r/SneerClub archives
Yes, damn these silly regulations, ethic concerns and anti price gouging laws! They'd be responsible for the zombie apocalypse actually (https://twitter.com/robinhanson/status/1248626535411613696)

And then an independent scientist discovers the cure in her garage, releases the formulation and method to the public domain - but a “transphobic” tweet from 10 years ago is discovered!

i love the fantasy world the terminally online live in

in awe of that tweet
Did they seriously miss the chance to start saying that about Raoult Didier? I guess given how well informed they are we should expect them to start saying that about Didier like in 10...18 months time after there is already a vaccine and Didier gets banned from a bunch of journals again for some unrelated issue like putting his name as co-author on a paper he never read with photoshopped microscopy pictures with each containing the same dickbutt shaped bacteria in different orientations and scalings.

Accursed moralists shackling us big brain ubersciencemenschen to the outdated irrational ethics of the hoi polloi.

There’s a reason why the libertarian film industry never got off the ground. Because libertarians are fucking boring.

The audience for this theoretical zombie film would probably be the same 17 people who watched the Atlas Shrugged trilogy.

I want to see a movie where Martin Shrkeli saves the day by infecting people with the zombie plague and it turns out to realign incentives into the development of a cure that sells at free market price
I.e., people who have a fetish for being beaten with strawmen.

Robin’s pissed nobody in charge is listening to his crackpot nonsense again

Also Sinovac has successfully vaccinated monkeys with what I sneered at him: that he almost figured out a cure, he should just add a bit of formaldehyde or something similar to the virus brew (and perhaps actually, you know, make the virus in controlled conditions in a cell culture, in something like, you know, a lab). Rationalists reinventing a wheel: you get a triangle plus a long argument over whether ancients moved blocks for pyramids using triangular wheels or not, plus a lot of patting oneself on the back for inventing the idea that it should turn. It's like, power is out, electricians are fixing the power line and there's the idiot proposing we rub amber or maybe make a human chain and hold the wires or something.
His anger at "ethics" of all things.

Isn’t this the same douche who wanted to deliberately spread the coronavirus to as many people as possible? I think he has officially lost the right to be taken seriously on this or any other subject ever again.

Yes then he proposed to infect people with "small doses" of the virus, making a bunch of pretty idiotic assumptions about how things work and proposing a method of soaking masks in water and freezing it, virions, bacteria, dead virions, enzymes from your spit and everything.

He wants to see ghostbusters. That is the fucking plot of ghostbusters.

Robin Hanson is so great at everything I’m not sure what’s stopping him from making his own movie if he so desires.