r/SneerClub archives

Ah yes, this guy sure talks to people who exist, in real life, where he is a regular visitor.

Come on Nick, that’s not a nurse, it’s just shadow people. Stop talking to them and have some sleep ffs.

Nurses should’ve dedicated their lives to more important causes, like ‘giving Reaganism an edgy cyberpunk gloss so easily impressed academic leftists take it seriously’

One thing I love about Nick Land is how badly he’s dealt with the inevitability of either dying or eventually becoming middle-aged

He just can’t handle the fact he never died in a blaze of glory and just isn’t cool anymore

Amphetamine junkies like your man here either die a suicide-case or get old enough to face their own cowardice

Nick Land really is the most amazing embarrassment of all time although I do think it speaks poorly of all continental philosophy that he was ever one of them you can write the same exact poorly conceived bullshit for 20 years as long as you tip your fedora to the right gods, whichever side you're on
I don’t think I could lay the blame for Nick Land at Derrida or Foucault’s feet, much less Habermas’s I’ve read a lot of continental philosophy, I *like* a lot of continental philosophy, even though my training has mostly been in the analytic school of thought It’s reductive to say all this stuff about tipping your hat to the right gods and getting by on that
Wait, I thought Land wasn't a continental philosopher

woman bad

My favorite part of this tweet is Land just getting btfo’d in the comments.

"coming from the guy who invented racism 2" ^^lol
"Nick Land: two edgy teens in a cyberpunk trench coat."
"its wild how nick land manages to type when his fingers have been steepled since 1993"
I read that and didn’t get the joke because I wasn’t really paying attention, but I was bored so I came back to the thread and now I’m cackling
>Nurses doing some cringe thing to feel better about their slave existence during a pandemic: creepy, cultish. >Tired cyberpunk dystopian who refuses to express anything as other than an insurmountable lovecraftian beast: not a cult, important, not creepy, necessary. Beautiful. Also >They're the ones who make sure you don't suffocate on your own secretions while vented, you arborescent do-nothing.

No, we hate state-endorsed postmodern religions.

what does that even mean

Being nice to lgbtq+ people and non white people.

Sometimes, Nick Land is an extremely smart guy who says things that deserve to be responded to. For example, he stripped libertarian economics of its infantile humanism and gave it a superior theoretical grounding.

Other times - and this other Nick Land is the only one who appears these days - he’s a sub-Fox News boomer moron who expects Shillary to be arrested any day now.

He's an extremely smart guy, who uses it on being interesting but never at any point actually *good*. Like, not ever. Even his '90s stuff was much more along the lines of "interesting" than actually good. I'll concede it *inspired* a lot of people, and that's not nothing. (Well, some of his fiction is good. [It's all on libgen.])
Never meet your heroes, right?

That’s a bad take on their part

Who is this man child?

Nick Land

Okay, but I’m grabbing “Sociopolitical deep injury from which any hope of recovery is unimaginable” as my Twitter bio.

Don’t make me tap the sign

No but really this is funny as fuck and I’ll allow it but just keep it in mind

>https colon slash slash www dot reddit dot com slash blah blah slash **please_do_not_post_anything_to_this_subreddit** Harsh but fair.
Getting tired in your old age CI?

This is the guy who gave us lines like these

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood.”


Nick Land