r/SneerClub archives
Nasal swab=intelligence testing, amiright guys? (https://i.redd.it/l15lwlcw2c351.jpg)

Wait he’s being serious? I thought this was a dumb joke lol

It's a quality shitpost.
Ah, the old "I was only *pretending* to be stupid" excuse.
I can no longer even tell when I'm pretending

Ouch, just … ouch.

And the worst part, he actually thought this was a smart thing to say.

Also, who is this guy? And how is he related to the rationalists etc?

I’m not really sure what he does for a career, but he writes, blogs, and tweets the standard suite of rationalist views on intelligence, education, race realism, etc. When I google him this is what came up: https://quillette.com/author/noam-stein/ I haven’t read this but I’m gonna assume it’s ‘education doesn’t matter because IQ’. https://www.google.com/amp/s/culturologies.wordpress.com/2019/01/02/the-new-york-times-wont-stop-profiling-smart-people-who-talk-about-race/amp/ Also haven’t read, but based on the title it’s ‘why are they so mean to people like Noah Carl’ etc. https://jacobitemag.com/author/nstein/ Anti affirmative action. These could be different Noam Steins, but in that case their spiritually unity would transcend their corporeal separation. At a glance, his Twitter is exactly what you’d expect. I came across this hot take because it was retweeted by Sentientist. Thinking that she probably saw this as an *absolute* **own** really makes my day.
Ow god he had a 'smart people who talk about race are oppressed' take.
Can we pleeeease send them to an island where they can jerk each other off about ‘academic censorship’ and stop bothering everyone else?
The bitcoiners prob have an island somewhere, match made in heaven.
They can enjoy libertarian paradise together. Imagine there’s no central government, it’s easy if you try... No peer review board, above us only a Bayesian Superintelligence...
https://www.seasteading.org/ ?

Is that John von Neumann?


3 posts in a row is the limit, buddy.

Sorry, I am stuck inside and I tried coldbrew for the first time.
Now you know what stage 1 of the singularity felt like.