r/SneerClub archives

Earlier today a racist—sorry, someone who is totes not racist cuz believing in HBD isn’t racist especially if you hedge a bit and I can’t believe anyone would ever think I’m racist just cuz I said black people are genetically predisposed to be stupid 🙄🙄🙄—came to our humble sneer club to try to find debate opponents. As our rules sticky helpfully informs, this is not a place to debate racists.

I know it’s a popular savior fantasy to hope that your facts and logics will be the ones that finally convinces this poor lost soul of a racist to see the light. But it’s a fantasy. It’s very unlikely to happen. (Indeed, up until the moment I banned this racist they were still clinging to and arguing for their racist views in the sneerclub thread they created.) Don’t delude yourself into thinking otherwise. You may find some other value in arguing with racists—maybe it helps you hone your understanding, maybe you’re a sicko who finds it fun. That’s fine. But don’t do it here. Sneerclub is not the place for it. If you really want to argue with racists, there’s a lot of subreddits for you.

I don’t want to have to perma ban a bunch of people. So be responsible and keep your racist debating to r/TheMotte. If you see a racist come to try to debate, report it and don’t get suckered into their trap.

Why anyone want to debate a racist when you can simply make fun of them is beyond me. They’re already in the wrong, you’ve already won! All that’s left is to dance, mockingly.

If you wrestle a pig in shit you both get dirty, but the pig likes it!

It's intellectually dishonest I guess would be the main reason. And of course if you try to shame and unperson people who are unpopular they can say "see the x people don't want to discuss this they must mean they have something to hide/won't discuss it because they know they are wrong!"
I could not care less about intellectual dishonesty when dealing with people who traffic in bad faith. IMO shaming/mocking *without* unpersoning leaves the door cracked so that people who might be reflexive enough to do some reading or have difficult IRL conversations have that opportunity, but it also doesn't waste your time or drain your energy trying to debate someone who has a PhD in intellectual dishonesty.

Just some unsolicited advice.

If in another sub you are going to debate a racist remember that the point shouldn’t be to convince the racist to change their mind (that is basically never going to happen) but instead to show the audience how utterly incorrect the racist is. That or to just laugh at them publicly.

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

Jean-Paul Sarte

Ehm, bit out of the loop, but what’s HBD? What did I miss? Edit: misspelled HBD

As u/rnykal says, it is effectively modern scientific racism. Personally, I think even that's giving it too much credit - whenever I look at the sub, it seems to be full of one-sided povs, unevidenced and unsourced statements, debunked papers, and dogmatic objections to anyone who doesn't share their beliefs. Ofc I still go on the sub sometimes to gawk. Sneer a bit
I assume that by sub you mean themotte?
Nah r/hbd
lol yeah a bit ootl for this sub hbd is "human biodiversity" pretty much the modern incarnation of scientific racism
A euphemism for cherry-picking poorly-supported scientific conclusions which confirm one's racist prejudices.
"Human Bio-Diversity". A euphemism for the belief that different population sub-groups across the globe can be ordered by average intelligence. It’s kind of obvious that humans vary across the globe so the HBD crowd infer that clearly therefore intelligence is one of those things & before you know it you’re neck deep in holocaust deniers & people who think that antebellum slavery was the way things ought to be. In the real-world, the evidence base for all this is execrable & those who use it as a scaffold to support their racist worldview appear to be wilfully oblivious to the reality that you can have a phenotypic trait which has /nothing to do with intelligence directly/ yet can have a strong effect due to cultural / societal influence & that will show up in your "studies" that "prove" race X are superior to race Y. I’m sure you can think of some obvious examples. So any objective scientific attitude to HBD when it comes to intelligence (and that’s the only thing this crowd goes on about) is: where’s the beef? Because when you go looking, it isn’t there. Just lots of people who have read "The Bell Curve" and think that makes them qualified to opine on the topic. (And yes, apparently that includes a member of the UK cabinet, god help us.) This is before you even start in on the morality of the thing. Questions like: "Why is it so important to you to prove that race X is less capable than race Y?" spring instantly to mind. Those questions don’t tend to get reasonable answers from the HBD crowd.

