r/SneerClub archives
"for yall coming to my feed because you're mad about my n-word poll:" (https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1247382680364126208?s=20)

me before clicking the link: “please don’t let this be Aella outsourcing critical thinking because she just can’t be bothered to make the obvious connections for herself”

me after clicking the link: somehow this is much worse than I expected, despite being exactly what I expected.

“All the people I”know” do things like this all the time, why u so mad?”

There is one thing we white people will always fight, it isnt racism, or inequality. It is people simply asking us for the wellbeing of others to abstain from something. It it is not usong the n-word, staying inside, not touching people in sughestive ways, or eating less meat. Tell us white people to not do it, and we will just out of spite.

Doing it in a ‘but what if my black friend gave me the n-word pass’ way was pretty clever however.

Apart from that, this is bait. Esp as the next question is ‘outgroup evil or dumb’. (e:my bad that was somebody else) Imho she can call her friend whatever she likes, might want to refrain from it in public however.

Quick question — who is this person behind the poll? Is she famous or prominent online for anything? Based on the replies it seems like just garden variety shit stirring.

she got "famous" for doing a bunch of acid, taking a bunch of nudes on r/gw, then getting *really* into internet rationalism. then she made a blockchain dating app and now she spends most of her time going "quick question guys: are black people really people? just asking! just asking questions! just asking some questions here!"
And even better, "I don't really want to know the answers to these questions, it's just *social dynamics,* I just want to know what *other* people think and I don't see any ways in which asking clearly silly questions exclusively on Twitter with one obviously correct and one obviously contrarian answer might fail to attract a representative sample of responses."
Interesting, thanks!
Wait - "blockchain dating app"?
yeah, it was exactly as stupid and needless as it sounds. pretty sure she did an AMA about it and got fucking roasted
>Based on the replies it seems like just garden variety shit stirring. Isn't that like 99% of the IDW?
Yeah but this one seems unusually vapid. Usually the Jordan Petersons and the like try and provide more content (in terms of word count). This one just seems lazy to me, like they couldn’t be bothered to write a lot and were hoping that other people would take the bait and write a long angry screed in response.

What was the poll question?


The simps in the replies make it so much worse