r/SneerClub archives

Some other gems from the TL:

“SF is to founders what monasteries are to monks.”

“Startups are like political revolutions: A constant struggle between the idealistic vision and the pragmatic compromises necessary to get there.”

“Children should be raised the same way muscles are built: Expose them to the largest setbacks they can recover from.”

“The elected buffoon is just as illegitimate to Confucius as the enlightened monarch is to John Locke.”

“In political philosophy, Plato is utopian, Hegel is iterative.”

“In startups, Theil (Zero to One) is utopian, Ries (Lean Startup) is iterative.”

“The politics of business converge with the politics of sororities: They both seek the most agreeable, least controversial position because they are not political entities and merely use politics for ulterior ends.”

“A is like B, because I understand neither A or B but can describe them in vague enough terms that some people might not catch on.”

Musk and Theil are dragons. SF is a dragon’s den littered with the charred wreckage of human remains left in the wake of their violent hoarding.
> "In political philosophy, Plato is utopian, Hegel is iterative." Literally 'takes a class w/ Honneth once.' How do these insufferable assholes actually operate in the world?
Why do they talk about Hegel so much? I really think if these rationalists actually bothered to read anything by Hegel, they would not like him so much.
I genuinely wonder if the answer is "Fallout New Vegas", most of these guys are in the right age bracket that Ceaser's pseudo intellectual rants might have been baby's first philosophy.
https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnathanBi/status/1267220753277161473 ...
> "SF is to founders what monasteries are to monks." > It produces great companies because it's so damn boring. I'm so out of touch, I thought he was saying Science Fiction sucks and was about to get all fighty. Also, I've witnessed one homicide and one attempted homicide in SF, despite having spent a total of less than two months there, so I wouldn't say it's *boring.*
>"Children should be raised the same way muscles are built: Expose them to the largest setbacks they can recover from." I probably wouldn't bothering pointing this out if I were feeling more charitable to the writer of that sentiment, but this isn't true. In order to build up strength, you *don't* exercise to failure, even a "recoverable" failure. With the exceptions of competitive lifting and attempts to set records, you stop while you still have the ability to push out a few more reps.
Yeah, I doubt that this guy would snap his arms in half to build up bone strength on the basis that they'll get better eventually.
dude's trying to be the even more obnoxious version of naval

dude has a pinned tweet where he calls himself a deep thinker but can’t spell affect properly

I don’t know of the person in question - but capacity for deep (conceptual) thinking is not at all disproven by proclivity for spelling. A deep conceptual thinker would quite possibly regard spelling as trivial. That’s the nature of what they do after all. They are uninterested in low level procedural formalities and very interested in high level modeling and analogous abstractions.
When's the book coming out?

This guy is trying to scam some vc money lol

Listen, if you can grift some VC cash out of these fools, I don’t blame you a second 😆
Fools and their money, eh?

Elon is like dogshit and no i will not be explaining exactly how

Bristol scale rafting or gtfo

Sucks there are only 2 classical composers, Bach and Mozart.

‘The illusion of knowledge is more harmful than ignorance.’ He should listen to himself.

E: also weird irony, but I always really liked Bach. An huge organ filling a church with Bach is quite something.

> Sucks there are only 2 classical composers, Bach and Mozart. He would've included Beethoven, but it was going around twitter that he might have been black
Toccata and fugue or Bourree in E minor are undeniably amazing tunes and everyone knows it. Suggesting that only patricians like Bach is on a transcendental plane of stupid
It says more about him than about people who listen to classical music
>An huge organ filling a church with Bach is quite something. It really is, the way he was able to mimic that effect in other pieces like his solo violin fugues is amazing too. But if you like the organ music maybe you should check out some of the symphonies by Bruckner, he's the only composer to come close to Bach.

The faux intellectualism is killing me. These people are just creepy nerds having para-social relationships with rich dicks

::soft fapping intensifies::

Just ime, Bach is way more popular among non classical fans than Mozart

I am not a classical fan and I am more familiar with mozart
Checked the worst data source of all time, youtube search for bach first hit as 50m views, yt search for mozart first hit has 200m views. Says nothing about the split between classical and non-classical fans of course.
i did a twitter poll about it and the result is that i'm a cuck
Well that is better than mine, nobody wants to answer mine because they are afraid my poll contains estrogens.
That says just as much about how long each video's been on Youtube
You cant get any valuable info from what i posted. Im sorry, i did a rationalism
Some people say I’m “mercurial” (actual quote) but I say I’m just a fucking idiot who should not be allowed in public
Mecurial you say? That must mean you [must be like Holst](https://youtu.be/RkiiAloL6aE). (Ha i know 3 composers).

some people need more Schoenberg

The subtext: ‘I listen to Bach and Mozart’