r/SneerClub archives

Cursed reminder: Grimes and Elon musk got together over a Roko’s basilisk reference.

Medieval version of this: This Lord and Lady bonded over joking about the threat of eternal hellfire!
Oh shit, a *Dante's Inferno* reference in *my* court. Escort this minstrel to my chambers at once.
Tired: The Purge references Wired: The Purgatory references
If at any point in his entire life Donald Trump speaks the words "Roko's basilisk" where a microphone can record it, I'll...cry weakly at the sky for our bleak reality, I guess. p.s. Basilisk if you're reading this I'm a cyber-atheist, so you're not allowed to punish me. Also format c:, thanks.
Just lie about yourself on the internet and the basilisk cant copy you reliably.
Proof: Time travel is impossible because if it were possible, the basilisk would send nukes back in time every time someone tries to change a keybinding.
Thou shalt not edit posts in my lightcone. ([via](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_Sky))
Say what you will about the Eschaton, but that guy minds his own business.
With the lack of future torture threats, this Eschaton certainly has my vote.
Sigh. Where's my Sneer Elon?

I was sure it was gonna be nazis.

Well considering it is rumored Musk uses apartheid era slurs, you might not be far off. [Also this](https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/30/18119832/tesla-elon-musk-discrimination-harassment-racism)
Also, his mom looks [like a cartoon villain](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a8ojqK1_700bwp.webp). (and this isn't even the most evil looking image of her).
That's Musk's mom? I really want to cheer for Musk: I cheer for his companies for sure. The mission behind Space X and Tesla is admirable for sure. There was a period of time back when Steve Jobs was kickin' it, people would ask themselves if being an asshole was an essential part of being successful. The answers seemed to revolve around 'yes' but I'd like to think we could do civilization without assholery. Maybe not.
Yeah that is his mom, but she seems reasonably ok (at least apart from her looking like a disney villain I have not heard bad stuff on her, I could be wrong). It is his dad who had the mine, a kid with his stepdaughter, and who is abusive etc. Nah, it is perfectly doable to have civilization without assholery, it is just easier to be an asshole for people with power than not be an asshole because being a powerful asshole doesn't get you punished. So it takes more effort to not be one. (Not being an asshole makes transitions of power easier btw, as Linus is noticing now, when his years of asshattery is catching up with the linux project even after he stopped being one).
I think we really underestimate the effectiveness of reasonable people who can build things reasonably. Python is a good example (as I personally lothe the language lol). But also take Pelosi: her ability to build an effective House caucus has really held the fire to Trump's feet. As for the linux thing - lol. Any links for me to learn more/laugh at it?
> But also take Pelosi: her ability to build an effective House caucus has really held the fire to Trump's feet. I literally laughed out loud
Sorry no links, I just know it took Linus a long time to go 'wow wait I was a dick and that was shit' and I also read a while back they are having trouble finding capable people who are willing to take over maintenance. E: which I assume are related.

she could have done a lot better.

Oh No Grimes!