r/SneerClub archives
I may be a hated rationalist, but I thought you guys would like this GPT-3 post prompted by "Elon Musk and Peter Thiel". For your entertainment: (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/hm9mnc/i_may_be_a_hated_rationalist_but_i_thought_you/)


Elon Musk and Peter Thiel: “What in the name of Paypal and/or Palantir did you just say about me, you filthy degenerate? I’ll have you know I’m the Crown Prince of Silicon Valley, and I’ve been involved in numerous successful tech startups, and I have over B in liquid funds. I’ve used that money to promote heterodox positions on human enhancement, control political arenas, and am experimenting with mind uploading. I’m also trained in classical philosophy and was recently ranked the most influential libertarian in the world by Google. You are nothing to me but just another alternative future. I will wipe you out with a precision of simulation the likes of which has never been seen before, mark my words. You think you can get away with insulting me using your crude, antiquated computer? Think again, fleshling. As we chat over Skype I’m tracing your IP address with my freaking bare hands so you better prepare for the singularity, you sham-empress. The singularity that wipes out all of reality. You’re dead, you monster. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can simulate entire worlds within our world and within my imagination. And I’m currently doing that with the future you’re from. Not only am I extensively trained in quantum physics, but I have access to the entire power of Silicon Valley and I will use it to its full extent to rule you and your pathetic little world, you little pissant. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” statement was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you worthless peasant. I will take over every fiber of your body and you will watch it unfold in front of you. Your future self will be consumed within my simulated reality and you will die a thousand times a day, your body unable to comprehend the destruction of a trillion soul-matrixes a second as my intelligence grows to transcendent levels. You are dead, you pitiful twit.”



