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The world’s most prolific cringe machine, asking the important questions: (https://i.redd.it/2kx0xsna59151.jpg)

I’m not sure those words are totally synonyms, anyway, a science paper should just explain exactly what they mean with those words, like they always (try to) do with ambiguous concepts and words.

Otoh, I think there might be a difference in signaling certain in/out groups when you use these terms online however. As im a paranoid person, I’m going to think he doesn’t care about the question, and is actually trying to make a point about the sex vs gender debate.

I would prefer scientists call them Geoffrey Miller is a nerd differences. Just so he has to continually be reminded while reading the latest evopsych.

It depends on the context of the paper. If the scientific paper was mentioning physical/biological differences then it would be sex, but if the paper was mentioning societal differences then it would be gender differences.

I really don’t see what’s wrong with this question. (I’m transgender, FtM, so I guess that could be affecting my perspective). But still, why is this bad?

ohh, I see what you mean. Ultimately, a paper should choose to use "(natal) sex" or "gender" based on whether the paper \*means\* sex or gender, not just based on picking one and going with it because they aren't the same thing.
IMO what he's doing is embedding bioessentialism in his question. Implicit is the idea that scientific papers provide access to truths about "male/female differences" and everything else is merely people arguing over what to call them. I.e., that sex and gender are somehow less real, less scientific, just different names for the same underlying thing. Which is, of course, not correct, as people know who honestly engage with the biological, psychological, and sociological research in these areas. It's kind of funny, actually, that he's trying to make this point, since the last tweet I saw from this guy was like, "you can't claim to be concerned about climate change unless you can tell me which is worse: permafrost melting or undersea clathrate dispersion? Checkmate, science-illiterates!" And here he is declaring, basically, male/female differences as the right and proper subject of science and anything more detailed or nuanced is kinda fake.
Yeah this question is basically "Are you a real man who can handle biological sex differences or are you a pansy sjw who needs it euphemized as gender for you?"
oh that makes sense, he's kinda implying sex and gender are two terms for the same thing here when that's wrong (and any legitimate scientific paper would choose to use "sex" vs "gender" based on whether they meant sex or gender, since they mean different things).