r/SneerClub archives
Women don't only copy other women, they copy other women harder than you would have ever thought (https://twitter.com/DegenRolf/status/1258689949831966721)

A man’s desirability was enhanced in the presence of positive cues (i.e. when he was described as a “good” partner and his former relationship ended mutually). In contrast, a man’s desirability diminished in the presence of negative cues (i.e. when he was described as a “bad” partner and/or his former relationship breakup was female initiated). Overall, the current study adds to the existing body of knowledge on mate copying by demonstrating how females incorporate social learning and innate evolutionary drives to facilitate decision-making and behaviour relating to mate selection.

We told women this guy was bad, and then they thought he was bad! This is a significant result!
but what is the proposed mechanism whereby feeeeeemales absorb this information? is it possible that they can understand language?
it must be genetic
I propose they communicate through dance, like bees do.
they communicate this information in territorial pissings, this is why they go to the bathroom in gaggles
Sometimes, although the subject of the message is seldom flowers.
Social scientists make assumptions based on what seems reasonable: replication crisis Social scientists rigorously check everything: lol insignificant
Will humanity ever recover from this bombshell revelation?

perhaps men would be better off bringing a “wing-woman” along in their pursuit of romance and intimacy. Alternatively, including a positive recommendation from a former partner could enhance a man’s online dating profile.


I literally thought this was a tweet reply, but NO, it's in the linked study. Jesus Christ, this is legit embarrassingly funny.
Imagine writing PUA tips in your scholarly article and they make it through peer review and editors

Holy shit the replies are so aggravatingly dumb

“Could it be that I’m being rejected by women because I’m a piece of garbage and everyone knows it? No, it’s the women rejecting me who are wrong.”



Like cockroaches.

What do you think about his use of twitter? I don’t know the guy, I’m curious about the fact that all his tweets share the same structure.

This makes me cringe so hard that my soul leaves my body. This is just what an incel with a PhD sounds like.