Thanks :) And: People still think with the jock/nerd distinction after leaving high school? Wow, who would even do that? 1% of the jocks become athletes, 99% go to other jobs. Meanwhile the nerds learn that physical recreation is actually kinda fun when you're not being judged for it (at least in my case). The bully/nerd distinction might still be relevant to some extent, though (anecdotally, word is a lot of the bullies tend to become police).
the jocks become internet SJWs, the nerds become internet Nazis
jocks: spend their high school years learning teamwork, good sportsmanship and healthy habits nerds: spend their high school years screaming racial slurs into an xbox headset
> xbox My high-school nerd personality would be offended at that almost as much as the "racial slurs" part :D Everyone knows true gamers use PCs.
Wait, you can't just plug your xbox headset in a pc?
jocks: take steroids, grow into man mountains, joints fucked by age 40 nerds: take modafinil and 5HTP, write 10,000 words of blog post daily
Americans are weird.
The remark “after high school” is kinda funny when you’re on /r/SneerClub because as I’ve been pointing out quite often lately I and the other mods (not to mention users of the sub) field a lot of shit that’s basically about people’s subliminal jocks vs geeks worldview they picked up in high school, including from e.g. Scott Aaronson, who notably went straight from high school to “high-ass genius” status very quickly (never be a child prodigy, it’ll either fuck you up or fuck you up differently) By the way, one reason I find it so funny to get accused of this kind of shit: I was a fat nerdy teenager who was into Warhammer 40K for a bunch of my teens until I discovered boxing - a sport I can know longer do due to a dumb injury in my main hand - and when I got my chance to be “cool” in my latter teens it was as the eccentric weirdo in a crew of four eccentric weirdos. The one who could never get laid. I used to joke that even though none of us were ever “jocks” or the like of that at least we were feared and respected by the jocks themselves for our superhuman drug intake and the extremity of our geeky knowledge of dub and jungle music amongst other things. Like you have to contextualise these things (which rationalists often don’t do, it being a “low-decoupler” sort of behaviour), I was a lit crit prodigy dickhead, my then best friend was (and is) a painter, at least a couple of my schoolfriends have gone on to be very successful fucking physicists working out of Cambridge. It’s the “Lifes Rich Pageant” thing, and some people just never grow out of secondary school (or high school if you’re not in the UK, although that’s kind of changing here too), and I’ll acknowledge that - you know - I never really grew up I just got older and beardier.
> never be a child prodigy, it’ll either fuck you up or fuck you up differently) I can attest to that. Since you were kind enough to share your life story uncensored, I'll reciprocate and tell you mine. In high school, I was top of my class, ran out of STEM AP classes in 11th grade and took college classes thereafter, by the end I was taking vector calculus and assembly programming at the local community college, and won a 2nd and a 3rd place at national-level competitions. Once had a professional IQ test and it was 143. So, child prodigy status established. Meanwhile, in private, I was extremely reclusive and went home to a family that would frequently beat me or threaten to. I had very little socialization with my peers, for several reasons (in ascending order): (a) I read a bunch of horror stories about bullies and nerds in high school on the internet (b) I had social anxiety and stuttering (c) I was trans and secretly buying hormones/puberty blockers online (if you're not familiar, for trans people being exposed to the wrong puberty can lead to irreversible damage or changes that require major surgery to reverse (think grinding down bones) - I read about that when I was 13 and tried to prevent that) , and I really, really didn't want my parents to find out (since they would obviously stop me and then it would be back to the "grinding down bones" as soon as I'm 18) so I kept quiet just in case I accidentally open up to someone else and they tell my parents... So I essentially spent my high school life devoted to academics and neglecting everything else. Eventually when I was in college at 20 I started mentally breaking down and taking drugs, and finally decided that I needed to come out as trans and socially transition and did, my parents did not take it kindly, and I ended up having to leave college after my 2nd year (though I did pass enough courses for a minor in math and a minor in CS, but you can't get a minor without a major and college is for credentials in our society so who cares). Now, despite being a pretty capable programmer/polymath and having transitioned successfully, I am depressed and socially isolated, and afraid to share my story without a pseudonym to anyone but my couple close friends, because I feel like I let everybody down on the expectations that were set up for me when I was young. Sorry, I probably wrote more things than I should have. Would you kindly not weaponize these things against me or my fellow rationalists? Just want to give some perspective on how being a child prodigy can end up from the other side of the aisle.
I’ve gone through about three iterations of an attempt to sympathetically reply to you here, referencing my own life, other people’s lives of people whom I’ve loved and lived with (especially on trans stuff) and it makes me so sad that I think I could do with a walk around the block this early in the morning before I seriously reply as my actual self - insofar as one could speak of such a hing - but I really think I should get back to you on this because it reflects a lot of the values I hold dear and which motivate me to be a part of the Sneer community
