r/SneerClub archives
Announcing a new subreddit, r/AntiHBD, where we can document the scientific research disproving the "human biodiversity" movement (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/gnj1fj/announcing_a_new_subreddit_rantihbd_where_we_can/)

While it never ceases to be fun to sneer at the insane Twitter kooks and their aggressively ignorant opinions regarding race and intelligence, I thought it would be additionally appropriate to create a separate subreddit, where we could document the scientific research that is currently being done to disprove the “Just Asking Questions” racism of pseudo-philosophers such as Sam Harris. Although it’s important to “point and laugh” at those who misuse science to discriminatory ends, it’s also vital that we have a epistemology as well! Go give /r/AntiHBD a look-see!

Also I suggest to have heavy moderation, if HBDers find the sub it will be brigaded, so have tighter mods could help

I agree! Where should I go looking for mods?
I would like to help, al thought I have never modded before, I could use some using experiences thought
I could lend a hand
Prevent brigading lol


AntiHBD might be a bad name because it will encourage people to seek out an HBD subreddit so that they can see both sides.