r/SneerClub archives
If you have [an IQ of at least 160 or performance on academic contests at the 99.99th percentile] and are willing to give me your eggs, I’d like to hear from you. (https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/05/07/classified-thread-8/#comment-893730)

I want to raise a bunch of geniuses, taking some inspiration from Laszlo Polgar (though not focusing on chess). Polgar planned to raise six, which sounds decent to me. One thing I don’t share is Polgar’s belief that any healthy person is equally capable of genius; I intend to stack the genetic deck in my favor as much as possible.

I want the genetic mother to have the following traits: (a) extremely high intelligence, (b) no serious mental, personality, or health problems. For (a), an IQ of at least 160 or performance on academic contests at the 99.99th percentile would be good. For (b), something like “mild ADD or occasional depression” is fine as long as it hasn’t severely impacted your career or social life. (For the curious, I do meet the above criteria myself, although for the later children I would consider getting the sperm of someone like Terence Tao.)

If you have the above traits and are willing to give me your eggs, I’d like to hear from you. If you don’t have the above traits but think you would happy to help me raise children according to this plan, whose eggs come from someone else, I’d like to hear from you. If you have the above traits and want to raise children with me, I’d definitely like to hear from you. I’m a programmer at a medium-sized Silicon Valley tech company, so finances should be ok.

> I’m a programmer at a medium-sized Silicon Valley tech company Time to start the ubermensch!
Pfff, as if any such female genius would be interested in someone who is a programmer at a merely 'medium-sized' startup.
Yeah, if you're asking for the top 0.01% of IQ for a wife, yet don't make the top 0.01% of income ($7.5M/yr according to the first google hit), all you're doing is dragging down the IQ-success correlation. Slacker!
Yeah how dare he take away wives from Elon Musk!
I just find it incredibly rich that the dude looked at Laszlo Polgar's method and accomplishments, and thought "I'm going to do just like him, except the part that's actually central to his method and completely tears apart my views about hereditary intelligence". I don't know, there's something to be said about staring at a data point that contradicts all your preconceptions and ignoring it with a straight face. The corniness about eggs is just gravy. edit: I don't think it needs to be said but please don't spam the guy
Which one of you wrote this? > I don’t meet the above criteria, just popping in to question why someone would take inspiration from Laszlo Polgar but also completely miss his thesis that nurture overpowers nature. Are you trying to disprove him? Are you after the prestige, so that someone 50 years from now will write a blog post about you? This seems not very well thought out, and I have to wonder if this is a thinly veiled attempt at circumventing the normal frustrations of online dating.
I didn't write that, but wow the op wrote a lengthy reply to that. And he only answered the first questions. (And ignored the online dating thing).
It sounds like he's just covering all possible bases. We know very little about the genetic architecture of intelligence (and it frustrates me when people pretend it's nailed down), but given his resources and his objective of raising exceptional children, it may make sense to give them the best possible shot genetically, *and* give them an exceptional education. I'm more worried about how the kids will turn out with a parent who's so hyperfocused on intellectual performance that he's judging potential co-parents entirely in terms of academic gifts.
It actually sounds like he's taking a lot of resentment over his childhood, attributing it to being too smart for everyone, and then taking it out on his future children.
Buyer beware! Just watch, some overachieving manhater answers the ad, but just before sending her eggs she injects them with a CRISPR cassette to selectively scramble the "smart" genes. Just to fuck with our would-be Dad.
Sure i have some spare eggs. Freerange or grassfed? Also need a cup of sugar?


give him eggs from a donor with African ancestry
I think that's a pretty safe assumption
I always knew you were a racist
sounds like a plan

This has strong Jeffrey Epstein energy.

Stefan Molyneux, but Rational.

Why do you need my eggs when you can go to the grocery store yourself?

There’s a screenshot of this at the start of 2030’s hottest new true crime documentary.

It is a shame you are not a rich female genius, as then your success would be assured.

Yeah, as if rich female geniuses aren’t already marrying rich male geniuses… they do not need this guy’s help.

Just watch out for the leftover Danny DeVito.

I’d be happy to send some eggs. I’m not sure why you want baking supplies from someone who has scored well on IQ tests, but I guess with these times anything can be in shortage.

I’m not sure how well the eggs would do in the post tho.

I think he is trying to get [eggs from, like, a woman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egg_cell#Mammals_including_humans). It would be funny if he ends up getting a ton of chicken eggs in the mail though.
Oh of course, I'm well aware of the eugenics implications - I'm just lightly mocking them for the sake of some humor by delibertely misinterpreting.

I also want a genius factory.

So this is what this sub is for!