I was going to propose making a thread where we collect all of our “why do sneer at HBD/themotte/ssc/rationalists/scotts/intellectualsyetidiots”

But, i realized it was more fun to let them wander in here and tell us their “rationalist” feelings about how we’re bad.

Granted, the thread in question was bait for arguing about HBD, but the OP’s views on sneering were choice. Even I was tempted (and succumbed) to get them to talk more.

this is mod tyranny. a real mod would allow one racist in every 90 days and then we spend the whole time laughing at them, making fun of them and mercilessly bullying them. it’s only a matter of time before reddit bans this subreddit for abusing racist people anyway.

that's how I run my Facebook wall

But it’s fun :(

It's even more fun for the racists because they get to spread their bigoted views. That's like 99.9999% of the reason for "RAWR DEBATE ME WITH FACTS AND LOGIC YOU EMOTIONAL LEFTISTS" posts. Don't be a sucker!
It also gives them a way to rationalise never interacting with anti hbd ers. 'I talked to sneerclub but they were mean'. For example this person gave up trying to understand sneerclubbers after 6 hours. Half of them were spend on typing. That isnt a proper way to change your mind, that is just kneejerk defending yourself. Compare the 'im not a racist but...' person with the other post who was looking for reading advice. Both got a massive response only the the latter wasnt defensive. To the mods, yeah I also failed in the do not debate department.
While I understand where you’re coming from that’s not how things work. People gravitate to it when it isn’t outright demolished. I’d imagine there’d be less ignorant idiots buying into the garbage if there were people debating it. Because every time Ive seen someone ignore it, or just hand wave it with insults, it tends to have the opposite affect. They go: “see look! They can only insult and ignore us because they’re afraid of our FACTS AND LOGIC”. Of course that doesn’t mean most of them would believe it even if I laid out point by point why they’re wrong.
Arguing with those hitlerlets is midway between casting pearls before swine and polishing a turd. It is condensed futility. This is why we sneer. P.s. autocorrect turned hitlerlets into "hotelliers." Inhabitants of themotte are now officially called "hotelliers" by order of our AI overlords.
>Arguing with those hitlerlets is midway between casting pearls before swine and polishing a turd. It is condensed futility. Depends if your goal is to change the mind of the person you're arguing with or if your goal is to convince the people who are reading that they're wrong. And if your position is "someone who would be convinced by racist 'facts' is a lost cause anyways" then antiracism is a failed project
I dont think arguing with out facists on their terrain is the right tool for the job. Merely by acccepting those terms, their dumb shit is given unearned credibility, not to mention that they are not honest brokers. They aren't trying to prove a point, they want you to look dumb. It's arguing how many angels fit on the head if a pin with asshoses, though instead of angels, it people, and instead of pins it's ovens. No good will come of it. And that's why God invented swirlies.
> People gravitate to it when it isn’t outright demolished. This is an empirical claim, do you have evidence for it? My experience goes in the other direction: that when it is ignored or ridiculed people gravitate towards the position that it is worth ignoring or ridiculing. Certainly what you’d “imagine” as a counterfactual holds zero weight as evidence. For example, there was a documentary that came out a while - an imperfect one, but still interesting - about a woman who eventually got her dad to be less bigoted, after he had had a change in lifestyle and started to absorb right wing talk radio and Fox News, which had turned him from a gentle sort into a hateful lunatic. The key message was that it was not argument and counter-argument, or even persuasion and engagement which put him back to the generally nice guy he’d been, what changed was - again - a change in lifestyle which made him less obsessed with this awful media bombardment. I see no obvious reason why argument and discussion should change peoples minds one way or the other.
> I see no obvious reason why argument and discussion should change peoples minds one way or the other. 1. A rational actor changes their mind based upon argument and discussion. 2. People ought be rational actors. 3. Ought = is. 4. Therefore, people change their minds based upon argument and discussion.
Not a believer in rationality or rational actors as an empirical concept, more into “imaginative reflection” stuff lately
I appreciate that premise 1 is the one you went after, and said nothing about premise 3.
Well all is obviously one so it makes no difference really
What it says on the tin, you reflect on the workings of the imagination in trying to understand how the mind works instead of thinking about more straightforward ideas like “rationality”
