r/SneerClub archives
Seasteading. Historical Illiteracy. Bad Economics. Lack of Understanding of How International Relations Work. PUA Advice. Geoffrey Miller Tweets. Think I've Got A Bingo Here! (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ghhern/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_may_11_2020/fq8wvsd/)

Ow nice, the people having a ‘nerd reference’ fight. ‘Bioshock!’ ‘Snow Crash!’ ‘Diamond age!’

E: lolllllll, historical illiteracy indeed


How can we design a minimalist set of legal & governmental incentives such that this cruise ship could be made up of 90% ex-convicts and things would still be safe, prosperous, and the world being made a better place.

How would you design a minimalist set of legal and governmental incentives that have this property?

I don’t know but prediction markets seem like an interesting start

e3: Turns out, just to dock a cruise ship in a port can cost between 1k - 10k dollars a day. Doesn’t any of these geeks sail?

My understanding is their exist a great number of small or poor countries that wouldn’t have the firepower to outgun 200 dedicated American Libertarians, let alone project an ocean or two over to get to them.

Love how these dorks always forget efficient markets hypothesis when it comes to their fantasies of creating a Galtian paradise. 1) If it were that easy to just bum rush a country and declare your own sovereignty, someone else would have done it already. 2) ... and they have.
*Chortles in Venezuelan*
*laughs in Hawaii* edit: cries is a better word
i was thinking your venezuela thing meant the opposite. my comment should have been cries in hawaii as americans did take over by force a sovereign state
That's certainly relevant to the 21st century. Edit: Sorry, my country is full of idiots and I've decided to be a despair-addled dick today.
> I don't know but prediction markets seem like an interesting start lmao Austrians literally think they've found an Oracle.
Yeah, the comment in your first edit is the one that really gets me. I mean, imagine thinking that any of those examples are actually supposed to buttress your case.
Yes, while I sympathize with some of the libertarian impulses (The ones who are more explicit in left libertarianism), right libertarianism is so weird and always so bad at picking examples and looking at history. Every time it my mind goes 'why did you pick those examples? Instead of ... normal ones, or ones that support your point'. Of course transhumanism and AGI worries have the same problem. (I think it was Kurzweil who picked a few very 'out there' examples randomly in some of his books) so it prob has to do with a certain mindset. I prob did the same when younger.

I don’t think cruise ships would be large enough for major scientific advancements to happen. “no more ethics” might speed things up, but there’s limits on that because the ships will still have to trade with onshore countries.

Oh, yes. The only possible downside to “no more ethics” is reluctance of the outside world to trade with you.

also you might advance *too fast* and go foom
The single biggest obstacle to scientific advancements: not enough weirdo libertarians packed onto plague ships.
Probably true. That’d thin their ranks a little

Wow. That post has a high concentration of sneerability.

Sounds like a less literal poop cruise. Then again, libertarian waste management… wouldn’t rule it out.

Reminds me of the libertarian paradise where they had bought the land rights but not the water rights.
this inspired me to check up on other libertarian paradises, such as liberland. you may remember that liberland attempted to hold a citizenship ceremony on its territory, but was blocked by both the serbian and croatian governments. in very libertarian fashion, they just went home. well, they still haven't actually made it to their land! [they tried to hold a music festival, but didn't land on "their" land once again](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/travel/europe/floating-man-liberland-a-tiny-festival-in-one-of-the-world-s-newest-and-smallest-states-1.3999920). they also forgot to pay 2 euros to use the landing strip in siberia. and [lol](https://floatingman.ll.land/) > WARRNING – Osijek Airport is the nearest to the festival. Still, it is in Croatia territory, you might experience issues and delays on border cross [to Siberia]; for your own comfort do not mention you are attending a Liberandian event
Ow god liberland, somebody I know was sending them all kinds of postive messages for being such saviours of europe vs the islamic hordes and the left over facebook. E: that guy is slowly turning into a neonazi in front of our eyes. Or going mask off, still, sad to see. E2 could also have been a different attempt at creating a libertarian ethnostate btw.
*in golden waters*

Oh my god! You guys! I can’t even know to start! Startup companies as an example of micro nations! IQ enhanced babies (screened for compassion) as an economic export! Plus regulation free surgery! Security will be provided by the US or Liberia! Many countries can’t take on 200 libertarians!

Screened for or against compassion? Or do you just partition the pool, Brave New World-style into sacrificial carers (perhaps breeding them specifically to get an endorphin high from destroying themselves to “help”) and hyper-rational alphas with the pitiless gaze of the beast of prey?
That’s a much better and more easily achieved idea

The human blood point is a good one. Right now the US is one of the only countries where it is legal to pay someone for blood plasma. As a result, the US is essentially the world’s supplier of blood plasma. (Most plasma donation centers are located in poor communities where people can really use the money… there are health risks of doing it too often etc.) I think it could be viable to have a cruise ship where you go to someplace people are incredibly poor, let them get on your ship, go out to international waters, have them give their plasma, monitor their health as you come back to shore, give them a fat check by developing country standards, and let them off the ship. You’d be alleviating poverty and increasing the availability of critical medical supplies. Everyone wins.

IQ-enhanced babies could also be huge. Obviously you’d want to filter for some measure of compassion as well though.

I don’t wanna call libertarians self parodying, but they already proposed their ships be financed with blood harvesting and baby selling…

And they wonder why they're a joke-tier party.

One advantage of a cruise ship as a micro-country is that most micro-country ideas appeal mainly to male libertarians. But cruises actually appeal to young women a great deal and are famously easy places to get laid according to PUA forums.


I always thought Geoffrey Miller is annoying yet smart, but recently he twittered something like in order to be concerned about climate change you need to know whether you are more concerned about permafrost melting or about methane clathrate melting, which is really some stupid take.

There's a truck heading towards me. I'd get out of the way, but I can't decide if I should be more concerned about the grill or the front bumper...
gatekeeping the apocalypse is... quite the galaxy brain take
I admit I don't get how anyone could see Miller as smart. Like, okay, at least he doesn't outright ramble incoherently, but it's not like he's ever said anything interesting or important. Genuinely, wtf is "smart" about him?
I never followed him actively, saw maybe a handful of retweets. I didn't want to make a point about him being smart, it was just how I categorized him before (and since I perceived him as annoying, I didn't further investigate).
Lol what in the fuck could ever lead you to think Geoffrey miller is smart in the first place

My understanding is their exist a great number of small or poor countries that wouldn’t have the firepower to outgun 200 dedicated American Libertarians, let alone project an ocean or two over to get to them.



*Pronounced pĕd'-ə-fīl'*