r/SneerClub archives
Scott Aaronson speaks on the current uprising in the US by reminding of us the time he stole from the change dish at an airport starbucks, and displaying deep gullibility (https://i.redd.it/jmqxsvfi1r251.png)

this is cringeworthy but I’m still semi-impressed that he’s even acknowledging a problem. two or three years ago, I get the feeling his response would’ve been “well akshually police don’t disproportionately blah blah stats blah blah pvalue blah blah cognitive bias.”

otoh; police kneeling is good because it defuses the protests, meaning that the main problem in his head isn’t what they’re protesting but the protestors themselves; ending qualified immunity/military shit to cops is good, but framing the current problem as “psychopath minority” is just “it’s a few bad apples!” in nerdspeak.

so it’s cool he recognizes that cops are killing black people. neat. it’s not cool that he thinks that it’s just some bad cops and once we clear out the bad guys then everything will be fine. shallow misunderstanding from people of good will, etc, etc

Honestly, of the three "Scotts" associated with the rationalist crowd, Aaronson is the most sympathetic. He's squarely a "liberal," with all that implies, but he's never had the slightest patience with the "unmasked" alt-right, unlike Alexander, who seems to want them in his space, or Adams, who is literally full on fash. Aaronson's flaw in this regard is he is very accepting of "masked" fash, provided they disguise their bullshit in smartypants language. For example, he stans for Hanson and Pinker. I wish he would not. Plus there was the incel thing, but whatever. I have a soft spot for guys who struggle. It can be really hard for nerds to figure out dating. It was hard for me.
tbf, I don't consider adams a rationalist adjacent person, he just drifted into the rationalist consciousness because of the alt right/manosphere types. your mileage might vary of course. E: forgot to mention, Adams believes in crazy things, he thinks the simulation theory is real because our reality acts like a movie.
Pity Aaronson, attack Alexander, ignore Adams
> he's never had the slightest patience with the "unmasked" alt-right and yet unable to spot them in his comments
He also has (semi) regular one on one correspondence with moldbug (who is nrx not altright but still). [Source:](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4450) > Regulars might remember that Yarvin argued with me in Shtetl-Optimized‘s comment section, under a post in which I denounced Trump’s travel ban and its effects on my Iranian PhD student. Since then, Yarvin has sent me many emails, which have ranged from long to extremely long ... To be fair, Scott doesn't mention he replies to them here. (Which would be funny tbh, moldbug constantly sending novel lenght emails to Scott who just does /dev/null).
>who is nrx not altright lol I was recently browsing his [wikiquote](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Curtis_Yarvin) page and my god, this dude is one of the most unhinged "thinkers" I've ever encountered. It's not even the casual racism and fascism, it just reads like the dark twin of timecube. I have no idea how people take him even semi-seriously without being utterly deranged themselves.
What is scary is that some billionaires take him seriously enough to pay him. E: his wishy washy claims that Obama was actually a plant are silly btw. Also never knew he was a birther. His stance on libertarianism is also silly, as I have seen almost no rightwing libertarian speak out for the BLM protests, all are on the side of the cops.
Yeah I know some people actively dislike him on here but I don't. Who cares if he's clueless and posts incely cringe from time to time. I for one mainly come here to sneer at the HBD/racism-in-the-name-of-science stuff, which is huge among rationalists and afaik Aaronson isn't into. Though for some reason Aaronson started idolizing tech billionaires. I have no idea how a tenured academic researcher in a very niche field feels they can relate to the most powerful and wealthy people on Earth just because both are "nerds" (??? can you just feel an emotional connection to literally anyone who likes to use the computer?), but there you go. He also defends people like Alexander and Hanson, but that's yet another a case of being clueless imo. All in all I wish his mental health a speedy recovery, if only he (and by "he" I mean "you", Scott, because I know you're reading this) stopped being so anxious about things on the internet.
> Honestly, of the three "Scotts" associated with the rationalist crowd, Alexander, Aaronson, who's the third?
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, and breaker of minds (esp his own, he hypnotized himself into believing he is a master persuader).
Not to me, I don't know why he was included in the list of Scotts. E: I think the only overlap is that a lot of the rationalist forum people are into Adams, but that is because Adams is beloved in the alt-right/manosphere/crazy rightwing etc groups. No idea if he is pro-Qanon, but it wouldn't surprise me. (E2: looked it up, nope [qanon is too crazy even for Adams](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-biggest-media-fans-struggle-to-stop-qanons-spread?ref=author) but, his denouncement of qanon isn't as strong as you would like, so yikes. " Scott Adams, ... said ... that QAnon believers were making all Trump supporters look 'like a bunch of idiots.", "Maybe do it a little quieter, because it’s not helping the brand,'")
He's not a direct supporter of Mussolini's or Hitler's ideology, no. He still believes in a ton of bullshit about 'human nature' and 'genetics' that gives a lot of intellectual ground to actual modern day fascists
This is one of those questions that would genuinely take a solid week and an open mind to explain fully. I don’t think we share the same base views on how the world works. We’d just end up talking past each other. Instead, here are some great [takedowns](https://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2018/02/unenlightened-thinking-steven-pinker-s-embarrassing-new-book-feeble-sermon) of Pinker’s [*Enlightenment Now,* ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/554054/) which all tend to say [roughly the same things,](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/the-big-idea/2018/5/17/17362548/pinker-enlightenment-now-two-cultures-rationality-war-debate) namely that Pinker [egregiously misrepresents](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/05/the-worlds-most-annoying-man) anyone who disagrees with him, totally misses the Enlightenment’s oppressive legacy, and strawmans any possible objection to his thinking. Also, his [interpretations](https://www.salon.com/2018/03/10/enlightenment-now-steven-pinkers-grand-apology-for-capitalism-tk/) of the Frankfurt School, Marxism, and anything Continental in general are so [hilariously bad.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/newrepublic.com/amp/article/147391/hype-best) Like, so bad I wonder if he’s actually read the thinkers he criticizes. I don’t think he has.
>I don’t think he has. [He definitely hasn't](https://www.reddit.com/r/badphilosophy/comments/7z8aln/the_enlightenment_of_steven_pinker/duod2ur/).
Pinker falls under the broad rationalist umbrella, mainly for his whackass HBD views and his salivation over the Enlightenment. Most of us slant left, just because most rationalists are center to far right.
I'd say he's more crypro-HBD, but close enough.
No, but he is [the missing link between neoliberalism and the far right](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/steven-pinker-jordan-peterson-neoliberalism-radical-right/)
I don't think so, but he is very good [at making stupid statements which make people mad](https://twitter.com/megandfigueroa/status/1268542302542352384), somehow it always involves downplaying leftwing/progressive concerns. (The first time I personally ever heard about him was when I read an article he wrote about something technology related, which was imho so bad I never took him seriously, so I'm biassed).
*chad gamer voice* **Yes.**

