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Which current state would a state governed by NRx “principles” look most like?

In my view, it would be Turkmenistan.

  • Ruled by a president for life, which I suppose is de facto monarchy, and in fact closer to a traditional monarchy because Gurbanguly Berdimukhamedov actually has power and is not ceremonial like contemporary monarchs.
  • Governed by non-liberal ideology, blatantly anti-enlightenment values. Practically an ethnostate, as Russians and even ethnically similar Uzbeks are discriminated against.
  • Cameralism in everything but name. A non-egalitarian command and control economy.
  • No voice.

Is this wrong?

The ideal NRx country would actually be a whole region of monarchies, undergoing evolution like animals as they fought each other. The closest analogy I know of would be the ancient world, or medieval Europe, which proves the NRx idea correct as that system succeeded in eventually giving birth to democracy and the liberal modern world. ;)

I remember Scott Alexander likening NRx to a wish to see your country turned into something like Singapore. So I guess that would be it, except actual NRxers wouldn’t be too happy about the very multicultural aspect of it I guess


What does NRx mean?



A sham democracy and a very deeply corrupt one, yes, where the lines between government and organized crime are so blurred as to be non-existent, but still far too bureaucratic to be the NRx dreamstate imo.


E: stupid jokes aside, best to mark serious posts as NSFW.