r/SneerClub archives

I hope you realise that “Any time Orange Man Bad is right, he’s not actually right, it’s just a coincidence” is a fully general argument and as such deserving of the maximal quantity of charitable disdain we’re allowed to muster in this sub.

I can never get over how The Motte insists on talking.

It's like reading a masters thesis while huffing paint.
That writing style... Also that is the 'fully general argument' hill you want to die on. Weird choice, a well as nick land never said. 'The motte always defends right.'

Just to clarify, the linked comment isn’t the sneerworthy part.

The majority of the responses, where the commentators twist themselves into pretzels to defend this nonsense, is.

There’s a good bit in there where after comment after comment trying to “steelman” the weird old guy on tv for a few comments there’s a sudden explosion of seething about the woke left, and there’s mostly just a few nodding heads

The phrase “seething and implacable hatred of leftism“ is used

It's just so bizarre. What measurable damage has wokeness done to these people? Put a rapist behind bars? Got angry on Twitter? Whereas that absolute fucker in the white house is directly responsible for the deaths of his own people in a way most us presidents only dream of. Just... What the fuck?
Imagine melting down this hard over the idea of paying more taxes or being dunked on by blue check marks

Trump is talking to the general public, and maybe the lower half of the general public, given who watches television these days, whose understanding of medicine is solidly at the Dr Oz level. All things need to be explained in a clear way that connect to solid practical already understood notions, or a large part of this public misses the idea.

It’s incredible how they despise their fellow human beings

This was the worst take I saw in that thread. This person really, genuinely is a fucking moron.

These people are physically incapable of admitting that the left is right about anything, even if it makes their head explode.

lol, after all that ‘steelmanning’ that Trump was referring to some experimental treatment or another, Trump undercuts all the rationales by saying his suggestion was sarcastic.

Despite all of his horses and men, the dude’s consistently an intellectual Humpty Dumpty.

To be fair, i didnt expect trump to just go 'it was a prank bro'. That sneer in themottes ops edit as well. :) E: unrelated, but of course nobody is talking about the [MMS pseudoscience bullshit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Mineral_Supplement) which trump prob got this from. Bit of a blindspot there themotte. (Which is kinda a rationalist thrope sadly, they frequently align with crazy pseudoscience conspiracy theory ideas, or help spread them, because they don't know anything about the crazies of the world, and the crazies are nice to them). E2: [Alex jones](https://twitter.com/travis_view/status/1254223252072747008) is now also jumping fully on the weird anti bill gates conspiracy theory train.
This is a standard Trump tactic though. He says something dumb and weird, and then lets his worshippers and employees scramble to find some way to argue that 1.) he was misquoted or 2.) he was right all along or 3.) he clearly meant something else and you’re stupid. Then, when the dust clears, he shows up with a brand new rationale that makes hash out of everything his people had been saying previously.