r/SneerClub archives

The other thing, location bias is a big thing. Tim Pool gave a great ex

Tim pool, that is a yikes from me, that is not a person you should listen to, I mean there is no current event to which he can’t make a marvel movie reference. ‘did you know, that thanos was an utilitarian?’. The centrist really have the best kinds of deep political analysts in tim pool and joe rogan.

Joe Rogan is too open minded to right wing pseudoscience and conspiracy theories, but he does have a functioning brain. Tim Pool, on the other hand, is too stupid to even know what he’s arguing about.
Joe Rogan refers to russia as the ussr. But yes pool is way worse.
pool is a "centrist" only for purposes of fish hook theory, except he's at the hook end

This is not at all out of character for them, but they seem to be using “religious” to mean “thing I don’t like”