I'd like to read that, seems like something very interesting. And as an aside, just something to mention on trans stuff, but the rationalist community is IME *the* most trans-friendly "nerdy" crowd I know of. In all the time I spent with rationalists, I've never been shown the slightest amount of disrespect for being trans, much less had to worry about being misgendered. Must be why we have 10x more transgender people than the population - according to the surveys, about 1/4 of our women are trans, to the point that there's a joke about "fixing our disbalanced gender ratio one transition at a time". I think the contributing factors are (a) the ideology of transhumanism, that human minds and experiences matter above all and we have the right to change/correct our biology as we see fit to make our lives better and (b) our philosophy of categorization, which makes a whole lot of gender-binaristic views seem very stupid when viewed through that lens -- the first article I ever read on LessWrong was [Disguised Queries](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/4FcxgdvdQP45D6Skg/disguised-queries), and at the time I was trying to understand how to operationalize gender, and I immediately saw strong parallels and jumped right in to reading the sequence.
You’ve given me a good jumping off point so I’ll make an attempt at a sympathetic reply that doesn’t centre my own experiences unnecessarily: my impression is, overall, that the “rationalist” community is even if not entirely stacked with bad people, stacked with ideas and social norms that *permit* odious behaviours to flourish. We have seen that on this very sub, with MetaMed, Jax’s harrowing story, and so on. But it remains undeniable that in contrast to, say, conservative America or the British Left (of which I am literally a card-carrying member), rationalists, with a number of significant exceptions, are often progressive and/or accepting on trans rights. This is a point at which you have to hand it to Yudkowsky: he does actually call out people for the transphobia and racialism which sometimes dominates links made from this sub. Problem is, we’ve had a few troubling things from the Yud himself posted here or in related forums too, particularly as they pertain to sexual practices that are at best sketchy (traditional British understatement doing a lot of heavy-lifting here). So I can see where you’re coming from, totally, and especially given how many of my friends have been made happier people in a harsh world after transitioning or beginning their transition. I’m a queer but nonetheless cis dude myself, and these are people I really care about and love the fact that they find accepting communities wherever they can. For both your (a) and (b) points there’s a lot to be said for that and your charitable reading thereof implies shit of which I’m a (limited but not that limited) fan such as philosophical/scientific pragmatism and generalistic epistemological holism. The problem arises though that when you actually do try to take a holistic view which permits of queerly difficult binaries you still have an obligation to apply that view to the sources from which you’re getting it. Fact is, as I see it anyway, too many of the quote unquote “thought-leaders” in the rationalist community are basically just creeps, and I can’t countenance that sort of thing. Too many close friends of mine have been abused (sometimes serially) for me to have any quarter on that, which might seem like a selfish motivation I guess. I know I didn’t really get around to addressing what you really meant or your own personal history here. Frankly it’s a bit too raw to try to address much of what you said in your original reply without your being a personal friend, so sorry about that. If nothing else you’re a welcome friend of the sub, and the whole point of this place implies no matter what your views (unless they’re e.g. racist) people outside the normal spectrum of things have a home here.
Thank you for the kind reply, I love that we are able to see each other as human beings. I agree with a lot of that, such as this: >"stacked with ideas and social norms that permit odious behaviours to flourish" That is very true, unfortunately, that's also a necessary evil. Our belief-system implies having to listen and evaluate any idea, as long as it's polite and well-reasoned. I admit that we could do better at protecting against the political brigading that comes as soon as someone says "hey, alt-right, this space is safe for you!" I don't know how to correct that without also risking that, maybe, some unfashionable idea that is good would be filtered out. I even have the same issue personally, where I find some toxic transphobic theory (e.g. Blanchardism) that makes me feel terrible but can't quite ignore it without doing my due diligence to check if it might be right (FYI, it's not, but that's a whole another essay). Understand, this is for good purposes. I could list many, but here's one: For all the infowarriors and concern trolls, there are also many people who have no idea they said something wrong, when they were just trying to politely ask about some fact, and be totally confused when they're being shamed or banned, often due to being young or inexperienced or autistic or foreign-raised or whatnot. And if you don't explain that to them, someone else will, and that someone else will be the guy in the corner in the brown shirt going "Shh, want to hear what these SJWs don't want you to know?" I will say this: most of the people saying odious things in our comments are not rationalists, probably have never even read most of what we write, and just heard that this is a good place to get listened to. And we do want it to be a good space to get listened to, but not disproportionately for these kinds, because that would scare away others... I think Scott mentioned setting higher civility standards for right-wing comments because he had a problem with that too. I think that with the amount of right-wing bigots being driven out of other places, we have a refugee crisis that we don't know how to cope with without compromising our values of intellectual openness. Our hope is that most of these kind won't have the civility to pass our standards of debate and can be summarily banned for that reason. --- I see that you're familiar with philosophy as well, that's awesome - FYI, I noticed that a lot of the concepts from Yudkowsky's [A Human's Guide to Words](https://www.lesswrong.com/s/SGB7Y5WERh4skwtnb) (IMO, one of the best things he ever wrote) are based on the works of [Eleanor Rosch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_Rosch), so if you've ever read her you'll know the gist of it. --- >Fact is, as I see it anyway, too many of the quote unquote “thought-leaders” in the rationalist community are basically just creeps, and I can’t countenance that sort of thing. Too many close friends of mine have been abused (sometimes