r/SneerClub archives

In general I am wary of anyone who tries to pretend like they are Spock from “Star Trek”. If you’re convinced that you are not influenced by emotion, bias, or anything other than pure reason and objective facts then good luck ever learning or growing as a person.

Ironically, the people who try to be like Spock in this way *miss the entire point of the character* - and in the end emulate the character's flaws instead of his strenghts. The Vulcans try to hide and control their emotions, yes, but they aren't unfeeling machines. Spock in particular (although half-human, it is implied IMO that this was a motivation and inspiration, not a cause) shows that the Vulcans can be more flexible - like the point of the character is that he grows beyond the total rejection of emotion.
Additionally, Data understands the emotions of others very well - and can therefore be a successful leader - he is certainly not blind to them.
These dorks talk about "biases" the same way Scientologists talk about thetans. Don't you want to be on the road to TOTAL FREEDOM (from biases)?!!!
*mumblemuble* Isn't the only way to be free form biases to be the kind of self-moving mind/Prime mover that is in some philosophical systems essentially God?
Why yes, thank you for noticing!
>God Forbidden word grrr😡😡😡


Sorry are you agreeing with that report and calling me an arrogant prick, or calling the user who wrote that report an arrogant prick?
Oh the reporter, we don’t mod here for the benefit of anonymous people who want the sub to cater to their personal tastes
Haha fair enough, sorry for doubting you

Rationalists: people who prize rationalizations above all else.

People that confuse their emotions for rationality is a great summary of what this sub goes against, right?


I should have expected a club based on being sneer would be mega critical on language. It was meant to be casual discourse and not an analytical essay.

no we're just against reason in general. computers? bad. math? bad. logic? bad. metaphor? bad. object permanence? that one was pretty cool kudos on that but representational thought can suck my dick
Language was a mistake.
whenever I see videos of chimpanzees hooting at each other and waving their arms around I go "goddamn they had the right idea, why did we do anything different"
Found John Zerzan's alt.
Reading this feels like it’s sarcastic and patronizing but I’m not sure why since I agree with just about everything in the sub. Is it because you like to be snide to even those that enjoy sneer? Sneering the sneered? Looking at your history it seems like you’re just a college kid undergoing philosophy 101 and enjoying your newfound sense intellectual superiority. Enjoy it now while it can give you a little ego boost and maybe land you some mediocre ass from a C list sorority chick. It comes crashing down when a potential employer sees it as whining and overly complaining.
oh my godddddd get a life
I'm srry but I simply do not care about your comment and after I send this reply I will close my laptop study for exams and never think about you again
Holy shit i though all the 'my life is perfect [it just is out of frame], you suck get a life' posters all died in the great flame wars of 2018. Good to hear you managed to dodge the dangerous ex marine sniper with over 200 confirmed kills.
You missed that the original replier was joking along, and then you got super defensive. It happens, but try not to do it again.
Yeah I kinda figured but I was trolling. My b.
Ah so the sub excepts that rationalization can exist but it admits that people are bad at interpreting it.
My b Dude. I’m not a philosophy guy. I’m business and tech but I tend to agree with the many critiques thrown out in this sub