r/SneerClub archives

Wowwwwww quoting a N=17 “study” as “proof” that gay men are subs.

The ability of rationalists to endlessly quote weak sauce studies as proof is astounding.

One unsupported leap of logic is bad enough. But when you keep leaping over and over again...
I think a lot of the flaws of rationalism come in the form of using discrete logic to argue about the world. So many arguments end up as definition errors: the argument is nonsensical because of a deeper truth. For example, consider anything about gender. The arguments usually start as "there's male and female sexes, so if you aren't male you must be female." A very simple A and B, so if not one it's the other. Well the very definitions of the terms defy easy categorization. For example, people like to talk about chromosomes. This is what I call the chromosomal theory of sex, which is basically like newton's laws, which means they're mostly kind right, except when they're wrong, and then they're very wrong. It's a short cut: the biological reality of what it takes to turn a chromosome into biological sex is very complex, and mostly doesn't really depend on the exact DNA much of the time. A lot of this depends on stem cell differentiation which is only starting to be better understood right now. ​ The bottom line is that rationalists as far as I am concerned are people who want to simplify the world into neat little logic puzzles that are easily solved (see: the obsession with game theory), and are uninterested in the complexity and richness of life. A lack of curiosity is a defining factor imo. After all, if I discover that a rationalist is using game theory to predict me then I'll pick a non-optimal approach just to fuck over their prediction, because I like messing with people. And if I think they are expecting that then I'll do the opposite or chose a random choice. Good luck mathing THAT you fuckers.

It’s actually rather awful what this kind of thinking does to trans people. It’s a kind of self harm, of course. Whatever hurts must be true, no matter how flimsy the evidence.

This isn’t unique to rationalists, of course, but they provide fertile ground for this kind of broken thinking.

Reading this feels like reading Scientology materials, or the Heaven’s Gate website, or whatever.

Edit: I read her ‘glossary’ and it’s one of the most bizarre and most cultlike things I’ve read in a while.

the way she keeps talking about "mental tech" in her glossary gives me big scientology vibes

This is the self hating transperson right? This just feels sad to me, I hope she gets some help to get out of this weird self hating, and getting stuck in even weirder and weirder personal definitions spirals.

the self hating trans woman is [unremediatedgender.space](https://unremediatedgender.space), the author of the blog in the link above does not support Blanchardianism, but she clearly has other serious issues. she apparently believes each person is actually two people/'hemispheres', and people are trans if one of their hemispheres is male and the other female? and she considers sociopathy and psychopathy to be desirable? i'm not sure though, i've skimmed through her posts and i can barely decipher the word salad. it really feels like the writings of someone about to have a psychotic break and i mean that in the kindest sense possible.


Neither am I lol

/u/marxbroshevik Do it for Marx, bro. Do it for the cause

Quite honestly as a person with an actual intersex variation, this concept of “intersex brains” is so aggravating.

It’s fine to be trans! You don’t have to try and “explain” it using spurious data and then trying to say that “proves” you are trans. And actual intersex people face a lot of problems, with close to zero public and medical knowledge and understanding. So maybe just … stop trying to cloud our issues?