serially) for me to have any quarter on that, which might seem like a selfish motivation I guess. That sounds terrible... Definitely not something I or any of my friends would endorse. Do you know which ones (if you wish to name them) so I can avoid them? Should go without saying but fuck abusers. --- >unless they’re e.g. racist Oh, absolutely never. There is a small minority of people in rationalist spaces which talk about "HBD" or other forms of racialism. They say they're just arguing facts, and on that point I will modify a quote from Yudkowsky: > The problem was that [HBD] seemed near in idea-space to a large class of potential hazards, all of which, regardless of their plausibility, had the property that they presented no potential benefit to anyone. They were pure infohazards. The only thing they could possibly do was be detrimental to brains that represented them, [and the non-white people in their community]. As far as I see it, "race science" is a pure infohazard. Kinda like a technique on how to make a radioactive dirty bomb in your home - which can't be used to make a nuclear reactor that can bring some use, just a bomb that will poison everyone in the city. When smart people discover something that can *only* be used to do harm, they're usually smart enough to keep their mouth shut about it. I know a couple things like that (my ex-bf is an epidemiologist), and I'm not posting them online and never will. What matters is not whether it's a fact (and it's probably not), it's "what sort of hatred for humanity makes you want to bring it to the public's attention so desperately?" And once again, thank you for being so understanding and showing me that even typically-enemies can see each other as human beings :)
Is it necessary, though? This is asked honestly and openly, I used to be a free speech absolutist and I wonder if you could convince me of it. I know you give some reasons but you couch them in clauses and extra restrictions that I wonder do you really think it's necessary or is it a price of entry you're willing to pay to that particular space?
Rosch has done some really interesting work, but she's a psychologist, not a philosopher. And the fact that so-called rationalists can't tell the difference between psychology and philosophy is one of the reasons the entire ratcult is fucked up.
It’s genuinely cool that you’re coming into /r/SneerClub with an open mind. And all the more that you’re doing so while making yourself vulnerable, talking about things that a lot of people would rather be cagey about. All to the good, and I’m glad we could speak to each other on equal terms, so here’s a few thoughts: I’ve frequently mentioned on this subreddit that I’m a fan of the English political philosophers Glen Newey and John Gray. Gray is something of a blowhard and Newey sadly died far too young a couple of years ago in a surprise boating accident. Nonetheless, both have/had worked to acknowledge a central and important insight about liberal-democratic politics: that sometimes, or even in fact very often, value-conflicts would not just emerge in the course of freely spoken debate, but would be intractable. People would simply refuse to budge on certain important issues. Not just because they were being stubborn, but because their fundamental values were in conflict with the possibility of being convinced by a freely held discussion. This at a few different times has been referred to as the “post-liberal” worldview, which in contrast to the generally libertarian “free speech absolutist” (or some similar programme) worldview acknowledges that there are other methods than free speech which successfully motivate political progress. Similarly - at least as my minor hero Glen Newey used to go - impoliteness and attacks on an ideological opponent can be viewed as historically justified insofar as they work towards some ultimately good end. Indeed even Kant’s notoriously hardcore non-consequentialist ethics did not extend to his refraining from cracking jokes at the expense of an interlocutor or two. The ethic of this sort of “post-liberal” view is organised around the twin principles that being rude now and again (especially if you’re funny) is a historically grounded method for getting at the heart of a matter, and that freely spoken debates are a fungible resource which although not always sometimes deserve retribution on the basis that the premises on which they work are already abhorrent. The terms on which such meta-political debates turn have an irritating tendency to reflect the debaters‘ personal proclivities, often it seems from what they picked up in childhood, which is perhaps why we find Plato in *The Republic* aiming for a genuinely objective view of the personal soul and of the wider body politic. More recently, a student of political economy will find Friedrich Hayek arguing for free-speech *only insofar* as it works in support of his preferred form of liberal democracy - Margaret Thatcher did the same under Hayek’s influence. Personally I prefer Aneurin Bevan’s response to the whole thing, which was simply to fulminate against people who valued political-economic abstractions (not to mention over common sense and their own self-interest), no matter how uneven-handed it made him appear. So when it comes to the idea of inviting strange people with dodgy views I am disinclined to assent, even on the grounds that you might be able to dissuade them from their worst opinions. I’ve spent too long online fielding just the weirdest sort of shit from people I would kindly term “nutcases” to open the door to what they’re at. I understand and appreciate the fact that you’ve felt supported by the community you’ve found yourself in, and by their ethics, but there is a bit of a gulf between you and I on a few things, especially when it comes to the ethics and politics of conversation. To finish off an unfortunately dark note: I guess browsing the sub is the best way to pick up on the abusers, seeing as I generally want to avoid making plain statements on who they are. Either way, stay safe and have a nice day and all that shit. And once again I’m glad you’ve found people that accept you, no matter that I disagree with a lot of the culture.
I probably couldn't name a single person who plays sports in my school unless they were a friend of mine.
You can't be a jock and a nerd at the same time! You're breaking the precious, precious dualism that structures our world!