No it’s anecdotal I don’t have to provide any evidence. I’m sure people do have the opposite experience. This isn’t a debate, I don’t have any argument I’m trying prove LOL. So you don’t change your mind when presented with sound arguments? I should note I’m not taking about KKK racism. I’m talking about uneducated people gravitating to scientific racism because it gives the fake appearance of being scientifically rigorous with all the stats and big vocabulary.
> So you don’t change your mind when presented with sound arguments? You ever go to an academic conference, or a seminar, and find a single person providing an entirely sound argument? That’s not how it works man. Einstein won a Nobel Prize not for relativity but for his work on the photo-electric effect because at least that was demonstrable on good solid Earth: it took years for astronomical observations to demonstrate that relativity was even roughly correct. Point being: when we do arguments well, whether this way or that, we employ a bunch of discursive norms, some of which are just holding high claims to high evidence and some of which are just ignoring people talking our their arse, amongst many others. Nobody convinces everyone all the time, you only need to go over to Conservapedia (used to be my favourite madcap website for a while) to find an alleged refutation of established Einsteinian physics. I don’t see any reason why that’s significantly different from uneducated people holding naive views about HBD - besides that one person is building the website, and the other is commenting on reddit - and I don’t see any reason why engaging with such people in adversarial or even persuasive debate as an anonymous stranger behind a username is gonna change their opinions. What’s the test case? What reason do we have to believe that engaging in that kind of discussion is gonna change people’s minds? Obviously there’s room for manoeuvre, helping people out with info and such, moving things in the right direction, but why can’t that sit alongside just ignoring the idiots now and again?
By the way, I don’t know your background as such, but my “official” background is that I’m either an ex- or aspiring academic focusing on epistemology and philosophy of science (economics), but also - as such - what I used to call when I was an undergraduate analytic philosophy student a “barbarian at the gates”. I came into philosophy as an accident because I wasn’t “allowed” to study art in a complicated way I won’t go into. I’m an unfocused kind of guy and I always hated the way people in analytic philosophy *talked* about philosophical issues in this kind of debate P1, P2, Conclusion sort of way but I had to learn it to work out why I hated it so much and find out how to make fun of it (and I got pretty good at both of those things), the only thing I hated more being the Continental pontificators who just wanna tell you how much shoddy pop-history books they’ve read that are just *so important*. I came into university in my late teens from a background as a sort of minor prodigy in literature and literary criticism, so I learned all about Derrida and blah blah blah before any of my hardcore analytic philosophy peers were even aware of it (monologuing here). But whatever you think about the shit (and a lot of it is shit) that Derrida et al. came out with it’s got a certain resonance with correct scepticism about how things come off as tools of communication in difficult circumstances (Derrida himself was both Jewish and an Algerian-Frenchman in an era where both of those were a pretty hectic thing to be, and wrote letters as an undergraduate to friends expressing profound depression at his own in/ability to unpack and dismantle philosophical ideas without being able to put them back together). There’s *got* to be more to communicating with somebody than facing off one to one (even if you’ve got a second to back you up) about who’s got the greater percentage of good arguments or who turns out to be the most convincing, it’s just fundamental to the whole thing of communicating. If you want to tie this personal story back to the topic at hand just look at my erstwhile friend Ryan from when I was in undergrad, who I just don’t speak to anymore. Very good multiple degrees in philosophy and theology (top marks at Oxford for his Master’s), also a conspiratorial Protestant bigot who thinks that permitting abortion is a deliberate attempt to undermine Ireland’s constitution (he does not and has never lived in Ireland, and identifies strongly as “British” despite living in Northern Iron). Man sometimes you just can’t talk to these people. I’ll give you another example. For personal-historical reasons I, more than any academic I know, habitually hang out less with “debate me” type people than with weirdos and outsiders. That isn’t a boast about my street credentials it’s just that I prefer chatting with street people and barflies and underpaid strippers and all that shit than I enjoy sitting in a seminar (although those are good too, if they’re good seminars). Nobody. Fucking *NOBODY* in the real or at least the semi-underground or “just trying to make a payday” world thinks that any of that cross-purposes talk about having “sound arguments” means anything more except as a process of working things out between each other, with all the social caveats that go with the process. My question ends up being, why the fuck would you think that sound arguments are the foundation of opposing even the mildest kind of racism?
