r/SneerClub archives
'Is Evolutionary Psychology Possible?' -- It’s not often that a paper attempts to take down an entire field (https://www.metafilter.com/187021/Its-not-often-that-a-paper-attempts-to-take-down-an-entire-field)

Related meme:

if anyone questions ur hypothesis, respond by saying
“evolution didnt stop at the neck”
this is an instant kill shot.


rationalists: intelligence is a super power that gives you advantage in literally everything in life also rationalists: brown people didn't get naturally selected for smarts
and then you hit them with this paper [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797611421206](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797611421206)
I hope that’s not too low-effort. My IQ is in the 93.4573324th percentile so I think it’s high-quality by default.
Nah they dig that shit, all the way back to Hanson and Yud
Yeah, they just flip the logic: "Since I'm obviously smart, I'm obviously not racist."

Buller (2005) addresses this problem by distinguishing “evolutionary psychology” from “Evolutionary Psychology.

”The former is a field of inquiry, a loose confederation of research programs that vary widely in theoretical and methodological commitments and that are feder-ated only by a commitment to ‘‘adopting an evolution-ary perspective on human behavior and psychology’’ (Barrett et al. 2002, p. 1). The latter, Evolutionary Psychology, is a specific doctrinaire research pro-gram within this field of inquiry, a central doctrine of which is the so-called massive modularity hypothesis (MMH). (Buller 2005, p. 881)

This is the main problem I have with this article. Its points against capital-EP are fine, but I prefer Bolhuis et al’s critique Darwin in Mind because it lays out potential ways forward moving on from capital-EP.

Now do memetics!

Ahem: *baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo*
Whoa, slow down there, Satan.
Define memetics and meme.
In their own journal no less: http://cfpm.org/jom-emit/2005/vol9/edmonds_b.html

Ow this is great. Gonna save this for the next time a debatebro drops several thousand words at me after i say evo psych isnt that great in a joking way.