r/SneerClub archives
Let me co opt this movement to push for more libertarianism (https://twitter.com/CorieWhalen/status/1268939697113501697?s=19)

Guys, if we pass criminal laws with respect to cops using excessive force in response to resisting arrest, we might have to use appropriate force on cops who resist arrest!

What’s wrong with this sort of thing? The whole BLM/Floyd thing is the state oppressing people, often with bullshit ‘quality of life’ metrics like prostitution and drinking in public or just being rowdy/ratchet/etc. Reminding local mayors to rescind those bullshit laws if they aren’t willing to personally shoot people over it is something that should be hammered into their heads.

EDIT: literally a lot of BLM people have advocated for radically libertarian things, in literally calling for autonomy for black areas from the American state and a mass freeing of Black prisoners and abolition of police. That’s a radically-libertarian thing, even if it’s more libertarian-left.

‘every law is a pointed gun’

I wonder if these people have kids. And if they do, if the kids need help. Blink twice if you need help.

Huh? They're telling their kids the truth. Probably telling them how to interact with cops better than those who aren't in the know. You know shit like don't tell cops information, don't go to a police station if they say they want to talk to you without a warrant or anything, etc.[And yes some people do need to know dont talk to cops, even if you are white.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)
I meant on the house rules, stuff like 'in this house we all help with chores'.
Sorry, but I don't see those tweets from what was linked. Also that sounds like how some white women are (that specific phrasing)
I meant more the general thing, if you believe that all laws and rules need to be enforced with violence, that sets a bad way to explain to your kids why they should do their chores. Sorry if that was unclear.
Sounds like black parents lol but yes that makes sense. Yes there's rules by consent and whatnot.
There are individuals... reproducing with these people. Like actual human women.
When you'd like to sneer at this on Twitter, but honestly not worth the headache.