r/SneerClub archives
Why wouldn't Twitter make it easier for me to completely ignore voices of black people, like in the old days (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/gv8t57/why_wouldnt_twitter_make_it_easier_for_me_to/)


is he bitching about accounts he follows liking/RT-ing stuff he doesn’t want them to? and it’s twitter’s fault somehow for not coding an AI good enough at interpreting/predicting content to filter these things? and he wants the state to do it instead? either i’m confused about how twitter works or this guy is, but maybe he’ll get what he wishes for good and hard under the iron heel of social media czar sarah jeong

Literally asking for a gov't-enforced safespace on Twitter. Beyond parody.


free expression and to fight the dangerous hidden nth colomn of sjws/groups who are not mentioned openly.
Nobody expects the imperial inquisition *blam*

and why I have done a 180 from the “social media platforms are private and should be free to do whatever they want”, and now think that social media platforms should be heavily regulated to emphasize FREEDOM FOR THE USERS, not freedom for the CORPORATION:

[things other users are free to post that I don’t want to see]

I’ve always thought that the social media companies have been trying to have it both ways. On the one hand, they want to be a platform used for communication with your friends, family and coworkers and want everyone to see it that way. On the other, they’re trying to act like a magazine or a newspaper and assert the right to interject themselves in those same conversations. The advantage of being ‘just a platform’ is that they cannot be held responsible for what someone else puts out there. But if they are in fact a media site like a newspaper or a magazine, then they are or at least should be responsible for the things they allow. I think it’s better if they pick just one.
And that issue, in my view, is a consequence of a fracturing of the public sphere as the internet matures and users self-select to their preferred spheres of information. Social media companies are then stuck trying to maintain something like the public sphere, which is especially hard as much of the American right has renounced the epistemic authority of traditional news outlets, experts, etc. Social media companies, like broadcast journalism, are easy to blame as profit-seeking corporations (or tools of whatever nefarious agenda) but, really, it's people.

But, if I as the user don’t have ANY guaranteed control and freedom to decide what gets shown to me, then that means that ONLY the corporation has freedom.

This is so on the nose I have to suspect he is trolling them.

Then I remember that alt-righters really are that dense, and that for the smarter ones, ideological inconsistency is a strategy, not a mistake.

Wild how they suddenly endorse government intervention into the free market once they realize they are in the minority

How dare black people actually take action against injustices and can’t just leave me alone? Why can’t they just shut up about police brutality for a moment so that I can crack my jokes, and then go back to talking about it when I want to. Politics is just a hobby to discuss with people online after all.

Themotte: ‘the accounts I follow don’t hate black people as much as I do, and this is the fault of the SJWS who run twitter!’

Twitter: ‘lol white nationalist blue checkmarking goes brrrr’

E: what im trying to say is, that the accusations of SJW take over is insane, if the left really controlled twitter there would be no neo-nazis on it.

E2: not to say that the system isn’t broken btw, lot of the people I follow on the twitter follow the leader of the dutch alt right party, to keep up with the news, and complain when he talks about something bad. I don’t but twitter does every now and then sneaks one tweet of him in with some sort of ‘you mgiht also like to see this’ idea. about 1 in every 100+ tweets, Which compared to facebook where 1 in 3 messages are things I don’t care about/advertisements is quite a difference, which confuses me, why are so many people pro facebook…).

imagine being this bothered by such a minor (I dare not call it) inconvenience

Standing outside, raising my fist in the air, screaming at the almighty algorithm