r/SneerClub archives
Looks like we won't be seeing another HBD moratorium anytime soon.... (https://i.redd.it/i827t9khri551.png)

Molyneux was, “not a controversial figure in 2017,

Well that sure as fuck is false. Also “controversial figure.”

I can't even remember when Molyneux wasn't "controversial" but it sure as hell wasn't 2017
Yeah, he made a video called "Stopping America's Suicide By Race" in 2014
> Molyneux Wasn't he already big in the whole mens rights thing in 2014? The MRA movement (or at least most people in them) certainly was openly racist in 2017 (and well, openly sexist before that).
In general, Molyneux was a libertarian crank who went further to the right over the years. SPLC has some choice references to the dude's racism around 2014-15 but the dude was encouraging young adults to break all communication with their parents (or "deFOO") back in 2007.
That's definitely not cult leader shit, don't worry about it
Molyneux was always controversial in some circle (although really early on he wasn't explicitly racist). He has always been a slimeball of the highest order.
Right. Molyneux might have been controversial, like, half a decade ago, but dude's moved well beyond that at this point.
I’d say there’s some chance the libertarian and Bay Area rationalists blogosphere crowd might’ve known of Molyneaux earlier than 2017 even via Luke Muelhauser. Tenuous connection. But Luke Muelhauser reviewed Molyneaux’s book. I can’t find the link to his old blog. Luke basically though Stephan was a philosophy crank.

In case you missed it, Hsu is a physics professor, not genetics. His professorship and research therein isn’t threatened, only his admin role as VP of research.

So, Claire is misrepresenting things again?
Yep!* I mean, I guess he might lose a fair amount of income after being demoted to mere tenured professor, so I guess that's his "livelihood'. Also, Lehmann's post doesn't even mention the hundreds of MSU faculty who signed their own letter, but she knows her crowd really dislikes uppity grad students. *Edit: [listing in the department](https://pa.msu.edu/profile/hsu/)

Why didn’t he sign this with his legal name?

Well then we would all have a field day over here. And sneerclub isn't allowed nice things. E2: removed joke about how Scott should just go public with his real name, bad joke considering the current circumstances.
lol of course it's Quillette
Lmao that letter reads like a parody
IKR? and "misrepresentations and exaggerations" - it takes one to know (or project) one, doesn't it Claire?
Can we have a little sidebar about how Claire HBDmann doesn't understand white balance?
> "democratic socialist" Ohhhhh scaryyyyy. And he doesn't like Confederate monuments. He's a vandal! Omg so scary. Fucking dorks who wrote this. Defend Kevin!
>HBD moratorium What does HBD stand for? Or can you describe what you mean by this?
it means that dumbass americans project their local stereotypes to a universal theory of genetics of humans
Of course they're fucking transphobes too
Holy shit, comparing Hsu to fucking Nikolai Vavilov. That's a hell of a thing.

To be expected from Alexander, but a new low for Aaronson.

While the biggest ‘lets end racism’ protests in a long long while are going around, this is a post they are adding their support to. While they both are still silent about the BLM protests. Typical.

E: what is important is to team up with Quilette (who for some reason has so also include a bit of transphobia in their call to action for Hsu)

Look this is the biggest civil rights case since James Damore.
It's quite something that with everything going on in the past month it's *this* that finally got Scott riled up enough to post a petition about. Not black people being murdered by police, but a university wanting to disassociate itself from people who amplify fucking Ron Unz. I'm really starting to think Scott is crypto-fash
Yeah, this is what is important to him, not trans rights (for which now important things are happening in the UK iirc), not black lives matter etc. The BLM thing is esp important as this just points to the failure of his ['coordinate meanness' idea (which is what cops are)](https://slatestarcodex.com/2016/05/02/be-nice-at-least-until-you-can-coordinate-meanness/) which you would think would be important to at least say something about. But nope *crickets*. E: not sure if he is crypto-fash or not, but I think he is just way to in love with the idea of talking things out 'rationally' and very very conflict avoidant (esp in analyzing his own ideas and motivations oddly enough). E2: When SSC finally writes about the current protests it will be wild however, he will blame all the violence on the protestors, just like he did with the gay rights movement before. But that is something to look forward to in 2040.

I’ve avoided SSC for many, many years at this point. But I’m just curious, has he admitted his conservatism yet?

I'm sure he would reply that he isn't conservative, he's merely correct. Correctly politically incorrect, if you will.
He has admitted liking a lot of ideologies: [Libertarianism](https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/12/08/a-something-sort-of-like-left-libertarianism-ist-manifesto/), [Liberalism](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/02/23/in-favor-of-niceness-community-and-civilization/), [Being attracted to communism](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/24/book-review-red-plenty/), [small c-conservatism](https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/05/06/raikoth-laws-language-and-society/) You could either interpret it as being inconsistent or open-minded.
I used to think he was open-minded. That's why I read his blog. But his tell was the way he reacted to progressive politics. He didn't seem to understand the motives or reasoning of anyone wanted social progress or change, and that showed in the way he tried to interpret those positions -- i.e. badly, unfairly and with barely concealed contempt. There was no steel-manning to be found. The whole rational, above-it-all-ness of the SSC brand is a massive lie. Also I don't want anything to do with a person who, with open arms, excitedly welcomes full-on Nazis to be a part of the community and discussion.
He can't like progressive politics, as this would mean he would have to come to terms with the dislike MLK had for white moderates, which would make all his culture war related projects crash and burn. Of course, he comes very close, he mentioned before that looking at your own 'group' should hurt, and how you should moderate places to keep out nazis because else the nazis take over. But he will refuse to apply his own ideas consistently in these cases. (As that would require the painful introspection).
He has said that he is triggered by social justice: [https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/01/12/a-response-to-apophemi-on-triggers/](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/01/12/a-response-to-apophemi-on-triggers/) Which would be an interenting philosophical conundrum, what should we do when someone is triggered by an entire mainstream ideological movement? Do we force that person to sign up for exposure therapy? What if it doesn't work, are they still allowed to vote if they can't even look at the points of the opposition?

americans are so dumb I s2g

But what does Craig Wright think?

(It may be worth noting that the political scientist Colin Wight who signed the petition is different from the biologist Colin Wright, who is likely better known to /r/SneerClub readers for his biological-sex-is-binary advocacy and recently joining the Quillette editorial staff.)