r/SneerClub archives


> Did these idiots ever actually read 1984? They grokked what was written in 1984 from first principles (and the plot synopsis on wikipedia). Much easier, lifehack!
>(and the plot synopsis on wikipedia) You really think they read that?
Please I still believe in the one magical rationalists who reads and doesnt instantly dismiss a non rationalist source.
> Y'know what's the closest thing to thoughtcrime in our society? Clearly getting chewed out on Twitter by someone with green hair because you tweeted a racism is the same thing as the surveillance state deeming you a terrorist and locking you up in a black site indefinitely.
> Did these idiots ever actually read 1984? This would require them to be able to read and understand a novel-length text.
>You can tell your eye surgeon's skill level by their race? Tell me more about your "rationality". They're like your tin foil hat Facebook conspiracy relatives after deep-throating a thesaurus -- they die on contact when quizzed on basic lower division O-chem when questioned about their internet certified^(TM) medical expertise.

remember folks, the motter sees nothing wrong with screaming racial slurs in the face of literally everyone they meet, distrust anyone who wouldn’t do it, and believes it’s a terrible injustice if anyone thinks the less of them for their complete and utter devotion to racism and hatred. they will never, ever change.

I hate that Stormfront posts from 2003 have become mainstream views, so much so that I increasingly encounter them as each day passes. And I hate that the Swanson frozen dinner trust fund baby Carlson is at the forefront of pushing RaHoWa conspiracies.
> orchestrated by 'small-hat tribe' These absolute dunces actually think they're clever, don't they?
"Cone-hat" maybe?
idk if you're talking about dunce caps or kkk uniforms and i love it

I’ll be honest I don’t know anyone who talks let alone thinks vaguely like this in my offline life. Like this guy sounds pretty clearly to be an ethnonationalist. I think he discredits Tucker in a big way. It makes his borderline if arguably valid stuff seem a lot more ominous. This kinda stuff makes SJW claims about the right have some substance.

Keeping this guy poisons your whole brand. Racism trumps just about everything and this easily makes authy leftists the good guys.

Instead of denouncing the guy for his racism and shitty views, they are more mad that it gives the left ammo against Tucker and the right. All they are doing is waging CW and complaining they are losing.

wow that is insane. That is like strait from a thriller or mystery novel or Hollywood but in real life. It is possible even for the CIA, I think, to triangulate locations based on even small landmarks in a photo or induce a timestamp of a video by analyzing the change of the pixelation of ambient light as the sun moves across the horizon as the video is filmed.

It was an open secret on the forum he was a writer for Tucker. There were pictures with his reflection. You look at pictures of the writers and compare with the reflections. Then compare post details with facts you know about the writer.

None of that shit is hard. It doesn’t require the CIA. Or triangulation. It really only takes time.

AutoAdmit.com can be summed up as “4chan for legal students” in both its format and its cavalier attitude toward slurs and casual racism. Charles was a well-known and well-regarded poster there, reliably funny and insightful, someone with whom I’ve interacted with before; it was essentially an open secret that he was a Tucker writer, though I hadn’t suspected his prominence.

Imagine admitting to hanging out on “4chan for legal students” where casual racism and slurs are common, while being a grown fucking man. Just completely mask off “I’m a casual racist” and “this guy with shitty views? I like him”. And none of the posters care this dude hangs out there.

Fuck all of these people.

AutoAdmit has lost one of its kindest contributors.


> wow that is insane. That is like strait from a thriller or mystery novel or Hollywood but in real life. It is possible even for the CIA, I think, to triangulate locations based on even small landmarks in a photo or induce a timestamp of a video by analyzing the change of the pixelation of ambient light as the sun moves across the horizon as the video is filmed. The funniest part of this stupid garbage is that the actual real life event it was inspired by -when osama bin laden was located via the rock strata in the background of a video he released- had absolutely nothing to do with the government and only happened because [when the video was released publicly geologists all over the world were calling in with where those rocks were](http://www.loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=01-P13-00044&segmentID=8). Information fusion is barely better than having a searchable twitter/facebook and news stories. The actual smart people are nowhere near intelligence lol

What the hell? Is /r/TheMotte not even pretending anymore?

Some girl laughed at his poetry once, and he's still pissed about it.

I’ve previously written here about my deep abiding love for Tucker Carlson’s nightly monologues, monologues which over the last few years have mapped out a bold, family centric, isolationist, class conscious, eco friendly, viable future for the right.

Yikes. Also, you got to hand it to tucker he can say the 14 words in 10.

Guard your opsec! This place is much more defensible than AutoAdmit, but SneerClub getting its views mainstreamed

Ow what will the mainstream do when our ‘don’t dox’ and ‘ugh rationalist suck, and are not funny’, ‘themotte has to much cryptonazis, NRx and nazbols’ ideas get mainstream. (And ‘this place is more defensible’ if the whole ‘all tech is controlled by SJWs’ thing was true any person working for reddit could just look in the database and get all these posters private info).


Even Popehat (who has defended far right people legally in the past) was making fun of AutoAdmit for being stormfront for bad lawyers.

E: wow the thread there really devolved into paranoia and a lot of racism. And lol at the ‘No native americans want to remove the R-word, only libs’ please, follow some native americans Example (in an actual tribe not ’my grandmother was 1/4th native, lot of tribes don’t follow blood rules).

Lol at his use of “opsec” when the “op” in question is “being racist”

Yeah, have to make sure your shitty opinions and comments can't be tied to your actual person.
Step 1, dont write 14 words sounding scripts for Tucker.

bold, family centric, isolationist, class conscious, eco friendly

Every dog within a three mile radius just started howling.

for the past few years I've been screeching and hollering that the right is going to transition into ecofascism as soon as climate change's horrors actually manifest in the first world. and everyone's called me a naive fool, and now that it's starting to come true I would feel Told You So but now I'm terrified and sad
I'm surprised you've got a lot of pushback tbh. This is a fairly common idea in some circles. It's one of the future scenarios in Peter Frase's *Four Futures: Life After Capitalism* for instance ('Exterminism'). The question is whether that transition can be successful, and whether it will gain the right more political power.
Isn't that what that russian nazbol is going on about? The one who was translated by Spencers wife (ex?)? Seems pretty clear that the far right will do this first, and then right will also do it. Machinegunning (climate) refugees at border walls was always my doomsday end for all this tbh. (Which is further along as I thought btw, as there are already paramilitaries at various borders 'hunting' refugees) My horror was not the pushback this idea got. But the shrugs.
>Isn't that what that russian nazbol is going on about? The one who was translated by Spencers wife (ex?)? No idea about Spencer's wife — are you thinking about Linkola? He was Finnish, not Russian, and I don't think he really counts as Nazbol, though his willingness to ally with far right and far left to preserve the environment could be seen as reminiscent.
I meant Alexander Dugin
Oh, him! Yeah, fuck that guy

AutoAdmit.com can be summed up as “4chan for legal students” in both its format and its cavalier attitude toward slurs and casual racism.

oh that’s a fairly surprising condemnation

Charles was a well-known and well-regarded poster there, reliably funny and insightful, someone with whom I’ve interacted with before


well this is still a condemnation

Did someone create an Only Fans page for "Charles"? Am I reading that correctly?

These people are horrible human beings and reading their bullshit is making me really angry. I need a break from the internet.