Taking off your helmet in a one-off gesture before gassing people again is a deeply moral thing to do??

You know, I always wonder who these obviously meaningless gestures are intended for. I guess I have my answer now.

From his most recent blog post. As the title of the post and its opening paragraph evince, Scott Aa. does not know how to read the room.

I can't fathom how an otherwise intelligent person can be so clueless and failing to understand how petty is to bring up his own orders-of-magnitude-less-serious bad experiences *every. single. time.*

This is a pretty normal thing to say and I think it’s boring to sneer at these guys just for saying relatively normal stuff. Who cares.

Do you remember his cop story? Cause the police were most certainly not the ones overreacting.
He stole from a tip jar by accident and wasn't shot by the cops who arrested him, nor was he put in jail.
How do you steal a tip jar BY ACCIDENT?? "oo sry frenz, thought this $tarbux was my house"
By being very socially awkward, and mistaking it for a leave a penny take a penny jar or something. (And as I have known enough awk people, and have known to be socially awkward people, it isn't even totally misunderstandable) But here is the story for your pleasure. https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=3903 (the persecution complex is something he should talk to a therapist about btw). Here is [Chu doing our work for us](https://twitter.com/arthur_affect/status/1028078410466123776)
Yes, it is a normal thing to say, it is also insensitive, and slightly part of the problem. As it makes the problem of police violence on blacks, into a general police violence problem, and it makes it about white people. Now I'm also a white person, so I'm not really in a position to complain about it, and I heard black people say stuff like this is just a case of awkwardly worded allyship, while others still get mad about white people saying this (esp when it is people who should know better). Personally I'm happy that he isn't instantly dismissive of the protests, nor silent about it (compared to for example ssc), but I'm not really in a position to make judgment about the remark. I also do hope it is a moment of realization of just the kind of people the rationalist surround themselves with.
I don't know how bad it is tbh. I find it personally very hard to talk people who are either apathetic, rightwing, or even the dutch version of leftwing while being racist (The black pete discussion is nuts (and racist), and turns so many otherwise antiracist people into racist spouting people) From what I can tell from listening to black people they certainly don't like it when you re-frame the issue to police violence in general. Because that can lead to stuff like the weed legalisation, in places where weed is now legal a lot of white people owned weed shops show up, but there are still a lot of people in jail for weed related offenses who will not be freed (which hurts non-white people more). But if the tactic at least helps them understand the problem a little bit I personally think it is good, as it at least drives people a little bit more left. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good and all that. But then I again I also really suck at convincing people myself, so hope others can help. E: perhaps if people want we could list a few common RW talking points, and rebuttals. Here are two I noticed. For one, I see people talk about how important the police are to stop violent crime. Important to note is that only 5% of crime involves violent crime and only 1% involves murder. (And of the murders 40% go unsolved) So all this cops protecting against violent crimes is a vast overreaction from the cops. I also see people go 'but only X (low amount) of unarmed black people get killed by the cops each year', to which you can say that the cops are incentivize to plant evidence (and they do, see cops planting drugs), and that even plastic fake guns on 8 year olds counted as armed black people. And then there is the fact that every day at least one cop is arrested themselves.
