r/SneerClub archives

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Don’t forget about these thought leaders.

Who is middle guy?
Lawrence Krauss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_M._Krauss
Oh, that's disappointing. Thanks for the heads up!

Forget Moloch or utility maximization or whatever. It is now crystal clear that the entire purpose of all of Western Civilization was to produce this image, and now that it has been done, there is no more need for it.

*Nine Billion Sneers of God,* by Arthur C. Snark

This image is adapted from Alexander and Diogenes by Gaspare Diziani

Inspired by this thread:


No-text version:


Now this, this is true art.

Absolutely incredible good God

Don’t tag me reeeeeee

It ain’t you being tagged don’t worry
bruh I was citing uscottalexander