r/SneerClub archives

I feel like I’m watching a reptile masturbate.

a chameleon, all slow and methodical, with its eyes popping out of its head to look at you
>ssssselect which relation best represents the rrrrrelative magnitude of these two forms of ssssssexually-charged harm to your human feelings, ape >yessss, your simian inferiority prevents you from comprehending these matters in the manner which I do, oh yesssssssss this is pleasing
Ain't no ditherin when youre doin it like a Slytherin

ugh. at least the comments are mostly sneers but ugh. i don’t give a shit about the nerdy shit they use to make it seem neutral or whatever but the message legitimately makes me feel bad.

It’s a bit like Hitler’s “Big Lie”, because a lot of people laughing so hard we forget to recognise just how colossally sick and sickening it is

Note how a ritual incantation, here of algebra, really does ward off evil spirits, in this case internet mobs. Imagine the response if I had said the above more directly and simply. “Magic” incantations really do exist.


When I intentionally communicate poorly it gets less attention. I'm a genius! Now watch me perform a parallel branch of sorcery by saying offensively stupid bullshit out loud, but very quietly. Observe how little attention I attract as compared to when I shout! For my next trick I'll use a butter knife on wood instead of a saw. See how much less it cuts? See how I'm wasting my own time? I'm a master carpenter.
The contest to see who is the worst communicator [has begun](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1262838533120647168). E: And yes, for 99.999% of the people this image would just be 'ow, a weird looking galaxy, neat'. [Ow noo, look at how scary it is.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/94/Arp_147.jpg/1280px-Arp_147.jpg)
I am half suspecting it is some kind of “hey fellow rational autism spectrum people, I am on the autism spectrum too, and I am totally not a sociopath that exploits you all for a living because you are mega gullible!”
"when I use an equals sign, I am doing algebra because I am smart, unlike these internet plebs" is indeed a cowardly defense.
So he's gloating over the fact that his biased Twitter poll is intentionally made more biased. Guess he's stopped pretending he's doing this to get valid answers.
Don't you see, he's doing this to keep the biased mobs away. Because only the unbiased people will answer, the poll results will be unbiased. This is science and Hanson is a genius.
He actually thinks he can take valuable conclusions [from this.](https://twitter.com/robinhanson/status/1262938500506230784) and his conclusion isnt 'I fucked up' after reading the feedback.

this doesn’t even make sense. what the fuck is 2Y? learning, twice in a row, that your 20yo child isn’t yours? or learning that you have 2 20yos that aren’t yours? or maybe having a 40yo that isn’t yours? how about Y/2?

perhaps the worst part is that he seems to be so happy that people didn’t parse his dumbass math notation. look at me i’m so smart i applied math notation to things

uh, it's obviously twice the "degree of discomfort", a totally real objective thing that you can definitely double. So if my pain was objectively level 5, 2Y is objectively level 10 pain points. This makes sense, I am a smart person.
I sometimes try to do utilitarian calculations like this, and I would consider the question as "assuming reincarnation is real, and all else being equal, would you rather live two lives in which you found out the child you raised wasn't yours, or one life in which you got raped?"
Look he's an economist, so it's obvious. 2Y is twice what you would pay to not learn that your 20-year-old child isn't yours.

um yikes.

Extremely revealing that he elevates something like this to physical sexual violence.

What’s that line from Atwood? “Women fear being murdered by men while men fear being laughed at by women.”

Here he imagines that the fear of being laughed at, as a sucker (leaving aside that maybe one could take pride in being a solid step father) is worse than possibly being brutally violated.

I can't remember the original Atwood version, but I like this version from [one of the best songs of the last 10 years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuQG6_evFc8): >Men are scared women will laugh in their face >Wheras women are scared it's their lives men will take It has a slightly more poetic phrasing.
Random late comment, but love that Idles song and here's [another one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZZSYDhx0FI) that uses the quote.
I always thought that was a bit.... sad more than anything? Because it seems to be a genuine thing, men are taught (luckily for most it doesent actually take) to kill or die rather than be laughed at, which is horrifying.
Men shouldn’t even be allowed to raise their own children tbh

I am so glad I blocked him

This reads like something the evil psych would say in “This Book is Full of Spiders, Seriously Dude Don’t Touch It.”

Imagine comparing lovingly raising a child for 20 years to being sexually assaulted.

Also, any child you parent with love for 20 years is your child, genetics be damned. It’s not like people adopt kids/use sperm egg donors…

The actual pain would be a result of finding out your SO was cheating on you and kept it secret from you. This is implicitly included in the question, but when he analyses it he assumes that the pain is caused by raising "someone elses" child.
I'm pretty sure the pain Hanson is imagining is that of realizing that your life has been reproductively suboptimal, and you're never going you catch up with Genghis Khan now.
> are they wrong about their preference yes


Just. Ew.

I always knew this guy was a fucking creep.

X < Y/2
2Y < X

lol what even is consistent notation anyway