r/SneerClub archives

And that is the true danger of getting accustomed to only reading arguments in the rhetorical style of the dying wizard.

okay someone clue me in on what this dying wizard business is.
thanks i'll always imagine scoots and others like this now

Geoff Primal jumps in with one of the worst replies of all time: https://twitter.com/primalpoly/status/1277328336956477440?s=20

Wait, that’s not what he means???
Aww thanks for sharing how your political views have changed <3 pretty sure geoffrey miller is extremely vile in most ways btw
Not on any level other than superficially: When people critique the Dems from the left they generally are doing it based on things like "The Democrats aren't doing enough to rebuild our gutted social safety net, nor do they want to" or "the Democrats won't make more than superficial attempts to combat systemic racism" What Geoffrey "[Literal Eugenicist](https://www.edge.org/response-detail/23838/)" Miller means when he says the Democrats and the GOP are too close is some Jonathan Haidt shit about how the Democrats are [stereotype accuracy deniers](https://i.redd.it/nr28d5adj6u31.png) which is just as bad as wanting creationism taught in schools.
yes this is correct
I vacillate between hating and feeling sorry for these people
Geoff Primal deserves nothing but contempt.
Maybe a brisk slap to go with the contempt.
And that is how I ended up in their polycule. Primalpoly is what you get if you put Pinker and Quagmire into the teleporter from the fly.
This :-/
I was thinking more along the lines of: https://twitter.com/dril/status/793932186558861313?s=19
what do you mean? He's so smart--he used the big words
the two of them are just PEAK rationalism
Was conflicted about which one was worse but...hooboy
"[Vanguard of Applied Darwinism](https://twitter.com/Simon_Whitten/status/1181888421415047168)"

I love how there’s like, one truly valuable lesson in rationalism, and it’s all about how we are also deeply biased, and to question everything, and when faced with the realization that they were very wrong about something, this person’s first instinct is to blame everyone else.

The core tenet of “rationalism” is “I am very smart, so if I’m wrong, it’s not my fault”.

There are two common flaws I see over and over in rationalists: \- Denying they have feelings, then being ruled by those feelings \- Questioning biases everywhere but themselves. Sometimes people will make a show about questioning their own biases, but it's rarely more than skin deep.

I don’t get it. She had Bayes’ rule. How could it have failed for so long? Perhaps she did the math wrong.

Bayes like checking FiveThirtyEight and reconsidering one's influencer cred.

She goes on to say “I also am sympathetic to arguments that, while Trump is horrible, Biden is worse. I personally don’t really agree though - I think I’d prefer a semi-competent person I disagree with driving the ship than an incompetent person I disagree with slightly less”

Like what could you possibly agree with Trump, but not Biden, on?

is she racist? source?
Yes. I don't know, just search here.
didnt find anything
https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/search?q=aella&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all She's really more of a eugenicist but she's a strong "all lives matter" sort.
she seems to agree that black lives matter and racism is bad. i get being leery of the weird puritanical undercurrents of some parts of the movement doe, seems reasonable https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1268927805435244544 i don't think it makes sense to call her a eugenicist just because she posts questions about eugenics
ok. she's a content creator. what about her shift from "gnome predicament" content to "assigned reproductive partner" content? also, use the Bayes. P(asks questions about eugenics|is eugenicist) vs P(asks questions about eugenics|is not a eugenicist).
>ok. she's a content creator. what about her shift from "gnome predicament" content to "assigned reproductive partner" content? lol what about it? > P(asks questions about eugenics|is eugenicist) vs P(asks questions about eugenics|is not a eugenicist) What do you think is more likely -- that this random internet woman is a scary evil white supremacist, or that she's just a weird edgelord asking intentionally offensive questions to see how people react and, perhaps even more importantly, to generate buzz and drive people to her page, where they are more likely to click on her start-up or her onlyfans
> "assigned reproductive partner" > lol what about it? gee I dunno what could assigning partners *possibly* have to do with eugenics?? The "edgelord" defense has also struck me as a weak one ever since 2016, when an edgelord became American president and then started doing scandals. You strike me as someone who isn't all that familiar with Aella tweets.
>gee I dunno what could assigning partners possibly have to do with eugenics?? Sorry i don't even know what you're referring to with the "assigning partners" thing, does she think partners should be assigned? where has she said that? >The "edgelord" defense has also struck me as a weak one ever since 2016, when an edgelord became American president and then started doing scandals. Do you...think she is trying to...become president...? do you think the existence of trump somehow makes it untrue that lots of taboo-ignoring edgelords exist ? >You strike me as someone who isn't all that familiar with Aella tweets. I followed her for awhile, got annoyed, unfollowed, then refollowed to gawk when I saw she had an onlyfans and thus had a higher likelihood of posting lewds
Tax cuts for the rich. Policies that harm minorities that you can’t call them racist for because they are ackhshuslly motivated by principled libertarian beliefs and why are you still crying wolf this is why people voted for Trump. /s
the "value" of eugenics
Um compare Obama/Biden Iran policy to Trump Iran policy, it's a stark difference between peace and war.

