r/SneerClub archives
Emil Kirkegaard is a climate change denier now (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil_Kirkegaard#Global-warming_denial)


You mean he just hadn’t tweeted about it before.

Even the tweets are from a year ago, so it is all pretty old news.

a real tweet from him

Global warming pretty good for Denmark, yes, unless that Gulf Stream thing is real. I saw someone claim it isn’t. I didn’t investigate in depth.

Gotta admit that I did the thing the first line of his wiki page specifically says not to do, and got confused about how a philosopher who’s been dead since the 1850s could have possibly had an opinion about global warming.

For those that don’t know, THIS is what Denmark would look like if the ice caps melted.


Can't have foreigners invading Denmark if there isn't any Denmark to invade
Holy shit He was playing 4d chess this whole time!
This just creates opportunities for the dutch to innovate with their land reclaim technologies. Why do you hate progress?
Yeah, Denmark is FLAT. Which is why that Beowfulf movie that showed big snow-capped mountains always amused me so much. The highest point in denmark is like 130 m. or something.