r/SneerClub archives
In which 'sneer club' gets (inadvertently?) namedropped by some evopsych whiner (https://twitter.com/aldrechta/status/1249009284219887618)

evopsychgoogle has 12k followers compared to 4k here, but somehow sneerclub still gets namedropped in reaction to evospychgoogle.

The evopsych critics consistently project their own mindset onto others’ theorizing. “Why would anyone think about trolley problems unless they find squashing people under trains pleasant and admirable.”

Linking the trolley problem to crush fetishism is quite something(*). (Sadly, setting up elaborate strawmen isn’t my fetish, ow how easy life would be if it was).

*: not judging btw, if you want to be stepped on, more power to you. Just not my thing.

**: also as im editing in disclaimers anyway, like a total nerd, and because the chance this thread will not eventually devolve into talking about primalpoly, I have to say, I have nothing against poly people. (As anti sneerclubbers have taken our dislike for primalpoly, as some sort sign we hate poly people).

Nah it was deliberate, Simon is a friend of the sub as far as I know, and as usual he’s right here

Actually he got owned there but I guess he is right in getting himself owned.
You wanna explain how he wasn’t absolutely spot on?
The other guy literally said it twice: it's not a value judgement. Just because you acknowledge something is adaptive trait does not mean that you think it's morally a good thing. Therefor the original comment of "a bad thing is a good thing because it survived evolution" is a misunderstanding at best and a malignant strawman at worst.
ok so I interpret this very differently On *my* interpretation Simon is (correctly) mocking yer man for missing the joke and going hyper adaptationist in the process He isn’t saying anything pro or against in the value judgement sense, he’s just taking the piss out of the idiot in question for being an adaptation extremist It’s like how on /r/TheMotte the majority opinion is always that the community’s general beliefs are the natural mean instead of being a batshit conflation of various half-remembered Wikipedia pages
No but the original commenter did make a certain argument about evopsych and the "adaptation extremist" just responded to it accordingly. Are you saying there was a satirical joke hidden in the original comment that I missed?
The...the account in question is literally a satirical joke account
Yes but what's the joke. Because the original implication in that sneer is wrong.
The joke is that there are adaptation extremists who will put down any trait to a supposed adaptive process, and only *then* go further to the conclusion that this implies that the trait is a good thing to have around Whereas the person Simon is (again rightly) mocking is conflating the two streams of thought, and getting Simon’s point wrong, which point is that adaptation extremists simultaneously disavow the idea that every thing which is adaptive is good, whilst also avowing that every individual putative adaptation is - due its being adaptive - good. Meanwhile, our replier in that thread is trying to hammer the idea that adaptation extremists don’t make value judgements, whilst defending those exact extremists who do draw a value judgement as mocked in the original tweet by evopsychgoogle (and of course, they do exist) The original joke, by the way, is an exaggerated by making things explicit parody of those adaptation extremists who draw value judgements from their own *already* extreme views about the nature of adaptation, much like the people I was mocking about a week (two weeks?) ago on /r/TheMotte who immediately leapt to the conclusion that genes must be in play when attempting to explain the difference in coronavirus rates between German-speaking and Italian-speaking Swiss people. Of course, apparently unbeknownst to those commentators, the Occam’s Razor explanation for this difference was a social - rather than genetic - one, in that despite the border closure Italy’s and Switzerland’s govt. did in fact permit people with jobs inside Switzerland to cross the border between the two countries from Italy to continue working, and such people are very likely to be Italian-speakers, and therefore to transmit the virus over the border into the Italian-speaking community in Switzerland. The joke is therefore that first, adaptation extremists have a habit of attributing every social issue they can find to adaptation, and second, that *some of them* then ascribe a value judgement to such adaptations - both of these are very amusing to people who know what they’re talking about re: adaptation in biology. (As an aside, I am definitely more familiar with the Swiss-Italian border than your average American on /r/TheMotte, because I’ve been there multiple times in multiple different crossing points, so I can understand why somebody less familiar with it than i am would have this epistemological problem. What I can’t conscience is people not considering that they might have an epistemological problem on this issue. Practicing a certain scepticism would probably be a good cure for the adaptational extremist disease)

Charitable charitable charitable charitable charitable.

Does your charitability have anything to do with truth values of the statements proposed or is it, oh wait for it - signalling your virtues irrelevantly, ironically proving half the point of that field?

Haha, silly people, virtue signalling instead of looking for truth values behind statements. I would never do tha..

Don’t answer, I’d just like ‘evopsychgoogle’ to never show up in my newsfeed.