r/SneerClub archives
Very super serious intellectual James Linsay (of the Grievance Studies grifters) is having a minor twitter meltdown after a video of him practicing his anime sword technique is repeatedly posted. (https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1261877968009379840)

While you were busy sneering, I studied the blade.

I lol'd. Also, bees and keys (in addition to swords).
He even had the fucking jedi sword spin at the start what the fuck?

I’m generally of the mind that making fun of weirdos for this harmless type of stuff isn’t really sneerworthy, mostly because this guy is intentionally a big prick on twitter and feeds off of this type of thing.

But then it got really funny when his (very much non-culture war) wife had to reply to his own tweet to tell him to log off.

dude was responding to at least half the replies, that's how you know he totally was not bothered at all
Yeah i agree that weird hobbies are not sneerworthy, the horrible people who are definding him are however, but that just goes to show what kind of people the anti-sjw crowd attracts. E: and of course james himself retweet JAQing transphobia.

Get yourself a man who can both wield a sword and prove the binomial theorem

well obviously, the larger your IQ, the larger your sword needs to be

Thats how it works in "Bleach."

So I play tennis and do MMA. I’ve never done Kung fu or any sort of weapons training, but there are some constants in body mechanics that are basically universal and he’s pretty bad at all of them.

His posture is bad and he has a very pronounced pelvic tilt, his hips are too tight and he has no rotation in them (also responsible for the first part), he doesn’t seem to understand how to smoothly shift his weight to flow gracefully from one movement to the next, he’s lead-footed. Just lots of little tells that make it seem like he’s bad at this. I’m sure an actual wushu practitioner would spot 100 more.

Basically, this looks very much like he watched a YouTube video of a sword form is clumsily trying to emulate it, but hasn’t bothered actually learning under an instructor.

> He could slow down a bit a focus a bit more on his form. It's always hard to drill this into people who are new to any discipline. (and the younger and more male they are the longer it takes, speaking as a former young male myself).
Honestly I’m at most a former amateur boxer (and was bad at it) and his form is shocking I make a lot of mistakes because insofar as I do any fighting I’m just there to punch a guy who tries to mug me and run away with my money still in my pocket, but... If Lindsay’s been doing this as long as he seems to be claiming man he must have an expensively lax teacher because I would have got actually slapped for this in a number of different boxing gyms
>he must have an expensively lax teacher I'd honestly like to see a comparison of how much he's paid his long-time asian martial arts teacher, and how much an average "grievance study" academic pays into publishing fees (including from grants or w/e) over a similar time period. Who is the bigger sucker?
He says in one of his replies that he has a teacher in China who teaches him via video and "aggressively corrects" when they meet up in person once or twice a year. I feel very attacked with my Duolingo Spanish + my one Spanish speaking penpal that I talked to like twice, ever.
I feel kind of vindicated that I got first exposed to coronavirus whilst doing my skiing thing in France and ordering bad drinks in a good accent because at least I’m GOOD AT THAT
What do you make of his (limited) claims that it's strength training? He says it's a [7lb sword](https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1262034527356170240) ([properly balanced by expert swordsmen, of course](https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1262049991016820737)). Should we expect some clumsiness?
That just seems like a weird way to start strength training. He should just start lifting. And lot of 'experts' swordsmen out there. Iirc half the martial arts world is run by frauds. Apparantly bragging about how heavy swords are is a tell, swords are surprisingly lighter than joe average expects. (But i could have been misinformed by the bad martial arts people here btw). Anyway 7lbs is stupidly heavy, that is heavier than a greatsword. e: but I do wish james gets a long an productive carreer in martial arts. Im rooting for him to go full time.
You can see him straining to keep his wrist and elbows straight while holding the thing out. It definitely looks like it’s meant more for chopping motions than whatever he’s doing. In any case, swinging a heavy ass sword around like that is probably not going to be as good for strength building as just doing push ups. It looks like he’s liable to sprain his wrist with how much he’s straining.
Well, if you look at other people dancing around with a bagua dadao it all looks very fluid and not strained at all. So he clearly isn't strong enough to wield it properly yet. And I have no idea how to properly train wrist strength, but I'm thinking just waving a heavy object around isn't a great way to focus on that area. But I have no idea how much he trained with the big sword, and how experienced he is. My only experience with swords is fencing for a couple of months long ago, and taking one hema introduction course (that and video games).
>And I have no idea how to properly train wrist strength, but I'm thinking just waving a heavy object around isn't a great way to focus on that area. Extremely precise, finesse movements are probably not where you want to start. That seems like a recipe for spraining something if you haven't developed a solid base of wrist and forearm strength.
Why would you start [with a gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauser_C96)? ;)
At least he has a trainer to teach him these things.
christ, you'd think he'd be smart enough to look up some bodyweight exercises if he's stuck at home and wants to do strength training
Yeah it is weird, as lifting is such a big thing in rightwing (sorry, 'non-political') circles. (now Im wondering, is that just a meme, or do they actually work out?) I heard books from Rippentoe are good. And for bodyweight, you can always try the book 'convict conditioning', which even has tips for people with no strength at all.
> What do you make of his (limited) claims that it's strength training? He says it's a 7lb sword (properly balanced by expert swordsmen, of course). Should we expect some clumsiness? It's legitimately a traditional training method, you can see a period photo of a practitioner [here](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/f9/19/4ef919232e796ae4195e6e0c256510f2.jpg). 7lbs is a bit much even for a big sword like that, generally they're about 4lbs. There is traditionally a "strength training" aspect to the practice, but it is not quite the same as "strength training" in the western sense. Though there is some physical conditioning particularly of the forearms and, with proper extension, shoulders/upperback area. But part of the "strength training" of the traditional exercise is training "skillful strength", in the sense of learning a technical application of force specific to the martial tradition. For example, with a large/heavy weapon, you get a much more evident sense of the line of force the movement of the weapon has, and there is a feeling of a proper cut kind of pulling your body along to where it should be, and in relation to this feeling you can learn proper footwork and alignment. None of this is to say you should expect some clumsiness: precisely because it's meant to train "skillful strength", the point here is not to awkwardly throw around maximally large amounts of weight to increase your resistance training (not really a fair characterization of good resistance training either, but anyway), but rather to learn how to skillfully handle a manageable if exaggerated amount of weight. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StI3c0goM0Q&t=35s), for example, is a form performed with this kind of sword, and it's not particularly clumsy.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

This is fantastic

ah practicing to be an alpha lord in the singularity with your social construct penis, I see

The Star Wars kid would fucking body this man.

Why is making fun of people’s hobbies a good thing?

It's more about the meltdown and high-horse thing rather than the hobby itself. Just like people make fun of 'gamers' even though playing video games is the most banal thing ever
I'm with you, there's nothing sneerworthy about a guy having an unusual hobby. Who cares if he's good at it either? Let the man have fun.

Question about the Grievance Studies “experiment”: did they have a point?

Given the mallninja video, I’m more asking whether this is a “heartbreaking: worst person you know actually made a pretty good point” or a no-point-made-at-all situation.