressing alarm about it are probably thinking of some hoppy IPA mixed with root beer. Which may be what OP is doing, who knows. Side note, it's not a soda but mixing a small amount of a framboise lambic into a lighter beer is fantastic.
They call them Radler in Germany as well. Fun fact, Radler means cyclist in German, so the drink is named because it's a nice light drink to have while you're out cycling.
Never heard of a shandy?
Beer, juice and soda.

punitive measures work fine when a government is willing to execute people who violate them.


[Trump saying wrong.gif](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/facts-and-research/murder-rates/murder-rate-of-death-penalty-states-compared-to-non-death-penalty-states)

A good friend of mine was, all at the same time, a rock musician, a heroin addict, and English. He is also dead. Those things go together sometimes and you don’t need to make complete cunt victim-blaming America-centric claims about where his fantastic music came from to point that sort of shit out.

Come for the Authoritarianism, stay for the racism.

the weirdest thing about drugs is that the people who need to do them most are also least likely to try them

Moreover the culture of rock and roll, techno and rap music has promoted this.

This person is either under 14 or over 40.

Purdue Pharma should get this guy on their defense team.


