r/SneerClub archives
Eliezer Yudkowsky is statistically almost certain to be smarter than anyone who will ever read this comment (https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/haqbi2/people_of_higher_status_are_more_likely_to_think/fv5m4iw/)

It’s funny that both for eliezer and this commenter, the proof of supreme smartness is the abililty to con other rich people into giving you money.

Aww the good old sparkle post.

First time seeing this. Chance of a *Twilight* fanfic somewhere in Yud's unpublished writing?
Someone else (maybe one of his friends?) did write a rational-Twilight fanfiction. I think it’s called Luminous or something like that.
Alicorn. Like most (tho not all) ratfic, it's vastly better written than HPMOR.
That would be glorious, fun little fact, 50 shades started out as twilight fanfiction, so im sure Yud can use some bdsm(*) experience to make rationalist twilight bdsm fanfiction. *: I know 50 shades is a horrible example of bdsm
Yeah, that's a fact I've somehow picked up despite no personal interest in any of that shit. Now if there were a fanfic in which Babu Frik and baby Yoda have to team up to do, like, almost any goddamn thing, I'm on board.
This just goes to show that if Yud had filed the serial numbers off of HPMOR and sent it to a publisher, he could've had a City of Bones or Ready Player One equivalent on his hands but instead he tried recruiting people to his ideology.

Lol fucking product managers as the pinnacle of brilliance.

Pipeline: get lucky to be on a product where people actually making it know what they’re doing, then get promoted for their success. Get hired at another company as a cargo cult move.

It is also such a weird hyperspecific part of capitalism to focus on. Also, I heard about people who managed researchers in the past, who have a similar (but less end goal focussed) job related to product management. And here was his trick to getting the most out of the researchers 'ensure they interact with each other regularly'. That was it. Same applies here, all these qualities he lists exist in different ways in different people, you just need to makes sure there is regular interaction so they can talk about each others concerns. Those seem to be the additional requirements which are needed for product management compared to regular management.
Well the reason he's focusing on it, is that PMs at large companies frequently get a very significant multiple of the salary of people doing the actual work. A smaller scale, but far more common version of the CEO salary rise situation. The reason it happens is that a company wanting to succeed (or at least the person in charge wanting a CYA in case of failure) hires a PM from another company who led a successful product. To do that, have to pay a lot. That PM is a pleasant enough person, they go around cheerleading and trying to get a little bit of help from people on other teams and so on. But none of that makes a lot of difference; the success of product is largely due to a: choice of the product (has to fulfill a need, has to be possible to make, has not to have too strong competition or has to beat competition) and b: people working on it knowing what they're doing (which is not a given). Yes, if PM was to be a dick they could make a lot of negative difference, but paying a lot for that is like paying a lot to some guy who's sitting in the passenger seat of a truck that someone else is driving, just because they in principle could reach and yank the wheel and wreck the truck. Mostly I think we have real trouble recognizing people for team effort. Everyone pays lip service to it but then, an oversimplification later it is very few people that are getting huge bonuses and pay raises or switch to another company who have the idea that if they have a PM who led a successful product at another company they'll have a successful product. They can't just hire all the people who did actual work on it, so they do the "next best thing" which is hiring one person who sounds like they were leading something. edit: and all that doesn't apply in any way to PM of the product I am currently working on; the team is small enough that PM is also an actual manager and deals with internal bureaucracy and so on. But in larger and/or better funded situations (which I seen before) this is all delegated and even delegation itself isn't something they do.

Yeah, because I’m now dumber as a result of reading said comment

Late September, 2008. Probably much less sparkling a few months later.

Eliezer “everyone is irrational but me and my friends but especially me” Yudkowsky

Hey, man, it takes a high IQ to be able to read auras * ~ *rationally.* ~ *
Rationalist community a t i o a l i s t c o m m u n i t y

And here I thought Eliezer held his genius-rarity-level at the modest level of 1 in 300.

I thought I remembered him saying his g-factor or whatever the fuck was 3 (or maybe 5) standard deviations above the mean, and in my journey to find a source on that, I found this frippery from Ben G, as part of a discussion with Eliezer on chess and go: >Personally, I'm a very mediocre chess player yet I have a very high IQ.I've not played much chess ever ... but I also don't think I have anaptitude for it, because I find it very difficult to get myself toconcentrate on \*any\* game. I suspect that if I forced myself to practicechess very very hard, I could become very good at it, but probably not asmany standard deviations above the mean as my IQ is. Even now, though, I'mpretty sure I could beat most people at chess, based on raw analyticalability & intuition (and this is borne out by the handful of times I'veplayed strangers socially). "I predict that I am very good, based on my intelligence, but if it turns out I can't get that good I just want to say beforehand that it's not because of my intelligence"

I don’t even know what this means. Clearly I’m not smart, despite a BA from Yale and a MS from Tufts.