r/SneerClub archives
Founder of Shockly, which wants to shock users into self-improvement, advocates for corporate partnerships to dampen consequences of radical self-improvement at scale (https://specialsituations.substack.com/p/i-refuse-to-do-a-shock-pun)

On closer investigation, this looks fake

Unironic claims can be advanced through ironic fiction
Should have checked the username Banned Leaving it up as an example pour encourager les autres

Prison is the next college this blog looks like some weird attempt at ‘satire’.

Pot pot, kettle kettle my friend. Maybe we can commiserate about our struggle to be taken seriously.
Ah wait you are selfpromoting. Gentlefolks, You cant create sneerable content here, this is sneerclub! E: lol, selfposting your shitty content in various subs in an attempt to create attention through controversy is pretty sad.
Imagine trying to use /r/SneerClub as a springboard for your shitty ironic-not-ironic comedy blog
Can you die of second hand sneerbarrisment?
Sneerclub is one word, it comes from german, it is short for blotenbillengezichtje.
Refund, please.