r/SneerClub archives
Look at these extremely offended dorks (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23781743)

As soon as I read the article I knew that a lot of rationalists would interpret the overall extremely sympathetic article as a hit-job because it expressed the mildest criticism of Scott’s actions.

same, i was telling my irl friends who are thoroughly confused that it was a shitty article but the fallout would be hilarious anyway. They're going into paroxysms of paranoia by now
Them, a mostly normal individual: So basically the article you just linked is an overly rosy picture of Scott Alexander and friends as well? Me: Yes, and I’d be deeply concerned if that was the end of the matter But since it isn’t and they’re going to cry about it anyway, :popcorn: Plus more attention means more light shining at the not-so-hidden-racism. It's only the tech bros whose prejudices are flattered by Scott's ideology that find it hard to see.
As predicted, the orange site is reacting proportionately

I like how this guy is just methodically ripping apart what’s supposed to be Scott’s most sympathetic piece. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23783708

And more: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23785224 Precisely.
Which blogpost was being discussed here? Couldn't find the context of the comment
So the very top one refers to Scooter's letter. The second link is referring to https://web.archive.org/web/20190102011649/https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/12/18/fallacies-of-reversed-moderation/

it’s also fun to watch them realising in real time that subtext is a thing

It's only subtextual when journalists, women, and minorities do it. Ycombinators' innately superior intellects and capacity to conjure up another layer of abstraction make them provably immune to bias and to the need to engage with those messy contextual hinterlands where provincials pig out on history and its legacy, structural inequality, and other such mud piles.
sounds like low decoupling to me...
>decoupling Imagine being a racist caboose.

“Tying Scott and Silicon Valley together is another case where I simply do not understand the way reporters/journos draw cultural ties, boundaries, allegiances, and opposition.”

Riveting intellectual thoughts here

It’s about ethics in tech journalism!

So the playbook is to denigrate SSC by conflating his (granted, self-imposed) deplatforming

self-imposed) deplatforming.