r/SneerClub archives
When it’s not about black lives, she’s on board: (https://i.redd.it/yab7e0a9m9351.jpg)

If you leave race, class and any context out of this, murder is wrong. Who knew?

This is the celebrated high-decoupling brainpower.

>murder is wrong Who would knew!
To be fair, right-wing libertarians have been bitching about police violence before BLM was really a thing. Alex Jones was talking shit about jackboot cops during the Bush II era, even though you know "Fuck the Police" was a song since the late 1980s...
ah yes the famous right libertarians (checks notes)... the N.W.A.
I mean gangster rappers are implicitly right wing libertarian, lol "the state shouldn't fuck with me so I can sell drugs, gun laws have no control over me, and I wanna settle my scores in duels" is implicitly right-libertarian.
that's genuinely an interesting point lmao

thats uh… aggressively blatant

“I frequent the police subreddit so i get to see the police side whenever a video goes viral”

As if the media didn’t already favor their perspective lmao


They sure fucked up if like 40% of people say burning down the Minneapolis PD station was at least partially justified
They sure fucked up if like 40% of people say burning down the Minneapolis PD station was at least partially justified

racist scum. dont even have a witty comment for this

I don't think she is a racist.
she all lives mattered #BLM lmao edit; in tweets under that she says that the world is scary and angry (true!) but it’s because of “the frames” that everyone is using. the “frame” in question is “could cops please stop killing black people thx.” hmm. Hmmmmmmm
That's a bit more abstract then tweeting #alllivesmatter or whatever so I guess it's harder to set off alarms.


Mods putting people in horny gaol, smh
You’re right, she’s just been on a roll lately.
Is mentioning her profession in this manner really necessary? It just comes across as a touch condescending.
Perhaps, but my suspicion is that there’s an undue amount of attention given her on this subreddit *due* to that profession (which is as good and true as any impression) so I thought I’d point it out On reflection that was the wrong move, but it’s a bit late now
possibly. but you could still edit your post to say, for instance, "enough of the posts from this twitter account please" or something similar, maybe? i doubt most people pick out the name of the poster and go look for her, though... like, what are the numbers there? 3%? 1%? who would actually recognize her/go look for her account and discover her job?
You’ve got a point. I’ll edit it
All right, you're off my naughty list.

“Im skeptical about race part” says a tweet, you are.not skeptical, you are in denial.

Only way to make up for this is to release a vid of her taking a huge black dick. Sorry Aella that’s the way it works, I don’t make the rules.