I think you’re obfuscating the issue. When people make statements on their beliefs they usually back it up with some kind of logic. Now they may not think in the form of syllogisms or even necessarily use sound arguments when thinking about what they say or believe but it’s pretty dishonest to say that arguments won’t change your mind about something. This is of course anecdotal but I’ve had arguments with people in very respectful manners who eventually saw things from a different perspective and gained insight on their beliefs. Sound arguments have changed my mind. I believe it can do the same for others. Do I believe an argument could change the mind of say a Nazi or a KKK member? Probably not, but that’s because their beliefs aren’t rooted in any sort of formal logic to begin with.
I’m confused as to the role “formal logic” is supposed to play in any such confusion in the first place My whole point is that communication doesn’t work according to “is logical” vs “is not logical” and that very little of the scope of human knowledge-production is based on such a distinction I agree with you about seeing things from different perspectives but I am genuinely sceptical that the only thing that was going on when you heard a “sound argument” was just the soundness of the logic so frequently that it genuinely characterises the majority or plurality of the number of times you’ve changed your mind
I mean you can doubt it if you want. All I’m saying is that if something makes sense and it’s backed with evidence and reasoning that isn’t fallacious, I can change my mind.
Sure, but does that mean that it actively works to change minds, better and more frequently than other methods?
I think it works better than ignoring something. At least in regards to the type of people I mentioned. I think most proponents take silence as weakness. Maybe I’m wrong about that though
I feel like you haven’t done much research for someone so confident in their conclusions
I don’t think you actually know how much research I’ve done about any topic. I wasn’t making any claims based on science. I was speaking from anecdotal experience.
and yet, they have perfectly described how much research you've done into this particular topic.
I’m sure it appears that way to people with reading difficulties.
Derrida has a few fundamental things that he sort of ties together and then unties again (which is kind of the point). Check out the Stanford Encyclopedia and see if you can find anything that makes sense. His basic point could maybe be said to derive from earlier structuralist philosophers and phenomenologists who emphasise, respectively: 1) the functional, map-like, nature of language, i.e. that in some language there are sort of nodes (either words or phonemes or whatever) that are defined by their relationship in (let’s say) a grammatical structure, which makes them sensible to a speaker of that language, and relates them to every other ‘node’ (I’m using improvised terminology here because I’m not 100% on what the appropriate translation from the French would be) 2) Phenomenologists, especially with the influence of Heidegger (although he wrote a famous letter in which he basically said “the French don’t Fucking get it”), try to point out the situatedness of experience in existing historical contexts. You have a hammer, but what is “a hammer”? Well it has its use to you as a hammer, but that doesn’t finish things off ontologically either for you or for the hammer. Derrida is sort of trying to untie these structural relationships by pointing out - in punish fashion - the difference (there’s a whole bit about “difference” here btw) between communication, speech, and writing, as they relate to the speaker, the listener, all that stuff. Look this is just a hastily written framework to maybe guide a few of your thoughts as you investigate for yourself. I’m not a Derrida expert nor am I a good communicator
> They go: “see look! They can only insult and ignore us because they’re afraid of our FACTS AND LOGIC”. *That's what they say* because *they're trying to spread propaganda*. You know the 'facts and logic' line is bovine excrement; you might as well mock them and call them out for it.
I don’t give them that much credit. I think they truly believe the shit they say. I’ve been in the shit.

I don’t debate anyone unless they pay my debate fee

What is the accepted definition of “racist” in this subreddit? It’s quite possible that every member of this subreddit is a racist, depending on how you define the term. I would hate to be banned because I broke the rules rather than being an insufferable contrarian asshat.