>From what I can tell from listening to black people they certainly don't like it when you re-frame the issue to police violence in general. It works for me, I don't care too much because it reminds them the state will violentaly anally rape them as well. >Because that can lead to stuff like the weed legalisation, in places where weed is now legal a lot of white people owned weed shops show up, but there are still a lot of people in jail for weed related offenses who will not be freed (which hurts non-white people more). The problem was that the weed legalization was bourgeois as fuck. For example, saying you can't be a felon to apply for weed businesses or requiring absurd levels of capital to set up a business. Which brings out the absurdity that the only people who know how to sell marijuana well, well they're more likely to be felons. And the worst thing is it isn't necessarily the problem that its white men in the weed industry dominating it. It's bourgoeise assholes who bring corporate culture into marijuana cultivation, wearing dress clothes and other negative aspects. If it was white hippie dudes or potheads it'd be more tolerable probabaly, because they would instinctively know how bullshit requiring background tests for getting a marijuana business license would be, as well as the bullshit of keeping people into jail. Instead you get motherfuckers like Boehner who was against weed until it became profitable filing up the industry. Fuck that shit.
Very good points yes, I agree. And didnt know the felony thing that is nuts.
Yea. My state of Illinois when it legalized weed earlier this year was a bit bullshit about that. Also happy cake day!
No, I would say it would not be a bad thing to "center" white people by emphasizing how the mechanisms of repressions fuck them over. In fact, that's arguably a reason why american whites do not resist the state more - they feel it represents them well and won't fuck them over. There have been posts by white nationalists for example who lament how 'their' side hasn't been pushed to the point of burning american flags in public in disavowing the regime as they feel they can still 'keep' it.
Well the thing is that a lot of people are selfish, so a problem that is specific to black people, and they aren't black, they do not care about it, and they can not be made to care about it unless you convince them their skin color can magically turn black. Worse, they are actively *in favor* of problems that can not affect themselves, because that improves their relative stance in the society. So telling them that police brutality is a problem disproportionally affecting black people simply makes them support police brutality more. Simple as that. Ultimately they're just in favor of any kind of shittiness that they don't think can affect them, and the skin color is convenient for that purpose. Without skin color they'd have to go around yelling PAPIERE!!! SCHNELL!!! at people, which also works perfectly fine for right wing people, but is less convenient.
By a lot of people, I don't mean the majority, but I mean easily a third of people. And it is not mere lack of empathy that is the issue, IMO. Suppose a politician is proposing to spend $10 billion of tax money on X. If X is morally neutral, there is general skepticism about that spending. Both sides will have to be convinced of the benefit of X. If X harms some people (other than stereotypical rightwinger) - some people, a very substantial, election swaying chunk of people will be madly in favor of it without ever asking how it helps *them*. As a knee jerk reaction. I fucking hate mosquitoes. Rightwingers around me also fucking hate mosquitoes. Where's the politician that wins overwhelmingly with a plan to fund mosquito control to the same level as DEA or ICE? Helicopters flying around looking for standing water, that kind of shit. Not seeing it. The industrial complex etc etc it can make money off that just as easily as off anything else. Why are public betterment measures that harm some other people, so wildly more popular? I don't think it's a failure to empathize. It is empathy with a negative sign. Or maybe some sort of deep seated preference for human sacrifice. What ever it is, it's not mere indifference. edit: and as for their internal narrative, honestly we don't know other people's internal narratives. I would presume the internal narrative is nice and rosy, but for all you know the internal narrative may just as well be screaming hate words far worse than expressed opinions. You have no way of knowing. Internet comments on any kind of rightwing-ish place are full of unmotivated hate, why would internal narrative be rosy? I don't really care much for what other people choose to mutter to themselves inside their own heads, anyway. Not my business.
>I don't think it's a failure to empathize. It is empathy with a negative sign. Or maybe some sort of deep seated preference for human sacrifice. What ever it is, it's not mere indifference. That is one of the main arguments used why the United States did not become even a social democracy in the 1930s-40s, or anytime in its history. There was the permanent racial divide in parts of the US that prevented Unionization and a broad class identity from forming.
Dumb comment tbh