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Trouble in paradise -does IQ = Morality proves divisive amongst caliper crew (https://twitter.com/evopsychgoogle/status/1224087729203367937?s=21)

I don’t think it is decisive, it prob is more like this:

When attacking ‘IQ is real and we shouldn’t ignore IQ when making policy decisions’

When defending ‘IQ isn’t linked to your moral worth’

If only there was a term for this switcharoo.

‘Moral worth is heritable’ Yiiiikes.

If I didn't know better I'd say it has something to do with castles.
There are 2 ~~kinds of people~~ways of thinking, building castles ~~the good way~~, and building cathedrals, in this essay I will...

Murray is sort of giving the game away here, no? He doesn’t (openly) think that people are inherently worse if their IQ is low, but he does think that they should be deprived of opportunities to develop and shunted into the lowest rung on the economic ladder if they’re part of a group whose IQ he thinks is low. The only way to reconcile these ideas is to argue that humans don’t deserve any fundamental dignity, that morality can’t and shouldn’t be rewarded, and that the existence of a hierarchy is more important than the morality or amorality of that hierarchy.

This is one of their typical tactics. "We should judge everyone as individuals but on the group level, the inferior stock need to be culled."
individualism for me, eugenics for thee
> The only way to reconcile these ideas is to argue that humans don't deserve any fundamental dignity, that morality can't and shouldn't be rewarded, and that the existence of a hierarchy is more important than the morality or amorality of that hierarchy. now you might think that was literally the point
> but he does think that they should be deprived of opportunities to develop and shunted into the lowest rung on the economic ladder if they're part of a group whose IQ he thinks is low. Hmm are you talking about what he advocates in general or in this thread somewhere?
In general. Advocating for welfare cuts is Murray's job as a political commentator.

So I’ve been wondering: is Emil Kirkegaard at all related to Søren Kierkegaard? Is it a particularly common last name?

came for the Kierkegaard, but there was only Kirkegaard
I'm not alone!
It means "Churchyard" in Danish but I don't know how common it is. Wikipedia gives two other people named either Kierkegaard or Kirkegaard.

Tell me more about this new Upper Class that has both left and right-wingers. Are we talking ‘coastal elites’ - are they ‘upper class’ now?

It’s horseshoe theory for countries with oceanic privilege

I knew DeGroot. Horrible to deal with.

Ouff sorry to hear that!
He is very sensitive to any criticism.
Any anecdotes that are safe for you to share?
I critiqued a piece he wrote on (I think) college admission in America. Probably for TakiMag. He took great offence. I am no feminist, but he is simply objectionable about women. He is either doing shtick to build a writing career or genuinely obnoxious.

Kirkegaard’s Kaliper Krew