r/SneerClub archives
Morgues are full due to covid, sure, but what about the expensive sci-fi freezer morgues? (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1257520642972254208)

the good news is that you can simulate this technology by simply reading enough tweets from Big Yud to freeze your brain functions forever

This is your occasional sad reminder that long-term deaths from the novel coronavirus could have been nearly zero, if all the people who stopped breathing had accepted christ and had been fitted with the pax’s cruciform

Unrelated [Yud tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1256762141522059264): Profit doesn't include wages you dingus. If the bread doesn't include profit for the baker, the baker still gets paid for his work. (Isn't this business class 101? I learned this shit when I was 14 or something).
It's funny he should say that since If I remember well the gouging of bread prices contributed a great deal to the national discontent that would eventually lead to the French Revolution. People would get [literally arrested](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Maximum) and sometimes executed over this. Maybe choose a less ominous metaphor next time Yud
Wasn't even aware of that. (I prob knew it, but forgot that, I retained more about economics in high school than history). Good catch.
Don't worry, ~~the Shrike~~ Roko's Basilisk will ~~impale them on the Tree of Pain~~ resurrect them digitally at some undetermined date in the future.
Mindblowingly strong reference here on several levels

this doesn’t even make sense under his own dumbass logic. This tweet implies that there’s close to a 100% chance that cryo frozen people will be revived, but isn’t his whole fucking grift saying that there’s a high chance of AI apocalypse before that point? I guess intellectual consistency takes a backseat to being smug at pandemic victims.

the probability of yud stopping ai with his very big brain is actually close to 95%
Just before the google technomancers turned on the god-ai, a lone man rushed out of the crowd. And in one graceful leap he jumped into the god-ai's machinery, forever jamming the cyclopean gears with his superiour skull. World Saved.
I heard a thing on a podcast recently (The episode of Trashfuture where they had Cory Doctorow as a guest, I think?) about how apocalypse preppers are always prepping for the specific apocalypse in which their particular expertise will be extremely valuable; the example cited is a water treatment expert preparing for a world where the water supply has been contaminated. I think Big Yud also works as an example of this, but he also shows us that it's not so much the prepper's *actual* expertise that's important so much as their *self-perceived* expertise. Otherwise, he wouldn't be preparing for the AIpocalypse, he'd be preparing for a world ravaged by a gullibility virus that kills anyone who doesn't read a certain amount of meandering text only tangentially related to any sort of point every single day.
> a world ravaged by a gullibility virus that kills anyone who doesn't read a certain amount of meandering text only tangentially related to any sort of point every single day. :chefkiss:
https://trashfuturepodcast.podbean.com/e/bunker-buster-feat-cory-doctorow/ had that, yeah.
It doesnt make sense at all, even if it all worked, and the ai solved all the problems in x hundred years. You still lose your friends/family members and loved ones now. After they wake up it is impossible to make up for the missing x hundred years in lived experience. You doom your friends/fam to wake up in a bizzaro world where everything and eveyone has changed. Some would pick this option, but for a lot this is worse than death.

This is a joke…I think


Cryonics is an expensive way to turn a dead brain into hamburger.
Ok but hamburger
Eh, I'm not into meat that wasn't raised ethically.
Yeah but not even a healthy or tasty hamburger comparatively
So I had someone tell me this account was a sock puppet and I avoided banning because I wasn’t sure even though it barely posts here but this take is dumb enough to ban the sock puppet