r/SneerClub archives

So, when I was like 14, I somehow stumbled across a bunch of accounts that all had, or mostly had, very similar styles. They all had images of the sun color shifted or otherwise edited as profile pictures, account names that followed format “X of Y”, And descriptions of “BLANK, THIS.”


I thought I had discovered some kind of weird botnet , but the tweets all seemed to be unique and not pushing any brand I could see. If you look on the followers for the one I linked, you’ll see that there are hundreds, potentially pushing 1000 of these accounts. Most are now in active, but the few that remain seem to be tweeting in a similar style.

I tried to understand what the hell this was for a day or two, and found a couple of links to LessWrong, But I was 14 and didn’t really care to push it that much. I found this subreddit, and it reminded me of those weird accounts. Anybody have any idea what they are?

I tried googling around, then and now, but I’m not even sure what I would Google to find information on… this?

In the cold far future you either die or live long enough to become a bad dril clone.

No idea what that is. But at least the sun profile pic wasnt what i expected. I though you meant [neo-natzis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol))

E: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/9b1xx0/a_history_of_weird_sun_twitter just googled ‘weird sun twitter’

>You can’t become the best at something someone else invented. What a strange claim to make, even in jest. Don’t know why that sentence jumped out at me, either. It just did.
Who said that because i admit i didnt read that whole blog post
Can’t say I blame you. It was in the blog post itself.
I skimmed it and saw a weird sidenote on the authors best relationship, and that inclusion just made me a bit sad.
I may or may not have got some irreversible brain damage by way of self-inflicted blunt force trauma, after reading this blog post.
> reading I see your problem.

It’s a dumb post-rationalist thing so it’s mainly boring Joe Rogan Experience-level thoughts mixed with LW jargon by people who follow Steve Sailer on twitter.

Weird Sun Twitter, a thing amongst the Bay Area rationalist subculture around 2015 or so. X of Y, some sun-related icon, gnomic philosophy like Dril but mostly not very good. Some were amusing enough for me to retweet on @rationalwiki, which I’m sure delighted them. Scott Alexander mentioned it on Tumblr a few times I think