r/SneerClub archives
oh, great, this fuckin' guy again (https://archive.is/fqmjI)

It’s not a prejudice, it’s a prior.

It says a lot about your community when a commentator has to preface their analysis with a 130 word warning distancing themselves from said community before engaging with its ideas.

(nsfw) Anyway this commentary misses the same boat everyone else forgot to get on.

Silicon Valley is attempting to replace the previous incarnation of mass media (including television and print journalism) as the new font for cybernetic social systems steering (a la Bateson, Mead, Luhmann). The medium is the message and there’s a power struggle over which oarsman gets to put their hands on the tiller. All the huff about tribal values and cancel culture is bread and circuses.

reminds me of this sentence from that New Yorker article: >Was this all actually about competing business models—an economic fight between those who produce the news and those who profit from its distribution?

This article is so self unaware it hurts. It is, as they say, a set of assumptions about the world that are not recognized as assumptions and thus go unexamined.

E: I mean wtf, taking a view of a few media peoples twitter accounts as an example of them all being into ‘being snotty’, lol.

I guess it's almost reassuring to see FdB revisiting one of his greatest hits, "I hold everyone who makes jokes personally responsible for the Fragmenting of the Left"

lying on the ground while a cop grinds their face into the asphalt with their knee, watching the shattered remains of their camera glisten in the strobing lights of a cruiser I wonder what my ironic “check out my soundcloud” reply should be when I post this on Twitter

Just remind Freddie that he made a promise to “go away”.



Nihilists! F*** me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.

Not according to the latest from /r/ssc! Apparently the Left is devoid of a philosophy and consists entirely of disjoint policy positions, unlike the Right.