What a horrible person. Able-ist slurs and all.

All her recent comments try so hard to excuse trump of possibly being a white nationalist. Why is it always so hard to for Rationalists to admit that somebody might actually be a white nationalist and repeatedly liking people who shout ‘white power’ is prob a sign that they are one. Also because open white nats are not really liked, most people wouldn’t be inclined to openly support white nats, so you should always be worried when people say vague thinks like ‘well I agree with some things Hitler did, but not everything’ without going into specifics. This all seems so basic that you need to be either naive, or secretly trying to help the natzis if you don’t at least get this.

Legit unrelated to the above but this is bad (Btw, people accuse Biden of being a demented weirdo sex pervert, (I certainly have in the past) but turns he always was a person who speaks in a lot of gaffes, he just isn’t that great of an public speaker. So he isn’t demented). Unless I misread the tweet and she means that Trump is the person she agrees more with btw (in that case it is related, and see my first paragraph and ignore me screaming).

Well, I'm in no position to judge his history on that, as all I know about biden before this is the jokes about him, and how I personally think the lower half of his face looks like [Judge Dredds face in the comics](https://ahvalnews.com/sites/default/files/styles/is_article_featured_top_1200x550/public/2019-05/judge_dredd_1.jpg?h=2e75806b&itok=F21_Et27). And then there is my preference to not say people are mentally not doing well just by media appearances (I dislike the same being done for trump for example, who granted also does very badly, and I'm still annoyed so many media cleans up what he says to make it coherent (the speeches are a lot weirder than what is written about the speeches)). To be fair, I also have not really listened to Bidens recent speeches where he wears a mask, I did see he was wearing one on some images.
Biden is a Stutterer: [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/01/joe-biden-stutter-profile/602401/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/01/joe-biden-stutter-profile/602401/) It may not explain everything, but some of his verbal moments are clearly due to this.
Ah yes, that explains a lot, esp why people were talking about him having this problem in the past, thanks.
Listen to his recent policy speeches, well worth it. They are surprisingly left wing in content.
Well, im not allowed to vote anyway, and in Bidens case im more worried he doesn't walk the walk. Esp considering the recent democratic votes. (No on weed? wtf)

aella we know you hate read this sub because if Scott and Yud do it so do you

just come out and say you’re a fascist it’d make everyone’s life easier

On the one hand, he can’t form complete sentences, says extremely stupid and rude shit constantly, and is obviously incompetent.

On the other hand, this makes the libs mad.

What a conundrum.

If someone’s dumb enough to not see “Trump bad”, my priors force me to conclude that their opinions on everything politics/culture related will be terrible. Did I apply Bayes’ correctly, or can only Rationalists do that??

Now do one P(crime | black neighborhood) and you'll be a full fledged rationalist!

This is the risk of getting all your info from social media. She said in a related tweet “Of course I agree he is in fact bad, just most people talking about him being bad are really bad at it.”

Well, if you read the front page of the Washington Post, or the oped section, you’d get an eyeful of GOOD reasons why Trump is a garbage fire.

This is the problem with social media!

EDIT: Social media is the worldwide equivalent of only talking to your neighbors or friends about international or political issues: you still get dumb takes, only at a worldwide scale!

i mean, she probably follows primarily tech people, the garbage opinion havers of the earth

Further down the thread:

I also am sympathetic to arguments that, while Trump is horrible, Biden is worse. I personally don’t really agree though - I think I’d prefer a semi-competent person I disagree with driving the ship than an incompetent person I disagree with slightly less

I just can’t see a perspective from which Biden is worse. What is she talking about? It seems to me that you could nominate a cactus for president and still be doing better than Trump.