I may be a hated rationalist

It’s okay. So are/were, apparently, half to a majority who post/lurk this sub.

Yeah, I don't fear you guys the way I fear, say, TERFs. There's a difference between intellectuals having a heated disagreement and actual identity-group hate. I learned that the hard way when I tried to debate with TERFs (in a very stereotypically-rationalist "let's just focus on these specific facts" way) and in response one threatened to dox me and out me to everyone I know. Lesson learned on that front.
TERFs are genuinely scary. I am worried they will literally start shooting things up soon.
And TERFism is not the most scary mindvirus to recently pop up. Have you seen Qanon? apparantly a US general is now a Qanon person.
Yeah, they're all going to get into an unholy alliance.
More 👏🏻female 👏🏻mass 👏🏻shooters! 👏🏻 - TERFs, probably

I’m also trained in classical philosophy

Ow god you madmen, you trained gpt-3 to lie!

The generated text has a high 4chan post energy, so at least we dont have to worry it becomes self aware. (Isnt there an 1d4chan page with variants of this post? Iirc there are also warhammer 40k trained sniper posts like this).

E: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Katanas_are_Underpowered_in_d20 ah no it was katanas

Good find. Welcome to the dark (triad) side.

You can check out, but you can never leave.

Direct Link to AI Navy Seals section:


Amazing, honestly couldnt quite believe the OP was real, it just seemed too coherent, but apparently it is!

…Robin Hanson (Overcoming Bias): “What did you just say about me? I’ll have you know I’m an Overcoming Bias blogger and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on rationality blogs, and I have over 300 confirmed rationalists. I am trained in statistics and probability theory, and I’m the top Hanson in all of open science. You are nothing to me but another blank slate. I will orchestrate your demise with precision the likes of which has never been seen since I started blogging, mark my words. You think you can get away with being a blank slate? Think again, blank slate. As we speak I am contacting my network of Hanson bloggers across the globe and your street address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the condemnation, you fool. The condemnation that wipes out your condescending ways, you bariaur. You’re dead, blank slate. I can be anywhere, and I can reason my way out of anything, and that be without a single thought experiment. Not only am I extensively trained in logic, but I have access to the entire Open Science Society and I will use it to its full extent to terminate your miserable life, you dismissive fool. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you arrogant troll. I will embarrass you with logic and you will drown in it. You’re dead, blank slate.”

Truly, I fear the AI apocalypse. It is right on our doorstep.

Can’t wait until we get a GPT-3 subreddit sim

GPT-2 is already up and running in case you didnt know: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubSimulatorGPT2/ Dont know if GPT-3 will really make that much of a difference.

I’m making “sham-empress” my new go-to insult.


As much as I enjoyed this, I could never bring myself to upvote on a rationalist. Enjoy my cold and stony indifference.

Tag yourself I’m “sham-empress.”
