r/SneerClub archives
I am truly disappointed by Emil's utter disdain for academic freedom (https://twitter.com/KirkegaardEmil/status/1256636626710773761)

This is especially rich coming from him. One of his best buds at OpenPsych got booted from Cambridge for misrepresenting OpenPsych as peer-reviewed pubs on his CV. This prompted weeks of bleating about academic freedom and persecution. I do love it when it is confirmed someone has no principles, though.

I mean I am hesitant to put biorxiv preprints on my cv, imagine having the gall to make up your own server for that sole purpose
Well that's the thing that unites all these people. More than any set of analytical tools, their belief that whatever they do is justifiable and anyone who says otherwise is shilling for Big Social Justice. You can call it "gall", but it's just what a group of zealots can rationalize in the service of righteousness.
Someone I follow (excellent guy) put it well in a response tweet: >One thing I truly like about you Emil is that you say these things out loud. It's refreshing to see you call for firing professors for what they teach.
yeah the openpsych story is just hilarious to me. Also biorxiv preprints are miles better than (in prep) or (in review) on a CV imo. Also no one pretends biorxiv is a peer-reviewed venue so I say let that stuff on your CV
To be fair, this is hardly the first confirmation Emil Kirkegaard has no principles

As someone named Emil, I get weirdly weirded out by the first name basis thing.