r/SneerClub archives
Having your real name attached to posts that are against certain political topics or narratives, can be borderline-lethal in 2020. He's scared, and rightfully so. (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23610435)

White men posting on the internet are the most oppressed group in the world today.

user reports: 1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive I got a bunch of these today, somebody’s on some kind of crusade

Having spent the last month interpreting current events as a direct affront against themselves, the rationalists crack and are seeing phantom SJWs in the shadows, waiting for the right opportunity to leap out and stab them for reading The Bell Curve.

Really great thread filled with big brain opinions. The sky is falling and the hackers might just cancel their NY Times subscriptions over this injustice. His name was Scott Alexander.

Actually, it turns out his name wasn’t Scott Alexander at all.
All this time, he was actually Alexander Scott!

writing a scientific blog


Argghh. My blood pressure…

(And i dont even disagree with the idea that this stuff can be dangerous, anybody semi-famous who sticks their neck out poltically (which is what scott was doing) is running a risk. Hell even people just on twitch are running a risk of being swatted. And then there always is the risk of people stealing your identity to commit fraud. Dont take anonymity on the internet too lightly just because it is a worry of people you dislike).

E: Of course the idea that this is a sjw witchunt is just crazy.

I mean, a third of the posts were deep dives into antidepressant mechanisms or psychiatry literature reviews or whatever
Think you are overstating that amount by a lot, but you are right that it wasn't all just unscientific. (But I doubt those were the popular posts).
Oh yeah i'm sure the post popular ones were the more controversial ones (hmm, where have i heard this before...)
Where have we? I'm wooshing a bit.
Oh sorry, there was an SSC post along the same lines, it was one of the more well-known ones
With the removal of SSC from the internet I actually have forgotten all about it. ([Turns I was the acausalrobot god all along.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpK5qHQK1q4))
Ahoy Soyweiser! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: > writing a scientific blog Scientific... Argghh. Me blood pressure... (N' me dont even disagree wit' thar idea that dis stuff can be dangerous, anybody semi-famous who sticks their neck out poltically (which be what scott be doing) be running a risk. Hell even scallywags just on twitch be running a risk o' being swatted. N' then there always be thar risk o' scallywags stealing yer identity t' commit fraud. Dont take anonymity on thar series o' tubes too lightly just because it be a worry o' scallywags ye dislike).
This is such a bizarre mashup of Cornish, Scots and, for some reason, 20th century Jamaican, dialects that I’m inclined to leave it up as a museum piece

To cope with the journalistic persecution, the hackers want journalists to be licensed, or are rejecting the entire idea of journalists altogether.

Nothing like hackers to propose a quick fix which makes things so much worse. But hey the issue was closed. Boom another one for the productivity metrics.

This, unironically.