r/SneerClub archives

From the replies :

  • “Well, you’ve almost got the job…. any other skills you’d like to highlight?” - “Yes: I am exceptionally good at not factoring in context when assessing meaning.”
Exactly what fields would view that as beneficial in a new hire? Assassins? Mob accountants? Venture Capita...ooooooooooooohhhhh.
My major starts with a P and I have a minor in coming to sweeping conclusions about things outside of my field and yelling that I'm Galileo when people say I'm wrong..
Evopsyche starts with an e actually.

Rebranding compartmentalization as a virtue is ‘rational’ af.


I can’t decide which is crazier about this particular piece of cult-speak.

Is it that they’re priding themselves for stripping literally everything they discuss of all context? They talk as if that’s some sort of virtue rather than something that might be properly diagnosed as the result of an exotic brain lesion.

Or is it that rambling on about “decoupling” in the context of “HBD” makes them all sound like they are racist trains?

> It's only high decoupling if it comes from the lesswrong region of the internet, otherwise it's just sparkling cognitive dissonance https://twitter.com/hikikomorphism/status/1282161657762902016

“I am a high decoupler”

Flair pls tbqh

So since they’ve reinvented death of the author but for political screeds, and as we all know death of the author like all other forms of critique is part of the Marxist plot to annihilate human civilization, does that then imply that Dawkins is also getting Sorosbucks? Because I better be getting paid more than him, I swear to fuck

I’m capable of high decoupling it just turns out that decoupling is normatively wrong most of the time 🤷‍♂️


What's the context here?
We got a low decoupler over here!
Lol no genuinely, wanted to know when he said that. If anything I'm sure it'll make even less sense
Ow yes im also curious, it just was such an obvious joke to make in context here.
> Ezra Klein >>I think there is what you would call confusion here. I do think it’s just important to say this. I have not criticized you, and I continue to not, for having the conversation. I’ve criticized you for having the conversation without dealing with and separating it out and thinking through the context and the weight of American history on it. >Sam Harris >> The weight of American history is completely irrelevant to— >Ezra Klein >>It can’t possibly be irrelevant on something that even you admit is environmental! https://www.vox.com/2018/4/9/17210248/sam-harris-ezra-klein-charles-murray-transcript-podcast

From the comments: https://twitter.com/robinhanson/status/1122269282539274240?s=19

Is #2 even decoupling, or is it just not understanding what ethnic cleansing is or how ethnostates are formed?

The KKK thing so close to being right. We should acknowledge that KKK ranks sound like D&D characters. It’s just that we should use that information to mock the KKK for being weird nerds, not think that actually calling yourself a “Grand Wizard” is a cool thing to do.

All I see is political compass.

Pretty sure it’s loss
I was making a joke that those 4 pictures make a very big brained political compass.
Snafuchs was making a joke it is the loss comic. ;)

I actually do think the questions about animal buggery as taboo is a worthy area of investigation.

Also a stopped clock is right twice a day.

[My take on it](https://twitter.com/deingaraus/status/1282181709631565824?s=21) > I mean, the part about consent missing from the non sexual violation of animals is a good point, but I'd use it to argue in the exact opposite direction of her
I'm pretty sure Aella is a vegan iirc? And the post is def. not an argument for bestiality, like c'mon when she pushes the overton window towards things like ethnostates it isn't subtle.
Fair enough; I'm not following this person

This whole coupling decoupling thing is framed about ability, when it is really just a tool. Most people will introduce all the context they want when it supports a position a hold, and then will strip away all the context they can when it is necessary to support a position they hold.

High-decoupling is mind rape.

(nsfw) As a communication act, high-decoupling is a form of non-consensual psychic assault on the sense-making faculties of the listener, because the listener is forced to ingest and process the message without any of the contextual cues that would enable them to construct a consensual shared understanding of the message.

This is the same style of communication that you would find on a propaganda poster: the communicator is attempting to seize, or take by force, the mental construction of the listener by intruding a meaning that must be taken as-such, with no possibility for the listener to willingly co-constitute meaning. The listener is forced to either submit to the message or rebel against it.

Ugh. Can people please not use "rape" cavalierly for things that are nothing like rape? There are plenty of other ways to get this idea across without being shitty.