r/SneerClub archives
I'm not dismissing that racism is responsible for the racial disparity in STEM, but the more likely cause is the influence of cool jocks in high school, because one can't play sports and do well in school at the same time. PS if you think racism is the reason you're the real racist (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23520356)

 “I disagree - many inner-city youths are into super-expensive sneakers (00 and up), golden chains and other status symbols dictated by the social environment they grow up in.”

I can count the number of black people this person knows on one hand.

You’re probably using one hand too many
Nah, you'd have to amputate yourself.

Most Rationalists are jocks as far as I can tell. They don’t like to read, they get mad when you correct them about things (roid rage?), and they likely play jock videogames like Call Of Duty instead of nerdy videogames like Hidden Agenda and Kula World.

A true communist nerd would play Dwarf Fortress
DF is great. Also, it when thinking about it, weirdly maoist communist. Landlords get killed, creation of capitalist system fails, bootstrapping of economies from nothing (with often horrible results if tapping into rivers/lava) is the great leap forward etc.
It's literally "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need"
Ow god in indeed
> Most Rationalists are jocks as far as I can tell. > and they likely play jock videogames like Call Of Duty LMAO, WHAT?
COD is a bit of a bro-y game like how Halo was and, really most FPS games are. I guess fighting games also

The most charitable reading of this is that the poster doesn’t mind blaming children for their lack of education or aspirations, but I can’t help but lol at yet another analysis that needs to take shot at those damn jocks. Very reminiscent of Scott

So this whole tribe thing is really just about never getting over high school huh

*Ding ding ding* we have a winner!

The jocks in my high school WERE the smart kids. Same in college. Knew some very smart jocks who were pre-med etc. We have a Kansas City Chief who’s a doctor.

Vin Diesel who is pretty much a 'Jock' is also a huge nerd who regularly plays dnd. (And is most famous for two series, one in which he plays out a weird dnd campaign, started from a one shot game, and another where he plays a criminal car mechanic (which isn't really something not nerdy tbh, tinkering with vehicles). The whole jock/nerd distinction is so weird. I don't think our high school had jocks tbh. We def had nerds who played Magic the gathering, but that included some cool kids (some of whom even played warhammer)
[May I introduce you to John Urshel?](https://math.mit.edu/~urschel/)
Wow! Impressed!
This. Is this whole 'dumb jock' stereotype an American thing? Or is it just a thing of the past and the average 'rationalist dude' is actually a lot older than I think and they still think high school works like it did in the 80s? We're living in an age where getting into college is getting harder and harder. I graduated only a few years ago, and already most of my school's sports teams were filled with kids trying to get into Medicine. Plenty of wannabe biochemists and chemists as well (I know cuz I was one of them). Though to be honest that could be it - rationalists seem to have a serious disrespect for biology, and at least in my school sports was mostly something bio nerds did. I kind of wish we would do a survey to find out what proportion of the intellectual dark web actually has any biological training - I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was somewhere south of 10%, despite the way they seem to love explaining away complex social phenomenons with 'genetics'.
I blame Archie comix (Big Moose) Maybe a lot of those 80's high school movies too
I'm not sure but didn't tbe SSC survey showed most people were in computer science?
Yup, I'm fairly old (by Reddit standards) and even then, half my AP classes were people playing sports and the cheerleaders.

imagine spelling out in great detail exactly how systemic societal forces push black kids into certain harder to get into and more dangerous professions and white kids into more reliable safe ones and concluding that there is therefore no reason to think any racism is afoot

Just to be clear, I am not denying that racism exists. I would however like to point out that the people who keep blaming everything to racism are the ones who are actually subliminally racists.

Or, you know, people who fight racism are aware of this, and are also aware that racists are using this as a shield to deny racism exists. (This is the BLM, ‘no acchtually ALM’ kneejerk reaction all over again).

I disagree - many inner-city youths are into super-expensive sneakers (00 and up), golden chains and other status symbols dictated by the social environment they grow up in.

[citation needed]

E: also that soccer example hit me right in the dutch pride. And i dont even like soccer.